Facets of Indian Culture

Facets of Indian Culture

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Book Specification

Item Code: IHL246
Author: R. Srinivasan
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Language: English
Edition: 1999
Pages: 305
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 Inch X 5.4 Inch
Weight 340 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book

Ramanuja Srinivasan M.A Professor Vidya Visarada Sangeetakala Sikhamani Natyasastra Kovida (born 21st academic career. He graduated from the presidency college. Madras in 1907 first class first in mathematics winning the pitti Munnuswamy chetty gold medal and the marsh prize and passed the M.A first class first winning the Stuart Prize. Entering the maharaja’s college. Trivandrum in 1910 as assistant professor of Mathematics he retired as its principal in 1942 from 1943 he was the director of the travancore broadcasting station.

While mathematics met the mundane needs of the professor music had been his spiritual fibre. A gifted Harikatha performer he had always been active in innumerable expert committees on music in travancore and madras. He was for several years a member of the central advisory board for music in the government of India. He was twice invited by the Sri Lanka Government to advise them on the programme side of their broadcasting system. He did valuable research and composed pieces in some of the rare ragas of the Kalashetra Adayar a popular writer and lecturer in English and Tamil. Prof. Srinivasan had written two dramas in Tamil and Many articles in Tamil and English for various periodicals. This book contains of his speeches and writings which indicate the dimensions of his learning.


Professor R. Srinivasan is well known for his expert knowledge in several braches of Art. Science and philosophy. Whether he deals with the mathematical and acoustical aspects of music or insists on the cultural importance of musical education or on intuitive originality and improvisation whether he recounts the history of Natyakala and inveighs against its growing vulgarization whether he reviews the rituals and the mysticism attendant on the consecration and maintenance of temples or stresses that science is curiosity about life philosophy an attitude towards life art is a wonder of life and religion is reverence for life Professor Srinivasan is equally interesting and equally thorough.

Dealing with Drama as a form of Yoga he remarks that the function of the dramatist is to give us typical experience of various types of humanity and that he enlarges thereby the significance of people and events.

One of the most arresting of the papers which he is now collating for publication is that on the Nature and function of institution or Vigana. He outlines the significance of the several concepts termed respectively Manas, Buddhi, Gnana and Vignana. He hopes that humanity will develop a new faculty of intuition which will interpret the phenomena of the world in a new way. This in fact is exactly what is taking place in the higher reaches of science today and is demonstrated by the recent speculations of physicists and astronomers and remodeling of the older cosmology of the basis of relativity and the newer philosophy revolutionizing older ideas of space time matter and energy.

As an educationist of long experience Professor Srinivasan takes care to point out that disciplined freedom is alone the real freedom. And in his paper on the gift of free will he dwells on the thesis that man is the creator of his own destiny and his own absolute law-giver. It is from this point of view that he deals with the problem of suffering.

I was specially struck with his not on Some Languishing Arts including the puppet drama the Kolam and the Narvaratri Kolu.

With a much needed candor the professor white indicating the importance of the Katha Kalakshepam adverts to the danger of the modern Katha becoming in his own language of hotch potch of indifferent music and low class humor.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome the publication of the lectures and memoranda prepared during several years which professor Srinivasan is now collecting for the benefit of the public. All that he has written is refreshingly stimulating and often displays real originality.


The articles extracts and memoranda contained in this volume are a selection made form out of a number of articles and other pieces contributed to various papers and journals on various occasion. In the circumstances a certain amount of repetition is inevitable. But care has been taken to reduce overlapping to the minimum. The articles will to some extent reveal my three great interests in life – what I call my three “M” s, Music mathematics and mysticism I have tried to understand the soul of India’s culture through these aspects: Art, Science, and Religion in its deepest and most universal sense.

The greatness the uniqueness of Indian outlook lies in the value it sets on higher things, things relating to the soul. It does not however neglect material concerns it has made headway even in those directions. But it has looked upon material comforts only as means to an end it has never allowed these concerns to overshadow the higher and the more permanent aspects of a human being.

I cannot adequately express my gratitude to Sir. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyer for the exceedingly kind hearted foreword which he has written. He is true son of India and is gifted with a big hear I thank him most warmly for his kindness. My sincere thanks are also due in abundant measure to Sir S. Radhakrishnan the philosopher politican who in the midst of his heavy and unceasing duties found time to go through my articles and write such kind words of appreciation. He is an apposite of India’s philosophy and culture. I feel greatly honored by his warm appreciation I am very grateful to him.

What shall I say about the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan which has come forward to publish the book? I am tongue-tied.

It is only in keeping with their tradition to stand by and help to keep the old culture of India undimmed and guard it against unwholesome onslaughts. My heart felt gratitude goes to them in an unlimited measure.


Dedication V
Kulapati’s Preface VII
Foreword by Dr. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyer IX
Appreciation by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan XI
Preface of Author’s XIII
Part I : Music
1 Music : A Science or an art? 1
2 Some Aspects of Musicology 8
3 Democracy and creative music 15
4 Disciplinary and Freedom in music 18
5 Aesthetics of Rhythm of Laya Bhava 21
6 Music Musings 25
7 Aesthetic Sublimation in Music 36
8 Stories and Anecdotes concerning
Indian Music and Musicians
9 Folk Music 48
10 Modern Trends in the classical music of south India 50
11 Dance Music of the south 64
12 Hidden potentialities of music 68
13 Music and Education 78
14 Music in Travancore 87
15 Sri Tyagaraja and Sri Swati Tirunal 93
16 Sri Tyagaraja the mystic 96
17 Syama Sastri the oldest of the musical Trinity 100
18 Impersonal Art form of Dikshitar’s music 106
19 Purandaradasa 113
20 Superstition in music 117
21 Karnatak Music An analysis 112
Part II : Other Arts
22 Basic Principles of Indian art 145
23 Indian Classical Dance 162
24 Some Thoughts on Dramatic art and
Kalidasa’s Shakuntalam
25 Kathakali the dance Drama of Kerala 185
26 Drama a form of Yoga 190
27 My Drama Reminiscences 195
28 The Art of Kathakalakshpean (sankirtana) 202
29 The place of Art in Education 209
30 Some Languishing arts of India 213
Part III : General
31 The nature and function of intuition 223
32 Some thoughts on Mahabharata 228
33 Freedom and Discipline 234
34 Highlights of Indian culture 239
35 Temple idea and its place in religion 240
36 Some Ancient Educational Ideals 246
37 The Message of the Bhagavad-Gita to modern Man 256
38 The Theory of Avataras (Divine Manifestation) 259
39 The Gift of Free will 261
40 Our Problems and their solution 265
41 The Problem of Suffering 269
42 Conquest of desire 271
43 Some Problems in Karma 273
44 The Lord Buddha 282
45 The Yoga of Business 285

Sample Pages

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