Saint Kabir and His Teachings
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAY726 |
Author: | Abhilash Das |
Publisher: | Kabir Parakh Sansthan, Allahabad |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2007 |
ISBN: | 8184221738 |
Pages: | 535 |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 9.00 X 6.00 inch |
Weight | 690 gm |
Book Description
In accordance with his essential versions of the Bijak, Saint Kabir is only a simple man. He speaks the truth, behaves in the truth and supports the truth. Except this, he holds nothing.
Saint Kabir is a light house for humanity as a whole. There are rays of hopes in Saint Kabir for all the weak and strong, the so called low and high, the literate and the illiterate, the rich and the poor.
Saint Kabir bestows love and affection to all, guides them for their orthodoxies and stupidities, speaks sweet with them, says bitter, there lies love even in his bitter utterance. He is piquant and is the centre of attraction for all.
He is a self absorbed perfect Saint, but he is worried about the equality of humanity, and is often restless for the benediction of the deserted, exploited, agonised and innocent and mute human society. He is a forceful voice of the neglected mute society.
Saint Kabir preserves the view of the universal unity for the society, religion, metaphysics and for all. He is the Seer and adorer of the absolute truth. Therefore, his voice is the confluence of all, as the truth contains the innate unity.
Book's Contents and Sample Pages