A Study of Coins

A Study of Coins

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Book Specification

Item Code: AZG372
Author: O.N. Singh and D.P. Singh
Language: ENGLISH
Edition: 2011
ISBN: 9788174791115
Pages: 126 (Throughout Color Illustrations)
Other Details 10.00x7.50 inch
Weight 620 gm

Book Description

About the Book
This book "A Study of Coins" covers Numismatic studies of South Asia from earliest time to modern period. The Ancient South Asian coinages have a very long and varied historical tradition providing a rich source of information. This part on Punch marked to Gupta Period will serve the needs of students and academicians, who want to study the coins from ancient to modern times. This is the first kind of study which will highlights from the first Punch marked coins issued between 7-6 Century BC to present era.

The present volume deals with manufacturing techniques, style, and types of metals used, symbols and images, purpose and dynasties who promoted various kinds of coinage. This book contains seven chapters: 1. Early Coins of India from 7 century B.C. to 1" century A.D.; 2. Tribal Coins of Ancient India, from late 3" BCE of early 2nd century A.D.; 3. Indo-Greek Coins, from 2 to 1* century BCE; 4. Roman Coins in India from late 1" BCE to 1 c.AD; 5. Kushana Dynasty and Their Coins, from late 1" BCE to 3" c.AD; 6. Satavahana Coins, from 2 BCE to 2nd c.AD; and 7. Gupta Coins from 319 to 578 AD.

About the Authors
Dr. O. N. Singh (born in 1959) present working as Associate Professor in the Ancient Indian History, Culture Archaeology, B.H.U. Varanasi. specializes in field Numismatics Historiography. He has published four "Guptottar Kalin Bhartiya Mudrayein", Culture Glory Varanasi" Guptottar Dakshin Bhartiya Mudrayein." About three research papers and articles presented by have published various National International Journals. He has been the Secretary of prestigious Numismatic Society of India 2002-2005 as well as Chief Editor "Humanities India" presently holds the post Treasurer of NSI and "Indian Conclave Humanities and Sciences". Besides being member various academic and administrative committees of universities and other institutions, he is discharging the responsibility "Course Coordinator" Special Courses Studies, Faculty of Arts Deputy Chief Proctor B.H.U.,Varanasi.

Dr. Sharma is Archaeologist and Historian. During 1983-84, was awarded commonwealth scholarship and qualified M.A. Archaeology from Institute Archaeology, University London. He excavation Sussex (U.K.) Pincenvent (France) under Dr. Mark Newcomer and Prof. Gourhan. Since 1985-2005 had been working Head Harappan and prehistoric collection National Museum, New Delhi and also worked visiting professor National Museum Institute. Sharma has published 210 Papers and Books to credit. present he working Director Bharat Kala Bhavan Museum, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

Ancient South Asian coinages have a very long and varied historical tradition providing a rich source of information. Its value as a record of political and economic changes is enhanced by its narrative and aesthetic impact reflecting the cultural developments of different periods from 7 B.C. and regions. In fabric and execution South Asian coins show a remarkable skill and interesting techniques.

Ancient South Asian coinage begins with a uniform currency in silver and copper, known as the Punch-marked coins, found all over India. Issued between the 7th century and 1" B.C. and century A.D. by merchant guilds and a few ruling families. It was mainly a trade currency belonging to a period of intensive trade activity and urban development. Trade also brought into India towards the close of this period, Roman coins in gold and silver, those of the emperors, Augustus and Tiberius being most common. South India has a concentration of Roman coin finds, especially along the trade routes and coastal areas (in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala and Andhra).

To the same period belong a series of local and regional coins viz., uninscribed cast copper coins and inscribed cast coins of the Janapadas i.e. monarchical and republican states of North India. These early indigenous issues starting from Punch-marked coins bore symbols of unknown import, perhaps drawn from tribal and popular cults, gradually giving place to those of the Buddhist and Brahmancial religions.

Regular dynastic coin issues begin with those of the foreign conquerors of west Asia Greek between the 2 century B.C. and 2 century A.D. viz. the Indo-Greeks, the Saka-Pahlavas and the Kushans. Hellenistic traditions characterize the silver coins of the Indo-Greeks, with Greek gods and goddesses figuring prominently, apart from the portraits of the issuers. These coins with their Greek legends are historically significant for the history of the Indo-Greeks has been reconstructed almost entirely on their evidence. The Saka coinages of the western Kshatrapas are perhaps the earliest dated coins, the dates being given in the Saka era of A.D.78, popular in Indian tradition of dating to this day.

Currency coinage are more specific terms. Currency is medium of exchange backed by issuing authority, one that used immediately discharge any financial obligation. Coinage metal currency. It a definite size, shape weight standard. and the stamp an issuing authority. The main message bearing a is known the obverse and other side the reverse. In the world Asia were made of electrum, a natural of gold and silver. Harappan disc shaped gold bead is the oldest coin India.

Mint towns be identified noting where large numbers coin moulds have been An analysis coin dies help identify the number and of issues and estimates volume coins produced by these dies can be made by Stone age people had currency nor coinage and conducted exchange via barter. cultures too conducted without the of coins. They also did exchange barter the Harappans 2700-1900 B.C. for instance, had very extensive trade network barter. Some scholar suggested copper tablet disc shaped gold beads discovered from Mohenjodaro Mandi were coins these take in trade 2500-1900 B.C. Rigveda text composed 2000-1500 B.C. mentions words such nishka nishka-griva ornaments), hiranya-pinda (gold globules), but these cannot be understood as Gold ornament nishka griva was reported from Monds. Vedic which were composed between 1500-1000 B.C. use terms such nishka, suvarna, shatamana, pada. These have been pieces of necessarily full-fledged coins.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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