Mysteries of Baul (An Old and Rare Book)
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAX154 |
Author: | Swami Paramananda |
Publisher: | Parmanand Mission, Kolkata |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 1992 |
Pages: | 94 |
Cover: | PAPERBACK |
Other Details | 7.00 X 5.00 inch |
Weight | 80 gm |
Book Description
`Mysteries of Baul,' the second English book written by our respected Srimad Swami Paramananda, has now been published. His first book, 'Normality and Love' had been previously published from Paramananda Mission. After having heard some illuminating discourses on `Bauls' from Swami Paramananda, many non-Bengali speaking people requested him for a comprehensive analysis on the subject. The author responded to their earnest appeals and the original Bengali version, `Bauler Marmakatha' has now been published in English.
Though this book contains a thorough discussion on Bauls, it has been divided into a prologue and nine chapters for the benefit of the readers, keeping in mind their doubts and questions on this vast subject. Needless to say that since the book has been compiled in the form of a discussion there have been a few justifiable deviations in the course of discussions, which we feel, will not deprive the reader from a spontaneous enjoyment of this book. On the contrary, such a lucid style will enhance the quality of presentation and may help the reader to get a clear conception on the subject.
In his brief presentation the author has analysed the significance of the word 'Bata', their origin, their ideals and conceptions, spiritual physiology, the nectar principle, `passion worship', the secret and profound means of their quest and specially a wonderful and illuMinating interpreta-tion of divine love, spiritual significance of their dress, the unique roles of women and music in their quest-all these aspects have been dealt with in detail. These profound and abstruse topics have never been so clearly defined in any other book'so far. These ideas had been a mystery to the common man. The author has explained these concepts with great skill, a simple and lucid style, keen sympathy, lively language and inspired vision.
It will be noticed that in highlighting the opinions and ideas of Bauls and relating their methods with other religious communities, the author himself has remained impartial and assumed the role of a witness in the course of these discussions.
A few of the author's poems at the end will certainly enhance the reader's enjoyment of the book. Readers will appreciate the verses that have expressed the innermost Baul emotions so beautifully.
In the end we hope that this book will not only be of great help to Baul followers, it will give a clear conception, inspired enjoyment and deep insight to earnest spiritual seekers from all walks of life.
**Sample Pages**