Astrosecrets and Krishnamurti Padhdhati (Part 1)
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAE309 |
Author: | Sri M.P. Shanmugam |
Publisher: | Krishman & Co. |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2013 |
ISBN: | 8188082082 |
Pages: | 378 |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch |
Weight | 330 gm |
Book Description
My forefather were astrologers, that is traditional astrologers. In their footsteps, I have been practicing the same traditional astrology.
During February 1977, a friend of mine, brought to my attention, say a small explaining about a matter-event, made by the genius Sri.KSK. This was the turning point. From the next day, I started following the same levels of analysis and found the truths, surprising and inspiring.
From that day, KP for me, was a Voice from Heaven. I started mastering all the KP Readers. Therefore I contributed my articles, on KP, in “Astrology & Athrishta”.
I surprised the public in and around my area through KP with several findings, and continue the same to give the true findings to the public till today. Along with it, I added my own practical experience to KP, which KP will prove to be a Thrill as the Readers go through this book “Astrosecrets And Krishnamurti Padhathi”. Sri Ksk, to me is both a Guru and God. I have totally identified myself with this Guru-God-Immortal KSK.
The author of this book Sri.M.P.Shanmugham, has strained his nerves, to find out the truth In this Astroscience. following the foot steps and teachings of our beloved Guruji Sri.K.S.Krishnamurti for few decades and has found the truth, how the planets results/nature is modified due to various reasons.
In this book, the author shares his views and findings, that how the sublord theory offered to us by late Guruji Prof. K.S.Krishnamurti, who Invented the K.P.Stellar method, is the only one method available to us, to offer a result, for the various type of questions from the confused persons, who approach astrologers, to have their doubts cleared precisely.
He has written in detail, the Sublord theory and the results in various houses and how the scientific analysis Is to be made while offering predictions.
His sincere efforts to propogate the Sublord theory of KP, a system which is to be practised in this fast world, needs encouragement from one and all.
1 | Introduction | 1 |
2 | What is Astrology | 7 |
3 | The Planets-How do they act? I | 8 |
4 | Planetary Aspects-I | 16 |
5 | Planetary Conjunctions-I | 19 |
6 | Planers in Retrogression-I | 25 |
7 | Planets-How do they act? II | 30 |
8 | Mars Dosha | 39 |
9 | What are the powers of Signs? | 49 |
10 | Legna- (Ascendant)- KP explains | 53 |
11 | About Accident-6 persons | 57 |
12 | The Native-Poor & Rich | 64 |
13 | Planetry Aspects-II | 69 |
14 | Planetry Conjunctions-II | 76 |
15 | Planets in Retrogression-II | 85 |
16 | The 12 Houses | 101-209 |
17 | The 12 Lagnas (Mesha to Meena) | 210-238 |
18 | Salient Points-Sublord, the Supremo | 239 |
19 | How to predict in the absence of a Nirayana Bhava Chakra? | 244 |
20 | Horary | 253 |
21 | Method of Prediction | 265 |
22 | Rahu & Kethu | 307 |
23 | All about Lagna Lord | 313 |
24 | Profession - PartI | 330 |
25 | Profession - PartII | 345 |