A Practical Guide to Kundalini Yoga: Through Shakthi Path (Rediscover Your Inner Strength)

A Practical Guide to Kundalini Yoga: Through Shakthi Path (Rediscover Your Inner Strength)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAJ421
Author: Ashok Jaani
Publisher: Sapna Book House
Language: English
Edition: 2022
ISBN: 9788128008788
Pages: 70 (12 Color Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0 inch X 5.0 inch
Weight 80 gm

Book Description


Avdhoot Sri Sri Sri Govindgiri Swamiji is a God realized master who has been bestowed with infinite powers by Sri Sri Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. His spiritual journey commenced at the tender age of 12 years. Later for 14 years after doing intense penance, meditation and dialogues with the spiritual masters of India, he was initiated by Sri Sri Sri Sri Baba of Shirdi at Shirdi at the age 26 years and bestowed with siddha powers on him to helphumanity.

Avdhoot Sri Sri Sri Govindgiri Swamiji gives spiritual initiation called Shakthi Path to awaken Kundalini

Kundalini-a brief note:

Yogic scriptures speak of two aspects of this Energy: One that makes the outer senses function and another that lies dormant until awakened revealing the consciousness hidden within our being (Kundalini). Shakthi Path, which means "Descent of Grace "is transmission of energy from Guru to disciple that makes the inner perception possible.

When the Shakthi (Kundalini) is awakened by the grace of Guru, the grace will make sure that the Shakthi works in the most appropriate way, any other awakening either spontaneously or as a result of yogic practice or various other methods, a person may not know what is happening to him and may lead to difficulties and unknown troubles.

Why Kundalini Awakening Involution – Inner Function:

To understand why humanity needs this kundalini awakening we should understand the working of Shakthi.

When the Shakthi goes forth into manifestation, she begins the creative process and streams into manifestation, she assumes progressively denser and grosser forms, to understand this in the same way that steam becomes water and solidifies into ice. It is the process of contraction and limitation known as involution, in which consciousness become involved in nature.

This same process takes place within the human being. As and when the Shakthi descents to Sahasrara Chakra.

Sahasrara Chakra: Shakthi, exists in her limitless, infinite expansive state in the sahasrara, the highest spiritual center located at the crown of the head. Here Shiva and Shakthi are in union. The sahasrara is utterly transcendent, beyond the mind, beyond name and form. When Shakthi is in the topmost center, one does not perceive the world, one perceives only all pervasive light, yet even this is merely an attempt to describe the indescribable.

As Shakthi begins to descend through the Susumna Nadi, the central channel extending from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, she moves into the area of "the pure creation" between the sahasrara and the Ajna Chakra at the space between the eyebrows. As she moves downward through the pure principles of unity awareness and gradually comes into clearer focus:Nevertheless the subject and the object are still perceived as one. The split has not yet occurred.

Right above the Ajna Chakra, Shakthi hits the prism of Maya and is refracted through it, unity awareness is broken up and dispersed. The subject is severed from the object.


Maya has been called "the mirror trick that breaks the "All into Many". Lord Krishna tells Arjuna the divine Maya is mine, is difficult overcome. Those who take refuge in me alone can overcome it.

And Jnaneshwar Maharaj adds that anyone who thinks he can overcome Maya by his own efforts is a fool. One can overcome Maya by divine grace of Guru alone.

Everything is actually one energy is just appears to be broken up. This is true macrocosm (the universe) as well as the microcosm (the human body). Shakthi descends into manifestation in progressively denser forms.

As the Shakthi continues to descends, she reaches

Ajna Chalcra: The center of four Psychic instrument. The mind, the intellect, the ego. And the subconscious mind. The Third eye or the place between the eye brows is the seat.

Four Different Bodies

1. Supercausal Body: The subtlest is the super causal body or blue pearl, a brilliant dot of the blue light the size of a lentil seed, in which one experiences the turiya or transcendental state of the self, its seat is Sahasrara

2. The causal Body - black light, heart: The causal body is represented by a black light the size of a finger tip, in which one experiences the state of deep sleep. Its seat is the heart.

3. Subtle Body - white light, throat: The subtle body may be seen in the meditation as a white light the size of a thumb, In this body one experiences the dream state and its seat is the throat. The subtle body interpenetrates and vitalizes the physical, and is composed of millions of nadis, the subtle channel that carry the prana throughout the system.

4. Gross Physical Body - red, eyes: The gross physical body is associated with the red light the same size as the human body, in which one experiences the waking state. Its seat is the eyes. A seeker may see this in meditation as a steady red aura which envelopes him inside and outside and spreads right through him.

Earth, or the solid matter is the last, and grossest tatva or principle of creation. Then the Shakti stops her creative activity, and she rests in a coiled form like a serpent, She is now Kundalini Shakthi the serpent power, whose dwelling in the human body is the Muladhara Chakra, residing in the center of the body, she controls our entire physiological system through the complex network of nadis. She is the power behind the mind and senses and provides the energy for all our activities.


1 Introduction 7
2 Outer Function of Kundalini 12
3 Evolution 20
4 Effects of The Unfolding 24
5 The Chakras 33
6 Diksha Imparted By His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Govindgiri Swami Ji 59
7 Experiences of Disciples 66

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