Gheranda Samhita

Gheranda Samhita

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAD974
Author: Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu
Publisher: Indian Mind, Varanasi
Language: (Text With English Translation)
Edition: 2012
ISBN: 8186117148
Pages: 111
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 7.0 Inch X 5.0 Inch
Weight 110 gm

Book Description

About The Book

Hatha-Yoga is one of the most important forms of Yoga in which attempt is made to attain concentration or Samadhi by purification of the body and physical exercises. The Tantrik Sanskrit text Gheranda Samhita, which is in the form of dialogue between the saga Gheranda and on inquirer Chanda Kapila, teaches Yoga under heads or sadhanas. The book, containing three hundred and fifty verses, is divided into seven chapters, in each of which are given the directions for the purification of the body, asanas or postures, Mudras, Pratyahara, Prana-yama, dhyana, and Samadhi. The present translation of the Gheranda Samhita from original Sanskrit into English is an important contribution to the literature on yoga and should be of great use to those interested in the subject.


First lesson 9-28
On the training of the physical body 9
Salutation 9
The seven exercise 11
The six purificatory processes 12
The four internal dhautis 13
Antar dhauti 13
Vatasar-dhauti 13
Varisara-dhauti 14
Agnisara or fire purification 15
Bahiskrita-dhauti 15
Danta dhauti 17
Danta- mula-dhauti 17
Jivha sodhana or tongue-dhauti 18
Karna-dhauti 19
Kapala-randhra-dhauti 19
Hrid dhauti 20
Danda-dhauti 20
Vamana-dhauti 21
Vastra-dhauti 21
Mula-sodhana 22
Bastis 23
Jala-basti 24
Sthala-basti 24
Neti 25
Laukiki-yoga 25
Trataka or gazing 26
Kapalabhati 26
Vama-krama 27
Vyut-Krama 27
Sit-Krama 28
Second lesson 29-42
The asanas or postures 29
Different kinds of postures 29
The siddhasana 31
The padmasana 31
The bhadrasana 31
The muktasana 32
The vajrasana 32
The vajrasana 32
The swastikasana 33
The simhasana 33
The gomukhasana 33
The virasana 34
The dhanurasana 34
The mrtasana 34
The guptasana 35
The matsyasana 35
The matsyendrasana 35
The paschimottana-asana 36
The goraksasana 36
The utkatasana 37
The sankatasana 37
The mayurasana 37
The kukkutasana 38
The kurmasana 38
The uttana kurmasana 39
The mandukasana 39
The uttana mandukasana 39
The vrksasana 40
The garudasana 40
The salabhasana 40
The makarsana 41
The ustrasana 41
Bhujangasana 41
The yogasana 42
Third lesson 43-70
On mudras 43
The advantages of practising mudras 44
Mahamudra and its benefits 44
Nabho mudra and its benefits 45
Uddiyana-bandha and its benefits 45
Jalandhara bandha and its benefits 46
Mulabandha and its benefits 47
Mahabandha and its benefits 48
Mahavedha and its benefits 48
Khechari mudra and its benefits 49
Viparitakarani and its benefits 52
Yoni-mudra and its benefits 53
Vajroni and its benefits 55
Sakti chalani and its benefits 52
Tadagi-mudra and its benefits 58
Manduki-mudra and its benefits 59
Sambahvi-mudra and its benefits 59
The five dharana-mudras and its benefits 60
Parthivi and its benefits 61
Ambhasi and its benefits 62
Agneyi and its benefits 63
Vayavi and its benefits 63
Akasi dharana and its benefits 64
Asvini-mudra and its benefits 65
Pasini-mudra and its benefits 66
Kaki-mudra and its benefits 66
Matangini-mudra and its benefits 67
Bhujangini-mudra and its benefits 68
The benefits of mudras 69
Fourth lesson 71-72
Pratyahara or restraining the mind 71
Fifth lesson 73-98
Pranayama or restraint of breath 73
Place 74
Time 75
Six seasons 76
The experiencing of seasons 76
Moderation of diet 77
Prohibited foods 79
Purification of nadis 81
Kinds of kumbhaka 85
Sahita 85
Suryabheda kumbhaka and its benefits 88
The vayus 89
Their seats 89
Ujjayi 91
Sitali 92
Bhastrika (bellow) 93
Bharmari (or beetle-droning kumbhaka) 93
Murccha 95
Kevali 95
Sixth Lesson 99-104
Dhyana-yoga 99
Sthula dhyana 99
Another process 101
Jyotir dhyana 102
Another process 103
Suksma dhyana 103
Seventh lesson 105-111
Samadhi yoga 105
Dhyana-yoga samadhi 107
Nada samadhi 107
Rasananda yoga samadhi 108
Laya-siddhi yoga samadhi 109
Bhakti yoga samadhi 109
Raja yoga samadhi 109
Praise of samadhi

Sample Pages

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