Dietetic Regimen In Children

Dietetic Regimen In Children

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Book Specification

Item Code: IHL710
Author: Dr. Ram Shankar Gautam
Publisher: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan
Edition: 2010
ISBN: 9788189986360
Pages: 240
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 230 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book

About the Author
The author was born in Lucknow (Capital of Uttar Pradesh). He has completed his education up to B.Sc. from Lucknow after that he had graduated in ayurveda (B.A.M.S.) from state Ayurvedic college, gurukul kangri Hardwar (Holi city of Ganga). After completing B.A.M.S. he got selection MD course in both NIA & BHU at same time & completed MD (Bal Raga) from BHU. He had also taken diploma & certificate course in Yoga (BHU) & certificate course in psychiatry (Agra). Then he had given academic & clinical service to dept. of Stree Prasuti & Bal Roga, IMS, BHU as Service Senior Resident and now he is providing services as lecturer/ consultant (Bal Roga) in S.R.M. state Ayurvedic medical college, Bareilly (U.P) since last five years. He had presented various oral papers and participated in different seminars & symposia. He had also published over twenty publications in different magazine and journals including two other books published shortly.


"(One) is not able (to sustain life) without diet even of endowed with medicine, that—is-why the diet is said to be the great medicament by Physician)".

The whole universe is made of Panchamahabhootas. So Panchabhautic food is taken to nourish the Panchabhootas of the body. lt is done in. terms of Dosha, Dhatu and Malaas in three ways—

1. The carbohydrates and fats yield calories for energy which are stored and used at the time of necessity.
2. The proteins are never stored in the body for future use but helps the construction of the tissues of the body.
3. Vitamins are essential for different metabolic processes including that of the utilization of above three components i.e. protein, fat and carbohydrates. Minerals form the essential constituents of various Dhatus.

Above are the modern way of classification of food, however Ayurveda do not go classifying the food in these Categories. It in described in terms of Rasa, Guna, Veerya and Vipak.

The nutritive value of different foods of vegetable and animal sources are described in number of chapters and finally another chapter in allocated for preparations to be made in the name of Kritannavarg.

Cure of disease is not merely achieved by medicine, but by Pathya Bhojan. Diet not only cures, but prevents diseases, if properly used, So it is the duty of physician to prescribe appropriate diet in any particular condition.

The book written by Dr. R. S. Gautam describes the details of different aspects of diet in ayurvedic classics. The diet according to doshik predominance, season and srotovaha disorders. In each chapter author has mentioned his own views in light of present dietary system and classical prescription. These dietary preprations not only affect physical health but psychological and emotional features also. Though the diet as a whole contains various nutrients, for physical, mental health & satisfaction but simultaneously certain intoxicants also which are to be avoided.

Modern era is an era of fast food. It is highly presumed that increased disorders of Hypertension, Diabetes and cardiac diathesis, fast food is a promising factor. Author has also included the fast food as diet in the whole scenario.

Scattered material regarding diets in different texts is also being presented in a compiled form in this book. The classical references in original form is again is a dignity of this book. Description of different diets & Dravyas in tabulated form make the book simple to grasp.

The extensive labour & vision of the author is really appreciable and I think this book will add to the present knowledge of dietary science in the growing demands of nutrition.

Dr. R. S. Gautam in a noted scholar and pediatrician in field Of Ayurveda and in engazed in teaching since years. I congratulate Dr. Gautam for his important contribution to the literature of Ayurveda particularly on the subject. I hope, this book would prove a useful guide for teachers, research workers and writers on this subject.


Dietetics are most important respects to provide fuel to the body for carring easy life style.

Follow up dietetic regimens favours to maintain good health. Main aim of this book is providing a concise simple matter of dietetics including regimens for the loving children’s. The book is addressed primarily to all medical students, Dieticians, Physicians as well as for patents whom more anxiety to concern their Childs regarding dietetics & regimen advised in various diseases of the children.

In the subject collection few words are equivocal and many of them translated in English with the help of dictionary and ideas developing in the mind regarding insufficient matter also included in the book. The subjective matter chiefly sorted out from ancient texts as Bhaisjya Ratnavali, Yogaratnakar Samhita, Charaka Samhita, Susuruta Samhita, Astanga Sangrha, Astanga Hridaya, Nighantu etc.

