Rasa Sanketa Kalika of Kayastha Camunda
Book Specification
Item Code: | IDG558 |
Author: | Uttam Vaidya, Pammi Satyanarayana Sastry |
Publisher: | Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2005 |
ISBN: | 8121801842 |
Pages: | 152 |
Cover: | Hardcover |
Other Details | 8.9" X 5.1" |
Weight | 240 gm |
Book Description

Introduction :
It was my longing desire to translate, atleast one book on Merucury. My grandfather, Rasacarya Civukula Satyanarayana Sastry used to mention this book Rasa Sanketa Kalika often. Hence, I had a liking to this book. While I was preparing for Vaidya Vidwan, in 1970's I read the original text, which was Greak and Latin to me at that time. I first, transliterated it into Telugu to quench my desire temporarily. Later I started understanding the Yogas by comparing them with Hindi commentaries of Rasa Yoga Sagara & Bharata Bhisajya Ratnakara along with Telugu translations. I also used to comapare with other yogas with the same name. I jotted down all the information. Later, I compiled all my jottings and translated the entire book into Telufu with the blessings of Lord Tryambakeswara at Nasik, when I happened to stay there for a week. I found that this small work of kayastha Camnnda filled this book with all his life time experiences for the welfare of Ayurvedic fraternity. I am at loss to know that why this treasure was not translated even to Hindi till 1984. It was a difficult task for me in finding appropriate words in English for Sanscirt terms. Hope, learned readers will forgive for the mistakes, if any. I will correct them in the next edition, if intimated. I preferred to give the Latin names for the herbs to make them known to all, avoiding the confusion in identifying them with the local names. I have also tired to give these names along with the original Sanscrit names for better understanding. I also tried to give my own explanation to the names of the formulae and also at few other places, where it demanded. Though, it was my desire to present the pictorial explanations to all the Yantra (apparatus), Kosti (furnaces) Puta , Mortar etc., I could not do so due to few constrains. I gave Glossary of sanscrit terms used in the text for the benefit of the readers. I have taken the help of the books at items 06, 07 & 08 of the List of "Books consulted" for rendering the Botanical equivalents of drugs and book under item no. 09 for rendering modern medical equivalents for the diseses/ailments. Though the translation was done three and half years back, for some reason or other, the typing and computer type setting could not be done. At last now it is ready for publication by the grace of Rasesvara without whose blessing this could not have been done.
About the Author: Born : 29th June, 1940 at Nuzvicd, Krishna, Andhra Pradesh. Parents : Vaidya Pammi Suryanarayana Murthy and Smt. Devidatta. Maternal Grandfather: Rasacharya, Mahamahopadhyaya, Ayurveda Sathapaka, Pandita Chivukula Satyanarayana Sastry. Paternal Grandfather: Pandit Pammi Peri Sastry. Educational Qualification: Licentiate in Electrical Engineering and Vaidya Vidwan. Felicitations : Awarded "Uttama Vaidya" by Pranacharya Prof. Divi Rangacharya Centenary Committee on 04.07.1999 Responsibilities held : In Government: Asstt. Electrical Engineer, in Railways (Retired). In Ayurveda : Ex. Hon. Associate Editor- *Indian Medicine *Indian Medicine House Journal Secretary : Harita Ayurved Kendram (Regd.) Managing Trustee : Dr. Achanta Lakshmipathi Ayurveda Library Trust (Regd.) treasurer : Rasacharya Trust
Introduction | iv |
Commendation | vi |
Index of contents | vii |
Invocation | 1 |
Origin of Mercury | 1 |
Kinds of Mercury | 2 |
Purification methods of Mercury | 3 |
Purification by Grinding | 4 |
Purification by Steaming | 5 |
Purification by Swooning | 5 |
Purification by felling (throwing) | 6 |
Process of assimilating Sulphur in Mercury | 7 |
Methods of binding mercury. | 9 |
Kinds of Bhasma of Mercury | 9 |
Preparation of Bhasma by sublimation | 10 |
Preparation of Bhasma by baking | 12 |
Kinds of Mercury Bhasma by Colour | 12 |
Red Bhasma | 13 |
Yellow Bhasma | 13 |
Black Bhasma | 13 |
Blue Bhasma | 14 |
Pale-red Bhasma | 14 |
Other Methods of preparation of Mercury Bhasma | 14 |
Other Processes | 15 |
Method of Testing the Mercury Bhasma | 17 |
Properties of Mercury (Bhasma) | 17 |
Acquiring better qualities when combined with others | 17 |
