Swami Vivekananda Tells Stories (A Collection of Stories told by Swami Vivekananda)
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAL663 |
Author: | Swami Atmashraddhananda |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2021 |
ISBN: | 9788175053977 |
Pages: | 224 (Throughout B/W Illustrations) |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch |
Weight | 250 gm |
Book Description
As readers of Swami Vivekananda’s works may recall, Swamiji was a wonderful storyteller. His talks and writings are interspersed with numerous anecdotes and illustrations. Some of these are well-known, while others are not, but they are all relevant and thought-provoking, revealing his profound knowledge of human nature – its potential and its limitations. This collection contains most of the stories from his nine-volume Complete Works Published by us.
These stories were serialized from January 2005 to January 2010, under various titles, in The Vedanta Kesari, the English monthly published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai. The idea of publishing them in this manner was well received and welcomed by one and all. Some were even surprised that Vivekananda had told so many stories. And as all these stories are in Swamiji’s own words, there is an additional charm and value to them.
The 106 stories contained in this volume have been classified under 10 headings. Some are just a paragraph, while others go on for several pages, but all are sure to give readers fresh insights. The compilation and arrangement has been done by Swami Atmashraddhananda, the present editor of The Vedanta Kesari. Sri Mahendra C. Zinzuvadia has created the beautiful line drawings for the book, for which we are very grateful. When the world is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, we are sure this book will be widely read.
Publisher's Note | 3 | |
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1 | Human Understanding | 13 |
2 | Two Approaches | 15 |
3 | Not a drop of Water | 16 |
4 | Where were these rishis? | 17 |
5 | Story of the Deluge | 18 |
6 | Until You Know God | 20 |
7 | Freedom - the Only Condition of Growth | 20 |
8 | I Want Religion' | 21 |
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9 | The Bugle Sound | 27 |
10 | Thou art That' | 29 |
11 | Bondage of Nature | 29 |
12 | The Old Chinaman | 29 |
13 | The Story of Vilvamangala | 30 |
14 | Lingering Hope | 34 |
15 | Lion and Sheep | 35 |
16 | Fisherwomen in a Florist's House | 36 |
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17 | Non-attachment | 39 |
18 | True Contentment | 40 |
19 | From Gross to Subtle | 42 |
20 | Neither Good Nor Evil | 43 |
21 | Story of a Young sannyasin | 44 |
22 | Getting Nearer to the Lord' | 47 |
23 | The Story of Jada Bharata | 47 |
24 | Why We Disagree | 52 |
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25 | Love for God | 55 |
26 | It is also Yours' | 56 |
27 | Four Travellers | 57 |
28 | I cannot Trade in Love' | 57 |
29 | Be Pure and Love Everyone | 58 |
30 | The Highest Love | 60 |
31 | Nishtha Or Devotion to One Ideal | 61 |
32 | The Way of One-pointed Devotion | 62 |
33 | Courage To Be | 63 |
34 | Truth Will Be Out, Sooner Or Later | 65 |
35 | Guru Nanak's Insight | 65 |
36 | Great Indian Women | 68 |
37 | Arise, Awake! | 69 |
38 | Thief and a Non-killer | 70 |
39 | Believe in Yourselves | 70 |
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40 | Concept of Heaven | 75 |
41 | Solon and Croesus | 76 |
42 | What Joy Really Is | 77 |
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43 | And This Is Maya | 81 |
44 | Our Predicament | 83 |
45 | Resolving Our Conflicts | 83 |
46 | Going Round and Round | 85 |
47 | The Mirage of the World | 86 |
48 | Alice in Wonderland | 87 |
49 | Two Birds | 88 |
50 | I am Discovered' | 89 |
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51 | Intensity of Prayer | 93 |
52 | All Power is within | 93 |
53 | The Tartar Inside | 95 |
54 | The Noseless Saint | 95 |
55 | All Power are in the Mind | 97 |
56 | Be Like a Pearl Oyster | 101 |
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57 | Pratika Or Symbolism | 105 |
58 | A Case of Complete Self-sacrifice | 107 |
59 | The Bell-Eared Demon (ghanta karna) | 109 |
60 | Each is Great in His Own Place | 111 |
61 | Shraddha or Genuine Faith | 115 |
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62 | Sita-Rama, the Ideal Couple | 119 |
63 | A Heroic Act | 120 |
64 | Raksha Bandhan | 121 |
65 | The Status of Women in the Vedas | 122 |
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66 | Be Active First | 125 |
67 | We, Not the World, Get Straightened Out | 125 |
68 | Narada and Two Aspirants | 129 |
69 | Universal Brotherhood | 130 |
70 | Sin of Killing Cow | 131 |
71 | So He Has Also Followed Suit | 131 |
72 | Who Serves the Lord the Best | 132 |
73 | It is the Heart that Moves, Truly | 132 |
74 | Strength is the Test | 134 |
75 | Do Something Religious | 134 |
76 | We are Lions, not sheep | 135 |
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77 | Satyakama's Story | 139 |
78 | How Upakosala Got Knowledge | 141 |
79 | You Have Known the Truth' | 143 |
80 | Gods and Demons | 145 |
81 | A Fable About Buddha | 146 |
82 | Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi | 147 |
83 | The Story of Vedanta | 155 |
84 | The Story of Nachiketa | 157 |
85 | Nature is Like Ferris Wheel | 168 |
86 | We Are Like Silkworms | 168 |
87 | The Intense Desire To Be Free | 168 |
88 | Where Shall It Fall?' | 169 |
89 | Eat the Mangoes | 170 |
90 | The Passing Away of Buddha | 171 |
91 | Have You Seen God? | 173 |
92 | Whosoever Will Save His Life' | 173 |
93 | Buddha's Counsel | 174 |
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94 | The Transformation | 177 |
95 | The Story of Ramayana | 179 |
96 | The Danger of Frauds | 191 |
97 | A Leader Leads by Example | 192 |
98 | Blind Men and Elephant | 193 |
99 | This is Fanaticism' | 194 |
100 | The Greatest Birth | 195 |
101 | Your Doctrine Of Heredity! | 195 |
102 | The Story of Mahabharata | 196 |
103 | Real Prayer is Unconditional | 222 |
104 | Judge Ye Not | 223 |
105 | A Calcutta Youth in Father-in-law's House | 224 |