The Poems of Suradasa
Book Specification
Item Code: | IDE313 |
Author: | Krishna P. Bahadur |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 1999 |
ISBN: | 8170173698 |
Pages: | 365 (B & W Illus: 8) |
Cover: | Hardcover |
Other Details | 8.6" X 5.7" |
Weight | 600 gm |
Book Description
Suradasa, the blind saint-poet, lived in the sixteenth century during the establishment of the Mogul empire in India by Babur and its consolidation by Akbar. A Vaishnava of the Pushtimarga, he was spiritually inspired by Vallabha-charya and composed his outstanding work, the Surasagara 'Ocean of Poetry', closely following the Bhagavata which narrates the deeds of Krishna, whose staunch devote he was. His numerous padas composed I Brajbhasha are a treasure-house of the very best Hindi poetry on level with that of Tulasidasa, the author of the Ramayanabut unfortunately his poems remain comparatively much less known to the Western world. This English translation of some of the verse of his Surasagara endeavours to provide the reader with a representative selection from the various selection of this work English verse along with the transliterated version of the text, and in English prose for the narrative portions. The selection highlights Krishna as the Lord and as the amorous lover of Radha and the milkmaids of Braj.
Krishna P. Bahadur was born in Allahabad on 21 February 1924 and received his early education in St Joseph's and St Mary's Allahabad and La Martiniere, Lucknow. He did his M. A. in English from the Allahabad University.
He Served in the Indian Administrative Service on various senior posts including District Magistrate (for 10 years), Commissioner and Secreatory Harijan & Social Welfare and 20 Points Programme, Inspector General Prisons and Chairman Administrative Tribunals and Vigilance Commission.
Bahadur has written over fifty books on various subjects - Philosophy and Religion, History, Sociology, Biography, Fiction, Humour, Translations and Juveniles. His prominent works are the Wisdom of India series 7 vols., History of Indian Civilization 6 vols., History of the Freedom Movement in Indian 5 Vols., Castes, Tribes & Cultures of India 7 Vols., A Source Book of Hindu Philosophy, The Definitive Gita, the Raj and After, Aspects of the ramacharitamanasa, Folk Tales of Uttar Pradesh and six translations in the UNESCO collection [Rasikpriya, Selections from Ramachan-drika, Rural Songs of India, The Parrot & the Starling, Love Poems of ghanananda and the Satasai of Bihari (pub. Penguin Classics, London and New Delhi)]. He has also taken part in the International Seminar on the Gita and contributed to World Authors St James Publications, London.
Bahadur is recipient of the following honorary awards: Vidya Visharada, Vidya Ratnakara, Rotary award for outstanding public service. He is a biographer of Who's Who in the World, Contemporary Authors, International Book of Honor (all pub. USA); Dictionary of Interna-tional Biography, Who's Who in the Commonwealth Men of Achievement, International Who's Who of Contemporary Achievement (all pub. England); Contemporary Personalities (Academia Italia, Italy).
closely follows the Bhagavata.
Suradasa has often been compared with Tulasidasa, the mahdkaui (great poet), the author of the Ramacharitamdnasa 'The Lake of the Deeds of Rama' (manasara = 'a large lake'). This is not fair either to Sura or to Tulasi, for they sang about two different avatars of Vishnu who were poles apart. What closeness could there be between the sedate Rarna and the amorous heartbreaker, Krishna? Nonetheless as the two poets, Sura and Tula i and their respective creation , are considered to be on the same level, it is surprising that Tula I is far more popular and familiarly known than Sura. Tulasi's Ramayana has acquired a sanctity among Hindus [there are variations in almost all the regional languages of India-Krittivasa (Bangala) , Kambana (Tamil), Valmiki (Sanskrit), Ranganatha (Telugu) and so forth]. The Manasa of Tulasi is sung in practically every Hindu home and on special occasions recited in its entirety at one sitting. So much so is its esteem that on the occasion of the celebration of Krishna's birth, the Janmashtami, the hymn which is recited in quite a few Hindu homes at midnight when he is believed to have come on earth as Devaki's son, is not from the Bhagavata but from Tulasi' Manasa. The Riimiiya1J-a, unlike the Sarasagara, has crossed the ocean to countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Turkistan, Italy, France, the U.K and other lands. It has been translated into Latin, French, Italian and other European languages.
Krishnaism, too, has in some measure evoked interest in the West, as in the Hare-Krishna devotees and particularly in Krishna' message in the Bhagavadgita but Suradasa who sang about Krishna with such great devotion in his Surasagara, remains comparatively unknown. There are a number of books in Hindi about his poetry and poetic art and various recensions of Surasagara, but there is very little about his life or works in English, and though some verses of his have recently been translated into English by Jaikishandas Sadani, there is still need for a representative translation of the verses on various diverse topics in the padas of this 'Sun of Hindi poetry' (surya = the un). The present English translation of some of Sura's poems in the Surasagara has been produced in order to illustrate these various trends of the poet's work. arrative portions have been rendered into English prose, without the transliterated version of the Hindi text. For verses which were considered to be suitable for a verse to verse translation, the rendering is in English verse and the transliterated text with the usual diacritical marks has been given along with the English version. The Hindi text has also been given along with the English transliteration in passages which are in verse. The English transliterated version will be able to give Western readers unfamiliar with Hindi some idea about the original text.