Containers for storing Bhasma of mercury | 18 |
Quantities of Livers & Poisons | 18 |
Dosage of Bhasma of Mercury | 19 |
Virtues on worshipping Mercury | 19 |
Toxic/Allergic symptoms | 19 |
Antidotes | 19 |
Virtues on worshipping Mercury | 20 |
| |
Classification of Metals & Their Bhasmas | 20 |
Killing of metals without Mercury | 21 |
Varieties of Gold | 21 |
Purification of Gold | 22 |
Killing of Gold | 22 |
Therapeutic Values of Gold Bhasma | 23 |
Varieties of Silver | 23 |
Purification of Silver | 24 |
Killing of Silver | 24 |
Therapeutic Values of Silver Bhasama | 24 |
Test for the Gold Bhasmaand others | 25 |
Lodestone-the best alternative to Gold and Silver. | 25 |
Varieties of Copper | 26 |
Toxicity of Copper | 26 |
Killing of Copper | 26 |
Varieties of Tin | 29 |
Purification of Tin and Lead | 29 |
Killing of Tin | 30 |
Killing of Lead | 31 |
Qualities of Tin and Lead Bhasmas | 32 |
Varieties of Iron | 32 |
Purification of Iron | 33 |
Methods of baking iron | 34 |
Killing of Iron | 34 |
Tests for Iron bhasma | 37 |
Nectarial Process of Ironbhasma | 37 |
Qualities of Iron Bhasma | 38 |
Dietary restrictions | 38 |
Iron Slag | 38 |
Killing of Kaphari(Calamine) and its qualities | 39 |
purification & Killing methods of Bronze and Brass | 39 |
Antidotes for Toxic effects of Bhasmas | 40 |
Quick process for killing metals | 40 |
Test for Nirutha Bhasma | 40 |
process for making Nirutha bhasma | 41 |
Varieties Mica | 41 |
Killing Mica | 42 |
Process of making Mica bhasma as Nectar | 43 |
Properties of bhasma of mica | 44 |
Dietary restrictions while taking Mica Bhasma | 44 |
Third Chapter | |
Processes of Purification of Sulphur etc. | 45 |
Killing of Poisons | 45 |
Qualities of poisons | 46 |
Dosage of poisons | 46 |
Antidotes for Toxicity of Poisons | 47 |
Contra-indications for poisons | 47 |
Indications for poisons | 47 |
Semi - Poisons | 48 |
Opium - Origin and properties | 48 |
Birth of Cannabis | 49 |
Properties of Cannabis | 50 |
Fourth Chapter Mercurial formulae | |
Sitabhanjil rasa in malarial fever | 51 |
Caitanya Bhairava Rasa in Typhoid fevers | 53 |
Laghu sucikabharana Rasa for Typhoid fevers | |
Sighra Jvarari Rasa | 56 |
Caturdhikari Rasa in Quartan fevers | 57 |
arthanari natesvara Rasa for all fevers. | 58 |
Hemasundara Rasa in Fevers with diarrhoea | 59 |
Arka Lokesara Rasa in Dysentary | 59 |
Svasa kasari Rasa orsila talesvara Rasa | 61 |
Raja Mruganka Rasa in consumption | 62 |
Siddha Mruganka Rasa | 63 |
kasyari Rasa | 63 |
Udaradhvanta Surya Rasa | 64 |
Sankha Bhaskara Rasa in Colic pains | 65 |
Raktari Rasa for Skin diseases | 65 |
Vadavagni Rasa in Obesity | 66 |
Trivikrakma Rasain Dysurea | 67 |
Svetakusthari Rasa in Leucoderma | 68 |
Svcchanda Bhairava Rasa | 72 |
Unmada Gaja kesari Rasa for insanity and Epilepsy | 73 |
Krvyada Rasa for indigesion | 75 |
Vadavanala Rasa in Indigestion | 78 |
Agikumara Rasa in indigestion | 80 |
Sankha drava Rasa Gastumour etc. | 81 |
Haragouri Rasa do for Dhatu Kshaya | 83 |
Madana Kamadeva Rasa in Dhatu Kshaya | 84 |
Mrutyunjaya Rasa inDhatu Kshaya | 84 |
Haragouri, Kamadeva & Mrutyunjaya Rasas | 85 |
Manini mana mardana Rasa as aphrodisic | 88 |
Kamadeva Rasa In Urnary disorders | 88 |
Putra prado Rasa for progeny | 89 |
Divya drustikara Rasafor Eye diseases | 93 |
Sarana sundara Rasa for Stomach disorders | 93 |
Vamanamaraka Rasa | 95 |
Unmattakho Rasa in Typhoid | 95 |
Vamakesvara Rasa | 96 |
Sanja prabodhananjanam in Typhoid | 96 |
Uddulana Rasa for excessive sweating | 97 |
Fifth Chapter | |
The Chapter on Gutika's - Pills | 98 |
Jaya Gutika for all diseases | 98 |
Vijaya Gutika in coughs etc. | 98 |
Sankara Vatika in Piles etc. | 100 |
Sankha Vatika- for Chronic Diarrhoea etc | 101 |
Kasa kartari Vatika for Coughs | 101 |
Surya Prabhava Vatikafor Colic pains | 102 |
Candrakala Gutika in Urnary disorders | 103 |
Bhogapurandari Gutika in Impotency | 104 |
Nagarijuna Gutika | 105 |
Maha Mrutyunjaya Gutika in poisons | 106 |
Kitava Vatika | 107 |
Alarka Visaha Gutika | 107 |
Mruta Sanjivani gutika in Typhoid | 108 |
jvaranasini gutika | 109 |
Nagarjuna vartika in Eye diseases | 110 |
Supracetana Gutikain tyuphoids | 112 |
Purgetion as Febrifuge | 113 |
The Rasa that induces vomiting | 113 |
Mahadvatari Tailam forVitaDiseases | 114 |
Karnamrita Tailam | 115 |
Rajavallabha Dhupa | 116 |
Glossarry of few of the technical terms used the text. | 118 |
Glossary of Sanscrit terms | 124 |