Book Specification
Item Code: | UAF216 |
Author: | Kautilya |
Publisher: | Fingerprints Classics, Delhi |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2021 |
ISBN: | 9789354403705 |
Pages: | 600 |
Cover: | PAPERBACK |
Other Details | 8.00 X 5.00 inch |
Weight | 410 gm |
Book Description
One of the most ancient and enduring works on statecraft and governance; Arthashastra is still widely read and studied today. Serving as the handbook for rulers, it answers a plethora of questions.
He was born sometime in the fourth century BCE in a Brahmin family. The Mauryan Empire owes its prosperity and existence. in no small amount, to the ruthless and driven Chanakya. Legend has it that Chanakya went to the court of King Dhanananda, the ruler of Magadha. Due to his physical appearance (he had crooked teeth and misshapen feet), he was insulted by the king himself and thrown out.
In utter humiliation and anger, Chanakya roamed around in the wilderness, vowing to take revenge. Just then, he carne across a band of boys, playing. One boy was enacting the role of a king, admonishing the 'thieves' and announcing their punishment. This boy was Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta, through the counsel of Chanakya, destroyed the Nanda dynasty and became the ruler of the Magadha kingdom. Chanakya was also the royal advisor to Chandragupta's son Bindusara.
Arthashastra and Neeti-shastra (also popularly referred to as Chanakya-neeti) were written more than 2000 years ago, but the teachings encapsulated in these works are practical and can be applied to situations in the modern-day world, as is evidenced by their popularity and wide readership.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages