Vajapeya: Essays On Evolution of Indian Art & Culture (An Old & Rare Book)
Book Specification
Item Code: | UAQ046 |
Author: | Dr. A.M. Shastri & Dr. R.K Sharma & Dr. Agam Prasad |
Publisher: | Agam Kala Prakashan, Delhi |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 1987 |
Pages: | 403 |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 11.50 X 9.00 inch |
Weight | 2.10 kg |
Book Description
Contributions of Professor K.D. Bajpai in the field of Indological studies are too rich, varied and well-known to need any introduction. In the fields of iconography, art history, archaeology, epigraphy and early Indian political and cultural history he has numerous achievements to his credit, and he is one of our most knowledgeable scholars. He commenced his professional career at the archaeological museum, Mathura, where he was posted for more than a decade, with only a brief interval when he was archaeo logical officer to the Government of Uttar Pradesh, and this gave him a rather rare opportunity to gain first hand familiarity with early Indian art and iconography in which he is one of the most dependable men. The Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology of the University of Saugar, which he next joined as Head, and the rich museum attached to it are solely his creations. During the long period of over two decades of his headship of the Department he kept himself engaged in archaeolo gical excavations and explorations, and one cannot think of Madhya Pradesh archaeology without him. His valuable work brought him great recognition, and he held with distinction several coveted offices including the chairmanship of the Numismatic Society of India and the Epigraphical Society of India and has presided over their conferences as well as those of the Indian Archaeological Society and the Indian History and Culture Society besides being sectional president of the Indian History Congress and the All-India Oriental Conference. He has been a member of the Council of the Indian Council of Historical Research and its various committees for nearly nine long years. He has received numerous other honours including, inter alia, the Nelson Wright Medal of the Numismatic Society of India and the R.P. Chanda Medal of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Numismatic Society of India and the Epigraphical Society of India. This list of positions held and honours earned is by no means exhaustive but is merely indicative of the measure of high esteem in which he is held by his admirers. This has been possible because of a rather rare combination in him of administrative, organisational and academic capabilities besides highly pleasing demeanour for which he is widely known.Friends and admirers of Professor Bajpai have been anxious to express their feelings for him in the form of a felicitation volume, and the present anthology represents a literary tribute to him by his fellow workers. When scholars were approached for their contributions, they readily responded to our request and there was a steady stream of research papers. We are thankful to them for their ready response.
We are conscious that notwithstanding our best efforts misprints have crept in, but we feel that they are not very serious and in no way affect the communication of ideas. All the same we crave the indulgence of our readers.
Professor Bajpai is now nearing seventy and is quite hale and hearty and rarely misses an opportunity to attend meetings and conferences where his august presence is solicited. We take this opportunity to pray to the Almighty to bless him with many more years, a century, of fruitful life with good health.
**Contents and Sample Pages**