Excavation At Bhagwanpura 1975-76 (An Old and Rare Book)

Excavation At Bhagwanpura 1975-76 (An Old and Rare Book)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAX461
Author: Jagat Pati Joshi
Language: English
Edition: 1993
Pages: 360 (Throughout Color and B/w Illustrations)
Other Details 11.00 X 8.50 inch
Weight 1.32 kg

Book Description

It is widely known that during 1940-44 when Painted Grey Ware was first identified at Ahichchhatra (V.P.), its significance and far reaching importance could not be realized and 'it was only after the excavations at Hastinapura- it got a distinct culture-label followed by considerable field work' of immense importance carried out in the following decades and more than 848 sites associated with this culture have been identified in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Prides' besides reported occurrence of the ware from Lakhiyopir (Sind, Pakistan), Harappa (Punjab, Pakistan) and Cholistan (Bahawalpur, Pakistani. From Thapli on the bank of Alaknanda, District Tehri in the Sub Himalayas in the north to Ujjain in the south, Sarcastic in the east and Gharinda? in the west appears to be the main area of Painted Grey Ware as such. However, in case associated Grey Ware is also taken into account, it could be extended up to Manda in Jammu and Kashmir. In the last five decades excavations have been carried out at Ahichchhatra, Alamgirpur? Allahpur, Atranjikhera, Bhagwanpura, Dadheri, Daulatpur, Hastinapura, Hulas, akheradhpura. Kathapalon.Mathura, Nagar, Noh, Raja Karan Ka Qila, Sanghol, Sravasti. and Ujjain. Except Bhagwanpura and Jakhera, most of the sites have been excavated in the vertical fashion giving a culture-sequence. Excavation at Alamgirpur, Hastinapura and Ropar and explorations and excavators in the valleys of Saraswati and Drishadvati in north-western Rajasthan revealed that there was a hiatus between the Harappa Culture and the Painted Grey Ware Culture in these areas. The date of Painted Grey Ware has been assigned by archaeologist between circa 1100 B.c.-SOO B.C.29 Mention may also be made that Painted Grey Ware has also been associated by archaeologists with later Aryans and the Mahabharata. This was the position when excavation was envisaged at Bhagwanpura in 1975- 76 field season.

Thankful to Dr. (Smt.) Debala Mitra, the then Joint Director General who took considerable interne throughout and gave me valuable guidance during the excavations at Bhagwanpura.

I owe a deep debt of gratitude to Shri R.S. Bisht, the then Deputy Director. I? Dep’t. Archaeology, Govt. of Haryana for showing me the site at Bhagwanpura which he had early discovered during his exploration of the area. I would also like to thank Shri Bisht and Dr. Arun Kumi Deputy Superintending Archaeologist for providing me important material and references on Saraswati I shall be failing in my duty if I do not take this opportunity of thanking my colleagues of t Exploration Branch of the Director General's Office and Excavations Branch-I who have assisted during the explorations and excavations with great dedication and sincerity.

Miss Madhu Bala, the then Technical Assistants! was author's Chief Assistant throughout exploration of sites and excavations at Bhagwanpura, Dadheri, Katpalon, Nagar and Manda besides s looked after the camp at various sites including the one at Bhatinda which was a base camp f exploration of District Manda and where training was imparted to the students of School of Archaei ogy, now raised to Institute of Archaeology? She also classified the pottery and antiquities and did; the counting of excavated pottery for compiling statistical data for the report. She has independent contributed the chapters on Pottery and Other finds and jointly contributed two other chapters in t report besides assisting the author in the preparation of the report.

Shri S.N. Jayaswal, the then Technical Assistant'? helped me in the field at Bhagwanpura al Kasital.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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