The Healing Power of Yoga and Kundalini Tantra (Path to Wellness and Enlightenment)
Book Specification
Item Code: | IHL654 |
Author: | J.L. Gupta ‘Chaitanya’ |
Publisher: | Penman Publishers |
Edition: | 2010 |
Pages: | 456 (Illustrated Throughout In B/W) |
Cover: | Hardcover |
Other Details | 8.8 inch X 5.8 inch |
Weight | 720 gm |
Book Description
ISBN: 8185504512
The hallmark of India was the power and profundity of her mind and the purity of her soul. Indian sages have already designed a perfect way to attain elevation of mind & move towards truth through a comprehensive system of Yoga. Yoga offers a methodology to understand our self better on all levels, including our physical well- being, the thought process, emotions & desires. The Yoga aspirant can bring out the best in his personality by creating unison in thought, speech and action in the most positive way. Staying young and potent throughout life is possible with Kundalini Yoga, an exotic science that uses the physical body to mobilize all the cosmic energies of the universe. The experience of meditation is so powerful & fulfilling that it helps to transcend the pains & sorrows of life. As we progress in Yoga, the heart expands to embrace all Creation, the ultimate state of love being the love for the cosmos.
The author has produced this masterful work with his unique blend of research, intelligence, skill & own experience. The book unfolds the fundamental esoteric & core principles of Yoga & Kundalini Tantra. It elaborates on the techniques of healing the inner system by practice of meditative postures, breath- regulation, purification of physical & inner bodies & energy channels including Sushumna activation, mastering the mental faculties (Chitta—shuddhi), invocation of the Patron Deity (Ishta-Deva), dissolving the Tattvas (Bhuta—shuddhi), recitation of Mantras, activation of energy centres (Chakras) & awakening the latent Kundalini (potential energy) at the Muladhara, the lowest centre in the spinal column.
The book is embellished with plenty of coloured and black 'n' white illustrations.
J.L. Gupta 'Chaitanya' was born at Sultanpur (U.P.), in 1958. With brilliant academic career; he obtained P.G.D.B.P. (Editing) from the College of Vocational Studies, Univ. of Delhi, with distinction. Earlier; he taught in private colleges, & later he worked with publishers of Indological books as a Sr. Editor for more than two decades. His entire life is devoted to the cause of editing oriental works & writing on spiritual themes.
Mr. Chaitanya was drawn to spirituality from the childhood itself & studied most of the Indian scriptures from enlightened masters. He was initiated to the discipline of Kundalini Yoga in early ninety's. Satisfied with his dedication & steadfastness in Sadhana, Rev'd Guru Swami Ramsuratji conferred on him the title of Acharya. Specialized in the practice of Chakra meditation, he provides guidance in Yoga, spirituality & Sanatana Dharma. He is also a social worker &editor of a social magazine.
As a prolific writer on various aspects of India's eternal culture, Sanatana Dharma, Yoga & Kundalini, he has more than 40 books to his credit. His books have been published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Chaukhamba Publishing House, Penman Publishers, Delhi and Indo-US Books (Butala Emporium), New York. The book titled ’Tantra, Mantra, Yoga & Spiritual Bliss’ published in 2007 became a bestseller.
His books to—be-released are: 1. Dictionary of Yogic & Tantric Terms, 2. Yoga Vijnana aur Kundalini Tantra (Hindi), 3. Miraculous Effects of Bhuta-shuddhi & Chakra Meditation (With English exposition of Sat—Chakra—Nirupanam).

The Healing Power of Yoga 8 Kundalini Tantra’, the Second in series of J. L. Gupta ’Chaitanya’s ’Tantra, Mantra, Yoga 8 Spirituality is, indeed a welcome publication. His First book in this series titled ’Tantra, Mantra, Yoga 8 Spiritual Bliss’ comprising twenty-one chapters has already created a genuine spiritual hunger in the minds of readers. I am confident that this volume will go a long way towards satisfying that hunger and paving the way for locating the real abode of Bliss underlying within the cardiac region of each individual mistaking himself or herself just as a gross body and mind complex.
Heartiest congratulations to Shri J. L. Gupta ’Chaitanya' ji on this superb publication of universal value in the present world of tensions.
