Tagore and Indian Philosophical Heritage (An Old and Rare Book)

Tagore and Indian Philosophical Heritage (An Old and Rare Book)

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Book Specification

Item Code: AZE209
Author: Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya
Language: ENGLISH
Edition: 1984
Pages: 30
Other Details 8.50x5.50 inches
Weight 60 gm

Book Description

About the Author
Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya is M.A., D.Litt. of the Calcutta University, D.se., and honoris causa of the Academy of Science, USSR, and Member of the German Academy of Sciences, Berlin. Apart from extensive lecture tours abroad, he has worked as Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Calcutta University, Andhra University and Poona University. His published works in Bengali and English total over fifty, of which Lokayata, Indian Philosophy, Indian Atheism What is living and What is Dead in Indian Philosophy and Science and Society in Ancient India have also appeared in Russian. Chinese, Japanese, German and Hungarian languages. He was a sectional Vice-President, XV World Congress of Philosophy, Varna 1973, and a sectional President of the IV World Sanskrit Conference, Weimar 1979.

Of the most tediously verbalized ideas, some are the love of truth and the love of liberty'. But the courage required to profess these in the real sense is not always met. There are difficulties about it, and the difficulties are both external and internal. The external difficulties are rather well-known. These are created by organized political and economic power. The internal difficulties, however, are often un suspected The love of truth and the love of liberty. in so far as these are intended to be more than mere words, require the strength to overcome mental inertia and the courage to introduce corrections into time-honored ideologies.

The point sought to be emphasized in the present lecture is that Rabindranath Tagore showed this strength and this courage. What was exceedingly remarkable about him is that the more he was approaching the end of his life the sharper became the expressions of this strength and this courage. It became so sharp indeed that he went to the extent of questioning some of his earlier basic commitments. To bring this point into focus, only one type of his observations are quoted here-observations which, when pieced together, give us a rather uncommon profile of the poet.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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