Comprehensive Prediction by Divisional Charts (An Original Research Work)
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAC924 |
Author: | V P GOEL |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2012 |
ISBN: | 9788170821342 |
Pages: | 395 |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.4 Inch X 5.7 Inch |
Weight | 500 gm |
Book Description
Three distingushing features of Hindu Astrology are divisional charts, dasha systems and yogas. This book deals with divisional charts.
We all know the concept of divisional charts after we go through the Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. It is for the first time that the practical application of these are given The book deals with all Parashari and non Parashari divisional charts and bring out their predictive value and the technique The high lights of the book are:
1 Rules for examination of each divisional chart.
2 House significations of divisional charts.
3 Linking of divisional charts.
Linking of divisional charts is discussed for the first time It opens new avenues in sharpning the predictive technique and provide ground work for further research. It shows the way to do and develope Astrology in a scientific and replicable manner.
The book is illustrated with many examples to bring out the deeper meanings of divisional charts.
I hope that this book will be helpful to all students and scholars of Astrology in sharping their preciictve accuracy.
Shri Vinod Prakash Goel is a former officer of the Indian Engineering Services and has served with the Ministry of Defence Government of India. He has o held managerial positions with private companies in India and abroad before setting up an engineering manufacturing and contracting firm. Presently he is a consultant to the Defence Research and Development Organisation.
Shri Goel has an M Tech, degree from IIT Kharagpur and B. Sc Mechanical Engineering (Honours) degree from Benaras Hindu University.
In the years 1999 and 2000, he was awarded Gold Medals for Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya at the Institute of Astrology, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi. He is now on the faculty of the Institute.
He is a published author of four books on Astrology prior to this presentation.
Our Guruji Shri K.N. Rao asked me to write on divisional charts.
This was about one year ago. This book is a result of his direction. I am grateful to him for considering me worthy enough for this task.
Divisional charts are the pride of Hindu astrology. They reflect the depth of knowledge our ancients had. Each divisional chart is a magnified view of a specific area of human life. Our seers have advised us to read each divisional chart in-depth to understand the horoscope holistically.
This study of divisional charts is presented in twenty three chapters. These chapters deal with the sixteen divisions or shodashvargas of parashar. The four non parashar divisional charts are also explained along with higher divisional charts. An interesting chapter of inter linking of divisional charts is also included. The linking of different divisional charts of one individual and of different individuals are given in a simple yet effective way. This linking is useful to provide a complete picture of the horoscope.
I am grateful to the faculty of Institute of Astrology, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, who taught me Hindu Astrology. I am grateful to the almighty God for directing me towards Astrology.
My special thanks to Sh. Narender Sagar for giving shape to the book from my hand written notes.
I will feel satisfied if readers are benefitted from this work.
Preface | xiii |
Divisional Charts | 1 |
Vimshopak Bala | 3 |
Varga Vimshopak Bala | 4 |
Longitudes in divisional chart | 8 |
General Rules | 10 |
Birth Chart D1 | 13 |
Significations of Houses | 13 |
Significations of Signs | 14 |
Classification of Rashis | 28 |
Significations of planets | 29 |
Rules for Examination | 42 |
Key Planets | 44 |
Hora D2 | 45 |
Parashari or Cancer/Leo or Uma Shambhu Hora | 45 |