The matter of dietetics classically arranged as twelve classes of dietetics mentioned in Charaka samhita with inclusion of one important class as fast food which are most common food to eat today, here matter have categorized in the form of tabulation for easy convenience to readers. I especially made attention to readers of this book towards tips given regarding diets and regimen must be read before follow- up the dietetics.

The subject especially concerned to the child but diets & regimens excluded which are contraindicalted for the child. Dietetics & regimen used in Doshik predominance and as per season being included to make extra knowledge. In English translation some words given as such as in texts in spite many of them translated by English dictionary. Here we effort to write the diets & herbs indicated or not indicated as per diseases as per dosha, as per season.


Foreword 3
Preface 5
Acknowledgements 6
Introduction 8
Tips for younger childrens 14
Tips for older childrens 15
Dietetics according to doshika predominance
1. Vata Roga 1
2. Pitta Roga 7
3. Kapha Roga 12
Dietetics according to season
1. Hemant Ritu 17
2. Sisir Ritu 21
3. Vasant Ritu 26
4. Grisma Ritu 31
5. Varsha Ritu 35
6. Sarad Ritu 39
Dietetics according to Srotas/diseases Svedavaha sroto disorder
1. Jvar - Fever 43
Udakvaha sroto disorder
1. Trishna - Thirst 49
Rasvaha sroto disorder
1. Hrid Roga-Cardiac disorders 53
2. Shotha Roga - Anasarca 57
3. Krishta-Undernutrition/Malnutrition 61
Pranavaha sroto disorders
1. Svarbheda- Hoarseness of voice 73
2. Kasa Roga-Cough 76
3. Svas Roga-Dyspnoea 81
4. Yakshma-Tuberculosis 85
Annavaha & Purishavaha sroto disorders
1. Ajirna-Indigestion 90
2. Bhasmak Roga-Bulimia nervosa 95
3. Urdhvavata-Gastritis 98
4. Anaha-Flatulance 101
5. Arochaka-Anorexia 104
6. Udavarta-Eructation 108
7. Chhardi-Vomiting 111
8. Atisar-Diarrhoea 115
9. Grahni-Sprue 120
10. Amlapitta-Acidity 124
11. Shoola-Tenasmus 127
12. Annadrava shool- Gastric ulcer 130
13. Parinam shool – Peptic ulcer 133
14. Gulma-Lump 135
15. Udara Roga – Abdominal disorders 138
16. Krimi Roga- Worm infestation 141
17. Hikka - Hiccough 145
18. Kamla- Jaundice 148
Medovaha sroto disorder
1. Medo Roga-Obesity 152
2. Prameha-Diabetic disorders 155
Mutravaha sroto disorders
1. Mutrakrichha-Cystitis 159
2. Mutraghat-Retention of urine 162
3. Asmari – Urolithiasis/Nephrolithiasis 164
Sangyavahi sroto disorder
1. Netra Roga-Eye Disorders 167
2. Karna Roga – Ear disorders 171
3. Nasa Roga – Nasal disorders 174
4. Mukha Roga- Mouth disorders 177
5. Siro Roga – Head disorders 181
Tvakvaha sroto disorders
1. Visphotaka-Boils 184
2. Masurika-Small pox 187
3. Visarpa-Erysipelas 191
4. Kustha- Leprosy 194
5. Sitapitta - Urticaria 198
Lasikavahi sroto disorder
1. Galganda, apache, granthi-Goitre, Lymphadenitis, Cyst, etc. 201
Vatavaha sroto disorders
1. Aamvata - Arthritis 204
Manovaha sroto disorders
1. Apasmar- Epilepsy 207
Guda Roga
1. Arsha-Piles 210
Agantuj disorders
1. Vranashotha – Wound/Inflammation 214
2. Vidradhi-Furunculosis/Boils 218
3. Bhagna-Fracture 222
4. Visha Roga-Poisoning 224
References (Verses) 228
Bibliography 240

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