The Vampyre's Handbook: Secret Rites of Modern Vampires 5th
- Hardcover: 264 pages
To realize that we are more than Human and actualize this state of Awareness has been the ultimate goal of all magical, mystical and spiritual pursuits since the dawn of time. It is perhaps no more blatantly represented and recognized than in one of the most superior occult archetypes ever to emerge: The VAMPYRE.
This very special "Vampyre's Handbook" 5th Anniversary Collector's Edition brings unique rites and teachings of the modern "Vampire Tradition" collected together and brought to a high-level scrutiny for the first time ever in hardcover--combining two underground classics: "The Vampyre's Bible: Moroi Book of V" and "The Cybernomicon."
Vampyrism is a very real, strong, ancient and powerful current within the occult community--so much so, that "occult" groups may be found to conceal a secret leadership or "inner circle" that either: refers to themselves as Vampyres; refers to some obscure or invisible Vampyric Secret Chiefs; or else performed "high magic" workings based on mystical techniques that fall within semantics of Vampyrism. These Secret Masters and Invisible Chiefs receive credit for the innermost teachings of magical societies, offering knowledge dating back to the primordial--before there was order; before there was a First Age, the primeval, First Cause of everything and nothing; Guardian of the Abyssal Void, wherein lies infinite unlimited potential. To this, our predecessors have called: "The Dragon."
Sacred knowledge from ancient civilizations--including their technology--is only understood when looking beyond contemporary knowledge we are conditioned with. Society claims to prize "individuality" and "innovation" yet requires its citizens to learn and repeat the same methodology held by previous generations. Many great feats and incredible monuments of the ancients seem to defy reason and technology by the standards of our times. Many have no duplicability--reflecting some unknown "secret" tradition otherwise known as the esoteric or occult. To "occult" is to disguise what "actually" is taking place or in view, by imposing a "virtual" something in its place. Occult mysteries are arcane or esoteric: specialized knowledge intended for, and understood by, a small number of people.
Within this amazing presentation of the "Vampyre's Handbook," Joshua Free bridges an understanding and communication of the realm of Magick and Mardukites with a futurist vision of Systemology and Zuism by revealing the Vampyric history, folklore, theory of energy work, practices of energy feeding, the Darksider diseases of werewolves, the necromancy of making zombies, ceremonies of death and immortality from the "Egyptian Book of the Dead."
Moroii ad Vitam Paramus means: "Living Vampyres who are Preparing For Life." Moroii are a faction of underground living vampyres that dedicate their "mortal" lives to magical and vampyric pursuits, cultivating energy from this Realm and intentionally direct it to their Etheric Body--to essentially rehabilitate the power and authority of the True Spirit within. By empowering the true Self, all that is connected as Identity is empowered.
Drink deeply from the True Blood of the ancient mysteries revealed to the surface world in its entirety for the very first time.