A word about the problems involved in translation. Hindi has little linguistic similarity to English. Where in English one would say 'by the house', in Hindi it would be 'house by'. Taking a concrete example, verse 680 of chapter 10 Surasagara: nanda gae kharikahim hari linhe/ dekhi taharn radhikii tharhi boli lie tihim cinhe/ Literally translated this would read, word for word, as follows:' Nanda went to the grazing ground, Krishna taking. Seeing there Radha stand called her recognized'. Thus instead of 'taking Krishna along with him', in Hindi it would read 'Krishna taking', and instead of 'recognizing Radha he called (asked) her to come and join them', 'called her recognizing'. Very often Hindi verse has a strong trochaic beat which jars on Western ears rendering it unsuitable according to the modern concepts of English verse which does not favour any strongly stressed metre, even the common iambic, considering it to be unpoetic affectation. There are many such difficulties faced by a translator. Hindi verse is conventional in style, having a Miltonic ring and using metre and rhyme and shackled by rigid rules of versification, much as the old style of the English romantic poets. Modern English verse does not have that conventional style and is more or less like free verse unfettered by metre and rhyme, 'deliberately idiosyncratic and heavily colloquial'. One has therefore to convert in translation both language and style from the old to the new and that too near enough to the present day one; and at the same time remain faithful to the original, for any departure from the purport of the Hindi text would not really be translation. It is for this reason that the transliterated version has been given. It might help the English reader to savour some of the niceties of the original Hindi verse which the translation would inevitably fail to capture and convey.
The edition of Surasagara from which the verses have been selected for translation is the one by Dr Haradeva Bahari and Dr Rajendra Kumara, Allahabad: Lokabharati Prakashan, 1991, 2 vols. (comprising ten sections). Wherever possible the verse numbers of this edition have also been given along with the serial number.
The author wishes to express his gratefulness to the publishers for bringing out this book in these difficult times and for the excellent format.
Preface | 11 |
Acknowledgements | 15 |
Pronunciation Guide | 17 |
Problems in Reconstructing the Live of Saints 21 | |
Suradasa's Dates of Birth and Death 22 | |
Name, Caste, Parentage and Family 26 | |
Education 34 | |
Political Scenario 36 | |
Society 40 | |
Religion 45 | |
Surasagara 50 | |
Surasaravali 53 | |
Sahityalahari 54 | |
Devotion (Bhakti) 55 | |
Krishna as Ishvara 55 | |
Love 56 | |
Meeting 59 | |
Parting 59 | |
Parental Love (Vatsalya) 63 | |
Krishna 66 | |
Radha 68 | |
Diction 73 | |
Brajbhasha Words 73 | |
Sanskrit Words in Vernacular Form 74 | |
Words from other Language 74 | |
Alankara 74 | |
Shabda-alankara 75 | |
Artha-alankara 75 | |
Comparisons (Metaphors and Similes) 75 | |
Onomatopoeia 77 | |
Descriptions of Nature 77 | |
Nature in its Gentle Aspect 78 | |
Nature in its Stormy Aspect 78 | |
Idiom and Repetition 78 | |
Hyperbole 79 | |
Pictures of People and their Behaviour 80 | |
Invocation 89 | |
Worship of the Formless and of God with form 90 | |
Merciful Krishna 91 | |
The Lord Helps His Devotees 92 | |
Gracious Krishna 94 | |
The Deeds of Krishna 96 | |
The Lord's Love for His Devotee 97 | |
Krishna's Bountry 98 | |
The Lord's is His Devotees' Slave 100 | |
Love Conquers All 102 | |
The Bestower of Bliss 103 | |
The Guru Shows the Way 106 | |
Prayer and Worship 108 | |
MAYA | 109 |
Maya, the enchantress 110 | |
The Gods are also Victims of Maya 112 | |
The Wavering Mind 113 | |
Maya's Slave 114 | |
The Noose of Maya 115 | |
Maya's Net 116 | |
Nascent Devotion 117 | |
Chant God's Name 118 | |
Stupid Man 119 | |
Ignorant Jiva 121 | |
Vain Resolve 122 | |
Deceitful Maya 123 | |
A Life Wasted 124 | |
Be Detached and Accept Fate 125 | |
Wayward Mind 126 | |
The Foolish Ruler 128 | |
Fruitless Existence 130 | |
God the Protector 131 | |
Late Repentance 132 | |
