Baptism Ceremony by Malachi Z York
Baptism Ceremony is written by Dr. Malachi Z. York. It contains over 114 pages and is approximately 4"x6" in size. Saddle stitch bound.BAPTISM CEREMONYAlthough this scroll is entitled "Baptism Ceremony", it also answers a lot of questions such as those below. What I find interesting about this scroll was the subject about the Barathary Gland. Answers to questions such as:What is Belief?How was Zuen able to cast the spell of sleep?Who are the Anunnaqi?Who were the Igigi?Who is Enlil?What is Baptism?Is there a difference between El Eloh and Elyown Elyown El?Why do we have to go through El Eloh to get to Elyown Elyown El?What caused the dispute between Enqi and Enlil over Rulership on Qi (Earth) and the Workers in the gold mines?Can you please explain how the "Adam" was created?How Zakar and Hawwah fell from grace?Who is Tammuz?Are the Anunnaqi coming for all mankind?Does the phrase "Born Again" mean the same thing as "Shahaadat"?What is man-made religion?What does being "born again" actually mean?Are we using the Muhammadan concept of standing witness?What is the purpose of Shahaadat or testimony?Are there any restrictions pertaining to Baptism?Should the Baptism be given in any particular language?What should a person be told to prepare themselves for being baptized?Is there baptism in Juda-ism?What is a ceremonial Bath and How is it performed?and many more questions about Baptism is answered in this scroll.