Some Selections From the Scriptures of the World Religions

Some Selections From the Scriptures of the World Religions

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAB346
Author: Swami Harshananda
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Printing Press
Language: English
Edition: 2002
ISBN: ‎ 8171209963
Pages: 60
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0" x 4.9"
Weight 50 gm

Book Description

From the Introduction

The sublime principles taught by the great religions of the world have always saved mankind from self-destruction whenever they have been understood properly and practised sincerely. If these religions- some of which belong to the prehistoric eras-have survived to this day, it is mainly because of their great bocks in which are recorded these sublime principles revealed to their founders, prophets, messiahs, sages and saints.

How the book or the scripture has saved a religious community can be understood better by analysing the Sanskrit equivalent for the same, viz., 'sastra'. A sastra is that which protects (tranana) if its commands (sasana) are adhered to: sasanat trananac caiva sastramity abhidhiyate.

The book places before the members of the community a great ideal to be striven for. It gives them a code of conduct by following which they can maintain internal peace and harmony. It helps them to resolve their doubts and conflicts by offering them the necessary norms and standards. It is the fountain-head of eternal inspiration for the entire community.

Faith in and devotion to one's own religion does not oblige a man to denigrate other religions or dislike their followers. On the other hand a reverent study of other religions can enhance his faith and devotion to his own religion. After all, all religions teach, ultimately, the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man thereby obliging man to love his neighbour as himself.

Sri Ramakrishna declared that all religions ultimately lead to one and the same goal. Divergence of the paths does not mean divergence of the goals. Do not all the radii of a circle converge at its centre?

This is the main purpose behind the selections chosen from the great scriptures of the world religions and presented through this booklet. If it generates in the heart of the reader veneration towards those great religions and rouses his curiosity to know more, the compi1er feels rewarded.

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**Contents and Sample Pages**

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