Indian Concept of Man and His Development
Book Specification
Item Code: | IDG306 |
Author: | Dr. Suraj Narain Sharma |
Publisher: | Parimal Publication Pvt. Ltd. |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2004 |
ISBN: | 8171102414 |
Pages: | 290 |
Cover: | Hardcover |
Other Details | 8.5"X5.5" |
Book Description
The book deals with the Indian Concept of man as based on the Vedas. Upanishads and other philosophical and psychological works. This concept of man unfolded certain beliefs, values, customs, traditions, institutions etc. in order to help man to lead a healthy, happy and contented life as an individual and also as a member of the society. All this had given birth to a specific culture known as Vedic Culture or even Hindu Culture. This cultural mould evolved into a "way of life" and eventually gave way to a specific design for "Personality Development". The stamp of this Cultural Mould is still obvious.
The books describes the co-ordinates of this Indian Concept of Man, aims of human life, cultural influences on man's personality and the ways to develop personality in a specific mould. All this has brought to light the existence of a "Theory of Personality Development" as visualised by ancient Indian seers. Incidentally, this "Cultural Mould" is still accepted, appreciated and followed by most Indians.
The book traces an outline of this Indian Theory of Personality Development on the pattern of modern theories of personality development by western psychologists. The strong points of the Indian Theory have also been clearly brought out vis-a-vis the western theories.
About the Author:
Dr. Suraj Narain Sharma had been born, brought up and educated in Delhi. After obtaining his post-graduate degree in Economics from Delhi University and doing his Bachelor of Education Course. Dr. Sharma joined the Education Department of Delhi Government in 1948 as a post-graduate teacher. He served the Department for 36 years in various capacities and retired as Deputy Director of Education in 1984.
After retirement, Dr. Sharma studied Pali and Sanskrit at Delhi University. He obtain his first Ph.D degree in "Buddhist Social and Moral Education". Then Dr. Sharma joined the Central Institute of Education, Department of Education, University of Delhi and perused his studies in Indian Culture. His studies culminated in his second Ph. D. thesis on "Indian Concept of Man and His Development" in 2001. At present. Dr. Sharma is studying Indian Religions and their relevance in modern times.
Dr. Sharma has written several books on Education and religion. He has specialised in "Value Education" and is working on a "Practical Course in Value Education for a Pluralistic Society".
Back of Book:
Importance of Citta: Impressions regarding objects are received by the senses and passed on to their respective subtle sense-centres in the brain through the nerves. From there, they are deflected to manas which co-ordinated all such impressions received from different sense organs. These impressions are then passed on to buddhi for cognition and interpretation on the basis of previous experiences. These meanings then go to ahankara to determine what they actually and really mean to the Self with reference to his likes and dislikes, prejudices and preferences, needs and desires etc. as viewed by the Self. The decision of ahankara is challenged by the exiting vasanas and sanskaras in Citta which continue to clamour to seek expression and satisfaction. The respective vrittis or modifications arise on the surface of citta and there is an interface with the tentative decision of ahankara. Now the real battle of life between the four sets of forces begins (i) The perception of manas as determined by the perceptions of the five sense organs (ii) the cognised situation by buddhi (iii) preferred action by ahankara as dictated by instincts and (iv) the demands of sanskaras through the vrittis. Thus ahankara serves as a battle ground of life or Kurukshetra of life for these forces to fight it out and arrive at a decision. The whole process operates at computer speed because all the forces involved are very subtle and hence very powerful and active. For the proper development of personality, the decision-making process should be smooth and quick. This depends upon the purity of the citta and integration of the conscious and the unconscious.
Chapter-I Introduction | 1-10 | |
1.1 Introduction | 1 | |
1.2 Genesis | 1 | |
1.3 Sources | 5 | |
1.4 Some Recent Studies | 8 | |
Chapter-II Western Theories of Personality | 11-42 | |
2.1 Evolution of Western Theories of Personality | 11 | |
2.2 Concept of Man | 13 | |
2.3 Concept of Personality | 15 | |
2.4 Structure and Constituents of Personality | 18 | |
2.5 Development of the Constituents of Personality | 22 | |
2.6 Stages of Personality Development | 24 | |
2.7 Factors affecting Development of Personality | 26 | |
2.8 Distortions in Development of Personality | 30 | |
2.9 An Ideal Man | 35 | |
2.10 An Overview of Western Theories of Personality | 39 | |
Chapter-III Indian Concept of Personality | 43-64 | |
3.1 Introduction | 43 | |
3.2 Concept of Man | 44 | |
3.3 Aims of Life | 48 | |
3.4 Concept of a Moral Man | 51 | |
3.5 Indian Concept of Personality | 61 | |
Chapter-IV Structure of Personality | 65-129 | |
4.1 Introduction | 65 | |
4.2 The Physical Body | 66 | |
4.3 The Three Gunas | 72 | |
4.4 The Subtle Body | 80 | |
4.5 Manas (Mind) | 85 | |
4.6 Buddhi (Intellect) | 92 | |
4.7 Ahankara (Ego) | 96 | |
4.8 Citta | 103 | |
4.9 The Causal Body | 109 | |
4.10 Prana (Breath) | 111 | |
4.11 Chetana (Consciousness) | 116 | |
4.12 Atman | 123 | |
4.13 Astral Body | 127 | |
Chapter-V Development of Personality | 130-165 | |
5.1 Introduction | 130 | |
5.2 Personality at Birth | 132 | |
5.3 Stages of Development | 134 | |
5.4 Process of Development of Personality | 143 | |
5.5 The Play of Life | 146 | |
5.6 Raja Yoga of Patanjali | 152 | |
5.7 Other Traditions of Yoga | 157 | |
Chapter-VI Programme of Development | 166-204 | |
6.1 Introduction | 166 | |
6.2 Health of the Physical System | 170 | |
6.3 Strengthening of the Energy System | 179 | |
6.4 Controlling of the Desire System | 184 | |
6.5 Development of the Thought System | 190 | |
6.6 Integrating the Self-System | 196 | |
6.7 Distortions in Personality Development & their Correction |
198 | |
Chapter-VII Indian Theory of Personality | 205-224 | |
7.1 Meaning of Theory | 205 | |
7.2 Concept of Man | 208 | |
7.3 Meaning of Personality | 208 | |
7.4 Main Constituents of the Structure of Personality | 211 | |
7.5 Factors which Influence Development of Personality | 211 | |
7.6 Dynamics of Development | 212 | |
7.7 Control and Direction of Development of Personality | 213 | |
7.8 Distortions in the Development of Personality | 214 | |
7.9 Research Methods adopted by Ancient Indian Seers | 215 | |
7.10 Assessment and Measurement of Personality | 216 | |
7.11 Special Characteristics | 221 | |
7.12 An Appraisal | 223 | |
7.13 Comparison with Western Theories | 224 | |
7.14 Conclusion | 227 | |
Bibliography | 230-238 | |
Sanskrit Proper Names Used | 239-246 | |
Glossary of Sanskrit Words Used | 247-265 | |
Index | 266-287 |