Only Krishna, no other 133 | |
Seek God within Yourself 135 | |
Live for Krishna Only 136 | |
The Redeemer 137 | |
Krishna is the Saviour 138 | |
Krishna is Your Support 139 | |
God, Your Friend 140 | |
Missed Opportunity 142 | |
The World is Selfish 143 | |
Remember God while there's yet Time 144 | |
Who Gets Emancipation 145 | |
Have True Love for God 146 | |
Ephemeral Life 147 | |
Only Krishna will help you when Death Comes 148 | |
Do not Pride Yourself on Your body 150 | |
Death's Abode 151 | |
The Two Letters of Rama's Name 152 | |
Rama's Name is the Only Wealth 154 | |
The Ace Sinner 155 | |
The Lord Listens to His Devotee's Prayer 156 | |
Maya Triumphs 158 | |
Surrender to Krishna 160 | |
Belated Regret 161 | |
The Man Who's Wedded to Ignorance 163 | |
Cross-grained Mind 165 | |
The Fear of God is a Salutary Thing 166 | |
Sinful Man and Merciful God 167 | |
The Priceless Gem of Hari-devotion 169 | |
The Vain Search 170 | |
Forgiveness 172 | |
The All-forgiving Lord 173 | |
A Challenge to God 174 | |
The Rebellious Senses 176 | |
Mighty Maya 177 | |
The Lord of Lords 178 | |
The Lord is the Only Resort 180 | |
No One is yours in the World 181 | |
Futile Repentance 182 | |
A Sinful Life 183 | |
Foolish Mind 184 | |
Awake, O Mind, Awake 185 | |
Devotion to God is the Only Way to Salvation 186 | |
A Life Lived in Disgrace 187 | |
The Bane of Sense-pleasures 188 | |
Maya's Intricate Knot 189 | |
Irrevocable Fate 191 | |
Seek Krishna's Benediction 192 | |
The Vicissitudes of Life 193 | |
Hypocrisy 194 | |
The Generous Lord 196 | |
Changing Fortunes 197 | |
The Master of Universe 198 | |
Be a Winner in Life's Game 199 | |
Legends from Hindu Mythology 201 | |
Pururava and Urvashi 201 | |
The Story of Sage Cyavana 205 | |
The Story of King Ambarisha 206 | |
The Story of Subhari Rishi 207 | |
How Parashurama's Avatar Came About 208 | |
The Story of the Descent of the Heavenly Ganga 209 | |
The Story of Yayati 210 | |
Awake O! Prince of Braj 214 | |
Nanda Beholds Krishna's Face 215 | |
The Formless Brahma has Incarnated as Krishna 216 | |
Krishna Awakes 217 | |
The Welcome of the Women of Braj 218 | |
The Invigorating Dawn 219 | |
Breakfast 220 | |
Krishna goes to the Woods 221 | |
Nanda's Darling ChildAwake 222 | |
The First Meeting of Radha and Krishna 225 | |
The Course of Love 226 | |
Radha is Won Over 227 | |
They Make Love 229 | |
The Lovemaking of Radha and Krishna 233 | |
Excuses 234 | |
Radha Finds Favour with Yashoda 237 | |
The Meeting of the Lovers in the Cattle-yard 238 | |
Krishna Gazes at Radha 239 | |
Lovemaking on the Yamuna-bank 241 | |
The Gopis Complain to Yashoda 243 | |
Krishna Steals the Gopis' Clothes 246 | |
Audacious Krishna 250 | |
The Dance's Delight 259 | |
The Ceremony 261 | |
The Night of Love 267 | |
Krishna disappears leaving Radha Alone 271 | |
Radha's Anguish 272 | |
Krishna Returns 272 | |
The Rasa Begins Again 273 | |
The Rasa Catches on Tempo 276 | |
Krishna's Love for Radha 277 | |
Radha in Krishna's Lap 279 | |
Krishna Sports with the Gopis in the Yamuna 280 | |
Krishna's Love for theGopis 281 | |
Krishna Fondles Radha's Breasts 283 | |
Why and How did Krishna Incarnate in Braj 286 | |
Surdasa's Prayer 289 | |
Radha Beauty 291 | |
Radha's Bare Breasts 293 | |
Lovemaking and Afterlove 296 | |
Nakhshik Varnan (Radha's Lovely Body from Head to Feet) 298 | |
More about Radha's Beauty 299 | |
A Coquettish Gopi Enthrals Krishna 299 | |
Krishna Flirts with the Gopis 300 | |
Exchanges between the Gopi and Krishna 301 | |
The Gopi Surrenders to Krishna 304 | |
Krishna's Lst for the Gopis 309 | |
Breasts Like Golden Jars 311 | |
Krishna Gets More Daring 312 | |
Strange Toll! 314 | |
Krishna Flirts Boldly - The Girls Pretend Annoyance 314 | |
The Loveliness of the Gopis 319 | |
Radha Reprimands Krishna 320 | |
Krishna Reveals Himself as th All-Knower 323 | |
The Sing Krishna's Praises 325 | |
The Gopis are Won Over 327 | |
The Noose of Love 329 | |
The Gopis' Apology 330 | |
Krishna Threatens - The Gopis Relent 333 | |
Krishna, the Lord's Avatar - God-Realization 337 | |
Krishna Departs - The Gopis' Anguish 341 | |
The Gopis' Pangs of Separation 345 | |
Notes | 349 |
Bibliography | 365 |