Foreword | (v) | |
Preface | (vi) | |
I: | Yoga & Kundalini Tantra: An Overview | 9-67 |
The Tradition & Vision | 12-21 | |
The Shaiva-Shakta Tradition 21-29 | 21-29 | |
Shakti, The All-pervading Power | 29-34 | |
Inner Celebration | 34-36 | |
Physical to Inner Self & Grace | 36-38 | |
Pancha-Makara Sadhana | 39-40 | |
The Nectarine Fluid & Love of Divine 41-46 | 41-46 | |
Pancha-Mahabhutas & Chakras | 46-50 | |
Purity, Divinity & Bhuta-Shuddhi | 50-53 | |
Kundalini, or The Spiritual Energy | 53-56 | |
Tantra & Sexuality | 56-61 | |
The Blissful Union | 61-65 | |
Scientific Bases of Yoga | 65-66 | |
Rules for the Tantra Aspirant | 66-67 | |
II: | Basic Preparations For Yoga: External & Internal Purity | 68-75 |
III: | Purifying The Physical Body: Deha-Shuddhi & Shatkarmas | 76-90 |
Body Type for Yoga | 78 | |
Physical, Subtle & Causal Bodies | 78-83 | |
Three Gunas & The Atman | 83-84 | |
Purification of the body | 84-86 | |
Shatkarmas for Purification | 86-90 | |
Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapalbhati, Trataka | ||
IV: | Lifestyle For Yoga Aspirant | 91-112 |
Ahaara (Appropriate Food) | 99-107 | |
Vihaar (Exercise) | 107-109 | |
Vishraam (Relaxation) | 109-112 | |
V: | Meditative Poses For Healing | 113-138 |
Secret of Dhyana Postures | ||
Secret of Asanas | 117-121 | |
The Seat & the Asana | 121-127 | |
General Rules for Asanas | 127-130 | |
Basic Postures For Meditation | ||
(1) Siddhasana: Perfect Pose 131, (2) Padmasana: Lotus Pose 133, (3) Svastikasana: Auspicious Pose 137, (4) Sukhasana: Easy Pose 137 | ||
VI: | Purifying The Energy Channels | 139-145 |
IDA, Pingala & Sushumna Nadis | 139-144 | |
Elimination of Toxins | 144-145 | |
VII: | Pranayama For Inner Healing | 146-187 |
Regulation of Breath | ||
Definition of Prana 147, Emanation of Prana 148, Functions of Prana: Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana & Vyana 149, Prana-Shuddhi 152, Balancing Prana & Apana 153, Breathing Pattern 154, Dimension of Pranayama 157, Pranayama & Meditation 159, Pranayama, Om & Sandhya 164, Prana & Energy 166, Prana & Sexual Energy 167, Benefits from Pranayama 168, Rules for Pranayama 171 | ||
Techniques of Pranayama | 173-187 | |
Nadi-shodhana Pranayam 174, Bhastrika 176, Kapalabhati 177, Anulom – Vilom 179, Shitali 181, Shitkari 182, Ujjayi 183, Bhramari 184, Murchchha 186, Plavini 186, Udgith 187 | ||
VIII: | Purifying The Chitta (Mind) | 188-205 |
Healing Manas, Buddhi & EGO | ||
Conscious & Unconscious Mind 192, Purity of Mind (Chitta –Shuddhi) 193, Gunas, Chitta, Sankalpa & the Soul 196, Breath Regulation for Harmony 201, Pranayama to Purity the Chitta 202 | ||
IX: | Upasana & Meditation For Body, Mind & Soul | 206-221 |
Sandhya, Upasana or Worship | 206 | |
Dhyana or Meditation | 211 | |
Releasing Tension for Relaxation | 220 | |
X: | The Pancha-Bhutas of Prakriti | 222-245 |
Five Elements of the Nature | ||
Pancha Tattvas (Five Elements): Prithvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu & Akasha | 231 | |
Evolution of Tattvas & Tanmatras | 237 | |
Colours of Tattvas 240, Form of Tattva | 241 | |
Tattva in Body & Chakra | 241 | |
Tattva, Bijamantra, Chakra & Prana | 242 | |
Tattvas in Varaha Upanishad | 242 | |
Understanding the Bijamantras | 243 | |
Knowing the Tattva 244, Tattva Shuddhi | 245 | |
XI: | Chakras: Bridges to Higher Consciousness | 246-264 |
XII: | Ishvara Pranidhana, Tatta-Dharana & Bhuta-Shuddhi | 265-282 |
Five Elements & Chakras, Bhuta-Shuddhi, Ishvara Pranidhana, Tattva Dharana, Mastering Elements, Bhuta-Shuddhi & Jnana Mudra, Bhuta-Shuddhi & Khechari Mudra | ||
XIII: | Pancha-Kosha & Prana-Tattva | 283-287 |
Five Sheaths & the Vital Force | ||
Annamaya Kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijnanamaya Kosha & Anandamaya Kosha Prana, Chakra & Kosha | ||
XIV: | The Power of Mantras: Matrikas & Bija-Mantras | 288-311 |
Mantra & Mantra Shakti, Bija-mantras in Tantra, Bija-mantras & Devata, Bija-mantras & Kriyayoga, Matrikas & Akshara Mantras, Pranava Mantra (AUM) | ||
Ajapa Japa & So ham Mantra, Guru & Mantra, Mantras of Shiva, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra | ||
XV: | Muladhara Chakra, Or The Basic Support | 312-318 |
XVI: | Swadhishthana Chakra, Or The Own Abode | 319-324 |
XVII: | Manipura Chakra, Or The Place of Gems | 325-330 |
XVIII: | Anahata Chakra, Or The Unstruck Melody | 331-335 |
XIX: | Vishuddha Chakra, Or The Complete Purity | 336-340 |
XX: | Ajna Chakra, OR The Guru’s Command | 341-345 |
XXI: | Sahasrara Chakra, Or The Thousand-Petalled Lotus | 346-350 |
XXII: | Kundalaini, OR The Potential Energy | 351-384 |
Manifestations of Kundalini Shakti, Shakti as Nada, Bindu & Vak, Awakening the Kundalini Shakti, Antaryaga or Inner Worship | ||
XXIII: | Chakra Meditation & Merging of The Elements | 385-406 |
Chakrayata Pranayama, Chakra Anusandhana, Balancing of the elements | ||
Meditation at the Chakras: | ||
Muladhara, Swadishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna & Sahasrara Chakras | ||
APP. I: | Shat-Chakra-Nirupanam (Sanskrit) | |
APP. II: | Glossary | 417-427 |
APP. III: | Select Bibliography | 428-433 |
APP. IV: | Index | 434-440 |