The Zodiac and The Salts of Salvation

The Zodiac and The Salts of Salvation

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Book Specification

Item Code: UAM803
Author: George Washington Carey
Publisher: Kalpaz Publications
Language: English
Edition: 2017
ISBN: 9789351287650
Pages: 352
Other Details 9.00 X 6.00 inch
Weight 520 gm

Book Description


DR GEORGE W. CAREY'S booklet, "The Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac," has seen many editions; but it was not 1906 that I secured my first copy, and, mentally hungry for truth, eagerly devoured its pages.
Such actual meat and drink it was to me, so fascinatingly interesting, that I was convinced at once of its immeasurable value to humanity. That realization became intensified, year after year, as constant experience and intensive research work furnished conclusive proof. I believe that the day is not far distant when Dr. Carey will be acclaimed as one of the world's greatest benefactors.
In this chaotic and materialistic age he discovered and pub lished a priceless key, that which unlocks the door to mental as well as physical health. The understanding and use of this key will accomplish the physio-chemical process where by mankind may regenerate. This means the slow but sure rise from physical and mental degeneracy, disease, unhappi ness, and death to that glorious state which is the heritage of every one-perfection. Thus will be consummated the Scrip tural injunction, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect." Matt. 5:48.
The great majority of people will be startled, if, indeed, not actually shocked, by the statement which fifteen years of earnest research and experience causes me to make. Duty and a sincere wish to help humanity are also contributing factors, but there is another and more powerful reason. Our solar system is entering, once again in the cycles of the ages, the sign of Aquarius, the Son of Man, and those who know the Truth, or any part of it, must write, speak, and live it. Aqua rius is the humanitarian, or human sign, and the planet (vibration) Uranus is the ruler of this division of the zodiac, which is the path of the solar system.
Therefore, as this is the Age of Truth, those who work with and for it are working in harmony with natural law, while those who follow the opposite course will wonder why they are not prospering. To prosper means to have sufficient for one's necessities, to be physically and mentally comfort able.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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