About the Author His Holiness Tridandiswami Sri Srimad Bhakti Kusum Shraman Goswami Maharaj appeared in this world in the very auspicious day of Sri Annakuta and Sri Goverdhana Puja, at the village of Kharrah (near Churail) in the Dacca District of East Bengal (now Bangladesh). After an outstanding and he graduated as a medical doctor from the Dacca Mitford Medical School in 1927.lnthescmeyearhe met Prabhupada Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura for the first lime at Sri Bhakti Vinoda Asana, Sri Gaudiya Math, and Ultadanga In Kolkata and got Initiation (Diksha) from him and his name became Dr. Krishnakanti Brahmachari, L.M.F. As there was no doctor in 5ree Mapurthen, Srila Prabhupada sent him to Sri Chaitanya Math where he opened ~ free dink. In 1928 he became the publication of Daily newspaper. He often traveled with Srlia Prabhupada and he recorded all his correspondence. In 1949 he accepted the order Tridanda-Sannyasa from the then Sri Chaitanya Math Adarasha Sri Srimad Bhakti Vilasa Tirtha Goswami ji Maharaj and his name became Trindandiswami Srimad Bhakti Kusum Sraman Maharai. In 1955 he became the Editor of the monthly 'Gaudiya' magazine. In this function, and as manager of the daily 'Nadia Prakash', he has written literally thousands of scholarly articles on Gaudiya Vaishnavism. His books include 'Sri Chaitanya-Upadesa-Ratnamala', 'Sri Navadwipa Dhama' and a Bengal verse translation of Prema-Sampur'. He was also the editor of 'Navadwipa Panaka', the only Gaudiya Vaishnava calendar published from Sri Chaitanya Math. After the demise of Srila Bhakti Vaasa 11rtha Goswami Maharai in 1976 he became the President and Acharyas of Sri Chaitanya Math and its branch Sri Gaudiya Maths CMII" India. On 24th March, 1978, Viswa VaisI.1CMI Satilla Sabha, Navadwip, gave him the title Urvict, avachaspa for his Inman'" aeaIive divine literary work on Vaislwlava Darshan.
St.raman Goswami attained the The day of Ekadashlon 12th December 1986.
Foreword I am very glad to see that the life of my Gurudeva 'Prabhupada Srila Sarasvati Thakura' written by me in 1940 has been nicely translated into English by my affection - incarnate Sriman Gaurdas Brahmachari (Garry Embry) for the occasion of Sriman. Mahaprabhu's 500th Advent Anniversary in 1986. I am sure that the English - speaking public will be benefited to go through this volume which is full of Mahaprabhu’s sermons and they will be able to have an idea about our institution - Sri Chaitanya Math and its branch Gaudiya Maths.
I thank the devotees of Singapore heartily for donating the printing and publication costs for this book; the proceeds from the sale of this volume will be used . towards publishing more English spiritual books.
Preface In translating the running text diacritical marks have been used only when a word is initially introduced, to assist the reader’s correct pronunciation. In the Sanskrit and Bengali verses the standard usage of diacritical marks has been followed. Thus, in the verses, 'a' will be pronounced as the ad in all, 'a' will be pronounced as the ad in car, 'a' will be pronounced as the nasal in the French word bon and 'c' will be pronounced as 'ell '. A glossary of terms used has been given at the end of the book.
My sincere thanks are due to Sriprasada Aniruddha Brahmachari Bhaktiprakasa for his valuable and patient help during the work of translation, to Srip sda Radhakanta Das Adhikari (Mr. R.K. Dhar Choudhuri) for having the manuscript typed, to Srip idea Bhakti Hridaya Vaishnava Maharaja for supplying the photographs, to Mr. Ajoy Chatterjee, the proprietor of Reliable Printers, for his sympathetic help and to Srip idea Bhakti Visibly Sajjan Maharaja and the other members of the Sri Chaitanya Research Institute for their kind co-operation.
Especially, I am deeply grateful to Professor Kashinath Mukherjee of City College for his tireless assistance and indispensable advice in seeing the book through the press.
**Contents and Sample Pages**