The Secret of Jnanayoga
Book Specification
Item Code: | IDG135 |
Author: | Jaya Dayal Goyandka |
Publisher: | Gita Press, Gorakhpur |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2003 |
ISBN: | 8129300435 |
Pages: | 264 |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.2" X 4" |
Weight | 260 gm |
Book Description
Publisher's Note:
This book captioned 'Secret of Jnana Yoga' is a collection of 27 discourses of Late Sri Jayadayal Goyandka, delivered from time to time and published in Kalyana-Kalpataru. It is not a treatise but a simple compilation. Every discourse is self-sufficient and independent and contains valuable knowledge and information. Hence discourses are very useful for the strivers (Sadhakas) who are practising spiritual discipline, more particularly for the followers of path of knowledge Jnana-Yoga.)
The words are simply phonetic devices and vehicles to carry and communicate the ideas and thoughts. So they are insentient and quite disable to make any impact on the minds of the listeners or readers. As a matter of fact, it is the idealogical force of the speaker that makes impression. It too varys in degree from person to person-The speaker and listener both inclusive. Sri Goyandka was a great devotee a Jnani and an exalted God-Realised soul in the real sense of the words. It will not be an exaggeration to say that even in modern time of nihilism, he realised god-hood and had a vision of his favourite divinity. When such a person speaks, well, every word spoken by him becomes a living force and is capable of filling the void created by intoxicating materialism and helping those who are struggling for liberation.
The topics included, cover a broad range in the realm of spiritualism. The Sadhaka of any grade or stage may find in this book, the solution of his problems. The article "Is Mukti Open to All" establishes the fact beyond a shadow of doubt that cast, creed, faith or religion are no requisite qualification or obstruction in liberating the soul. The equanimity at every stage and in every field of life, has been deservingly emphasized to a great extent. Gita has always been to Goyandkaji a fountain of inspiration and a sure medicine to any spiritual ailment. The teachings of Gita are the central axis of the ideas and thoughts propounded in the book. His thoughts on dispassion, piety, rebirth, company of saintly and accomplished persons' and other subjects of spiritual nature, are something like beacon lights to the new entrants.
This book may serve as a hand book to the Bhakta, Jnani as well as 'Yogi', all alike but to the followers of path of knowledge, it will be more useful and appealing. We hope the spiritual Sadhakas will get benefited from the book.
Now a few words about translation. Even though we have tried our best to render a faithful translation, yet the translation has its own limitations. It is difficult for a translator to give a verbatim version in a good language. Therefore, we appologise to our readers for the omission and commissions here and there. The responsibility of any shortcomings is ours, we must admit. Yet we hope that our readers will excuse us and give a hearty welcome, as always, to this effort also.
1. The Ineffable Mood of a Jnani | 1 |
2. The Yoga of Knowledge in the Gita | 6 |
3. Highest Goal of Existence | 16 |
4. A Few Thoughts on Liberation | 26 |
5. The Other World and Rebirth | 39 |
6. Dispassion and Quietism | 49 |
7. Amrta-Dhara | 57 |
8. Desirelessness | 72 |
9. Worship of Unqualified, Formless Brahma | 83 |
10. Questions and Answers about Self-Upliftment | 92 |
11. The Glory of Equanimity | 102 |
12. Is Mukti Open to All> | 116 |
13. Feel No Frustration in the Path of God | 129 |
14. Worthy Motives | 133 |
15. The Criterion of True Progress | 142 |
16. The Supreme End of Human Pursuit | 153 |
17. Ways of Deriving Benefit from the Fellowship of Saints | 161 |
18. The Divine Substance with Its Essential Character and Inwardness | 176 |
19. Transcendent Glory of Avataras and Vicegerents of God | 184 |
20. Secret of the Formless Divine Essence | 198 |
21. Self-Denial, Self-Control and Dispassion | 204 |
22. Redemption Through Self-Control | 214 |
23. The Truth and Secret of Desirelessness | 224 |
24. Means of Arresting the Decline of Righteousness and Growth of Sin | 231 |
25. Glory of Even-Mindedness | 243 |
26. Worship of the Attributeless and Formless Divinity | 249 |
27. What Is Piety? | 262 |
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