Ashoka- The Farmichael Lectures 1923
Book Specification
Item Code: | UAH200 |
Author: | B.R. Bhandarkar |
Publisher: | Literary Circle, Jaipur |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2022 |
ISBN: | 9789385445866 |
Pages: | 338 |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 9.50 X 6.50 inch |
Weight | 570 gm |
Book Description
But to prepare the book for the second edition was' a matter of no sin all difficulty. In the first place, I had to give my careful attention to what the critics of my book had said. Secondly, there were many scholars who had written about Moka or his inscriptions after the first edition was .out. Thirdly, in the course of my studies and preparation for lectures to the Post- graduate classes, I had myself lighted upon new interpretations and angles of vision.
All these scattered rays had to be brought to a focus.' This meant time. Besides, I myself was keeping anything but good health for .a long time. This is the reason why so m.uch delay has occurred in bringing out this second edition.
As regards the reviews that were published of my book, some contained nothing but praise about me and my work. I will make no mention of them. There was how-ever one review- which was a condemnation of my book, from beginning to end? It was published in JBORS., Vol. XI, pp. 402-3, and I request scholars to read it at least once, and find out who wrote it and how it carne to be published. That will surely conduce much, if not to their scholarship, certainly to their psychological research. That will also convince them that Patna has been correctly identified with Pataliputra where Kaailya and Rakshasa as well as ASHOKA and Chandragu'pta Vikramaditya flourished.
Of the remaining reviews of my book there are only four. which are worth noticing? The first of these was written by Dr. Jarl Carpenter in 1RAS., 1925, p.805ff.; the second by Dr. S. K. Belvalkar in ABORI., Vol. VII, p. 166 ff. ; the third by the late Mr. S. M. Edwards in 'IA., 1926, p. ~39; and the fourth by Truman Michelson in JAOS.,Vol. 46,p.256 ff. Edwards winds up his review- with the following remarks:" I have said enough to indicate that Dr. Bharidarkar's book is full of information as one would expect from a scholar of his reputation, and contains suggestions of much interest to all who ponder over the problems of India's past history."
Book's Contents and Sample Pages