Conjure Codex Issue 4 Multiple Authors
Conjure Codex Issue 4
Multiple Authors.
142 pages.
June 2020.
For this, the fourth issue of Conjure Codex, we asked authors to contemplate the occult symbolism and meaning of gold: from treasures to planetary attributions to alchemy and anything else they found relevant to mark the Summer Solstice. Conjure Codex is always themed around a colour and a season and our authors never disappoint. Our fourth issue boasts cover art by S. Aldarnay and interior artwork by Victoria Musson, JM Hamade, Mani C. Price, and Erzebet Barthold.
Hadean Press excel themselves in this time of crisis with perhaps the most diverse volume so far of Conjure Codex. Herein we encounter an astonishing range of content. Magical plant lore, always a relevant and welcome topic, is represented by Jack Grayle’s contribution, The Golden Guest; while Cath Thompson guides us in a Contemplation of Gold employing the English Qaballa. So too the Greek Magical Papyri are present and correct, in the form of Shadowmancy and PGM’s Rite of Helios, from Mani C. Price. Humberto Maggi surveys the long history of The Daimon and the Treasure from ancient beginnings to the legacy of the grimoires and beyond. Matters necromantic – an important aspect of our magical traditions - are explored by Gavin Fox, and the important and strangely neglected figure of Michael Scot is ably handled by Eldred Hieronymous Wormwood. In our first Picatrix related contribution J Swofford explores the magical imagery of the decans in The Picatrix Decan Art Project. A fascinating and most welcome exploration of territory entirely unfamiliar to me is provided by Erica Frevel, in Aztec Solar Magic: Blood and Gold, So too we welcome Veronica Rivas’ Revelations of the Great Yogini Sera Khandro dealing with aspects of Buddhist tantra. Victoria Musson brings us Gold Ripens as much by Moonlight as Sun, exploring the origins of poppets and their relevance to a broad range of cultures and their esoteric practices. Last but by no means least Anthony Nine delivers the Guns of Brixton, a thoroughly modern and culturally significant piece which pulls no punches.
Besides these stellar texts in the Gold issue, the reader will be delighted by the beauty of the pages, luxuriously embellished as they are. Thus, without more ado, I present Conjure Codex Four for your edification and delight! — Jake Stratton-Kent, Editorial
The Golden Guest by Jack Grayle
A Contemplation of GOLD by Cath Thompson
Shadowmancy and PGM’s Rite of Helios by Mani C. Price
The Δαίμων and the Treasure by Humberto Maggi
Treasures of the Grave: A Practical Guide for the Aspiring Necromancer by Gavin Fox
Michael Scot: The Life of a True Magician by Eldred Hieronymus Wormwood
The Picatrix Decan Art Project by J Swofford
Aztec Solar Magic: Blood and Gold by Erica Frevel
Treasure of Heart Essence: The Revelations of the Great Yogini Sera Khandro by Verónica Rivas
Gold Ripens as much by Moonlight as Sun by Victoria Musson
Guns of Brixton by Anthony Nine