Light on Vedic and Puranic Studies

Light on Vedic and Puranic Studies

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Book Specification

Item Code: UAN206
Author: Dr. (Mrs.) Prativa Majari Rath
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Prakshan, Delhi
Edition: 2009
ISBN: 9788121702287
Pages: 178
Other Details 8.90 X 5.60 inch
Weight 340 gm

Book Description

This book is a collection of fifteen research articles touching upon various dimensions of vedic and puranic aspects. The collection is an attempt to highlight the ancient Indian tradition and wisdom relevant to the wellbeing of human society. The conceptual and linguistic analysis presents a glimpse of vedic tradition not only as the source of ancient Indian religion and culture but also as the tourch bearer of the knowledge and wisdom for the future generations. The preservation and propaga tion of the vedic culture and linguistic tradition for the betterment of human society and to generate an interest in the vedic studies are the humble purpose behind this publication.

Dr.( Mrs) Prativa Manjari Rath, born IN 1957, at Cuttack, Orissa.

Father: Late Muralidhar Rath

Husband: Shri Taraprasad Rath

Education: Graduate (1975-1977) from Shailabala

Women's College, Cuttack, Post-Graduation (1977-79)from P.G.Dept. of Sanskrit, Utkal University Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar, with special paper in Classical Sanskrit Literature, M.phil (1983), and Ph.D (1992) from Utkal University after qualifying UGC (NET). Certificate course in German Language (1986).

Specialisation: Vedic Literature

Research and publications: Research in the field of Vedic Language and Literature, published about 35 research papers in National Journals and five papers in International Journals, Edited two Research Journals and one collection of Sanskrit poems named rtayani. Guided twentyfive M.Phil students and two Ph.D students, currently supervising seven research scholars for Ph.D Degree. She is working on Vedic Mythology and Vedanga Literature. She is a Reader in Post.

"Light on Vedic and Puranic Studies" is a collection of research papers on various aspects of vedic and puranic studies, which have been presented in various National and International Seminars and Conferences during last eight years. An humble attempt is made to bring out a volume containing fifteen research papers with the title "Light on Vedic and Puranic Studies."

Vedas, the immortal words uttered by the ancient seers thousands of years ago, are eternal source of inspiration for the religion, philosophy, literature, art and culture of India. The essence of life of the Hindus are saturated with vedic concepts and values, even after passage of many millenia. Although Hindu religion has undergone significant changes in the passage of time still it's inner strength is essentially vedic in form and in substance. Vedas occupy a unique position in the world literature not only as the source of a great religion, philosophy, literature and culture but also as the tourch bearer of the knowledge and wisdom for the future generations of mankind. With this fact in mind my humble attempt is to focuss on different aspects of vedic wisdom in these papers.

The conceptual studies in this volume like "Concept of wealth in the vedic tradition," "Concept of rasa and delight in the veda," "Prthivi as the mother Goddess: A vedic vision" reflect upon the dimensions of vedic message and attitude on some significant aspects of human life. The vedic language has it's uniqueness as per the phonetic and grammatical aspects of study. The articles on "The Pre-requisite Qualification for vedic studies: a Desideratum for vedic research," "A Survey of Suklayajurvedic Siksa Literature," "Glimpse of Oral Tradition of Yajurveda as recorded in the Kesavisiksa," "Vocal Music in Naradiyasiksa with special reference to seven svaras", "Introducing Oral Chanting of Vedic Mantras in Sanskrit Curriculum," "Omkarah in the Vedas and Patanjaliyogasütram" "ऋग्वेदप्रातिशाख्ये पाणिनीयाष्टा ध्याय्याञ्च प्रगृह्यपदानां स्वरूपम्", " वैदिकस्वर fa" are the eight topics highlighting the different aspects of vedic specialities on phonetics and grammar. The articles not only focuss on the vedic tradition of chantings and vedic phonetics but also suggest the prior requirements for a scholar for vedic studies and research.

It is mainly through Puranas that the vedic ideas and ideals of religion and philosophy have survived up to the present time and got wide circulation among the people of India and outside. Puranas are therefore said to be the "Soul of the Vedas" or the quintessence of the Vedas (atma puranam vedanam-skanda puranam, Revakhanda I. 22). Thus the articles on "The glory of Naimisaranyam in the Puranas, "The Tradition of Vrkṣayurveda in the Puranas" and "The Disease and Treatment of paints in the Vrksayurveda Texts" are the studies relating to Puranas. The articles on Vrksayurveda depict the indigeneous techniques in taking care of the trees and plants in vedic and puranic tradition.

The last article "Hindu Manners of Salutation: An Analysis" focuss on vedic as well as later smrti tradition relating to manner of salutation and blessings. Thus the present collection is an attempt to weave a wide variety of themes through a frame work based on vedic and puranic themes. My efforts will be successful if the collection will be accepted by the scholars in the field.

I am thankful to Sri Raman Kumar Jain, Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, Delhi for undertaking the publication of the volume. I humbly acknowledge my indebtedness to all the scholars whom I have referred throughout the work. I solely take the responsibility of any omissions and mistakes in the volume.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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