General effect of hora placement (Mansagri) | 46 |
Labh Mandook Hora or Kerata Hora | 49 |
Poorva Parashari Hora | 55 |
Venktesha Hora | 57 |
Sun and Moon Hora | 59 |
Vikram Mandook Hora | 62 |
Cyclical Hora | 64 |
Drekkana D3 | 67 |
Parashari Drekkana | 67 |
Nature of a Person | 67 |
Twenty second Drekkana | 71 |
Examination | 73 |
Genetic Link | 75 |
Sex of Coborn | 83 |
Garga Drekkana | 86 |
Varanasi Drekkana | 87 |
Somnath Drekkana | 87 |
Sexual Inclinations | 87 |
Cyclical of Parivrittitraya Drekkana | 91 |
Tajik Drekkana | 91 |
Chaturthamsha D4 | 92 |
Parashari Chaturthamsha | 92 |
Dieties of Chaturthamsha | 93 |
Examination of D4 | 95 |
Cyclical Chaturthamsha | 100 |
Parashari and Cyclical Chaturthamsha | 102 |
Settlement Abroad | 102 |
Saptamsha D7 | 106 |
Parashara Saptamsha | 106 |
House significations of saptamsha | 107 |
Examinations of Saptamsha | 109 |
Sex of Children | 115 |
Beeja Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta | 116 |
Navamsha D9 | 121 |
Parashari Navamsha | 121 |
Pushkar Navamsha | 122 |
Navamsha in Nadi Astrology | 123 |
Rashi Tulya Navamsha | 128 |
Navamsha Tulya Rashi | 129 |
64th Navamsha | 131 |
Deities of Navamsha | 135 |
Marriage | 136 |
1. Promise of Marriage | 137 |
2. Early Marriage | 138 |
3. Late marriage | 141 |
4. Multiple marriages | 142 |
5. Status of Spouse | 144 |
6. Caring Spouse | 146 |
7. Mutual Attraction | 147 |
8. After Marriage | 148 |
9. Match Making | 150 |
Jaimini Navamsha | 154 |
Kalchakra Navamsha | 155 |
Dashamsha D10 | 157 |
Parashari Dashamsha | 157 |
Houses | 158 |
Ruling deities of dashamsha | 159 |
Examination | 163 |
Lord of Tenth house in D10 | 164 |
Mathematical or cyclical dashamsha | 169 |
Dwadashamsha D12 | 170 |
Parashari Method | 170 |
Application | 171 |
House significations of dwadashamsha | 171 |
Karakas | 172 |
Ruling Deities of Dwadashamsha | 173 |
Examination | 175 |
Cyclical Dwadashamsha | 180 |
Shodashamsha D16 | 184 |
Parashad or Cyclical method | 184 |
Houses of Shodashamsha | 185 |
Rules for examination of Shodashamsha | 186 |
Lords of Shodashamsha | 187 |
Phaladeepika | 197 |
Other method of casting shodashamsha - Third Version | 201 |
Vimshamsha D20 | 206 |
Parahara method | 206 |
Houses in Vimshamsha | 207 |
Ruling Deity | 208 |
Planets | 212 |
Salvation | 213 |
Examination of D20 | 214 |
Chaturvimshamsha D24 | 222 |
Parashari | 222 |
Second Method | 223 |
House in Chaturvimshamsha | 224 |
Lord of Chaturvimshamsha | 225 |
Examination of Chaturvimshamsha | 227 |
Method Three - Cyclical or Mathematical | 238 |
Saptavimshamsha D27 | 239 |
Parashari Method | 239 |
Ruling Deities | 240 |
Examination | 243 |
Significations of Planets | 244 |
Trimshamsha D30 | 251 |
Parashari Method | 251 |
Deities of Parashara Trimshamsha | 251 |
Cyclical or Varanasi Trimshamsha | 252 |
Houses of Trimshamsha | 253 |
Examination of D30 | 254 |
Conclusion | 262 |
Khavedamsha D40 | 263 |
Parashari | 263 |
Ruling Deities | 264 |
Examinations | 265 |
Cyclical Khavedamsha | 275 |
Akshayvedamsha D45 | 277 |
Parashara | 277 |
Ruling Deities | 278 |
Examination | 279 |
Cyclical or Mathematical | 289 |
Shashtiamsha D60 | 291 |
Parashar Method | 291 |
Examination | 291 |
Ruling Deity | 292 |
Other Methods | 304 |
Panchamsha D5 | 305 |
Cyclical | 305 |
Hadda | 305 |
Houses | 306 |
Examination | 306 |
Deity to worship | 307 |
Shashtamsha D6 | 317 |
Cyclical | 317 |
House Signification | 317 |
Examination | 318 |
Ashtamsha D8 | 324 |
Cyclical | 324 |
Raman Method | 324 |
Houses | 325 |
Examination | 325 |
Ekdashamsha D11 | 334 |
Cyclical | 334 |
Second Method | 334 |
Third Method | 335 |
Houses | 336 |
Examination | 336 |
Higher Divisional Charts | 347 |
Ashta Navamsha | 347 |
Nav-Navamsha | 349 |
Navamsha-dwadashamsha | 350 |
Sex of horoscope | 352 |
Dwadashamsha-dwadashamsha (D144) | 352 |
Nadi Amsha | 354 |
Other Amshas | 360 |
Linking of divisional Charts | 361 |
One Individual | 361 |
Charts of members of a family | 368 |
Charts of different individuals | 371 |
a. Husband and wife | 371 |
b. Division of property In a family | 373 |
c. Business relations | 378 |
d. Guru/Disciple | 380 |