Hindu Horary Astrology

Hindu Horary Astrology

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAO807
Author: Govindo Sri Rama Murti Rao
Publisher: Alpha Publications
Language: English
Edition: 2017
Pages: 112
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 150 gm

Book Description


The author of Hindu Horary Astrology, an English translation of Neelkantha's Prasnatantra is Mr. G. Sri Ram Murthi already well known to the astrological public. He has been in the field of astrological study and has made a work of his own. He has been serving the cause of astrology in a silent and unostentaitious manner.

The present work, for which I have been asked to contribute a Foreword, is rich and exhaustive and deals with "Prasnastra" or Horary Astrology. In three chapters, the entire gamunt of "Prasnasastra" has been convincingly covered by Neelkantha the Orignal author, and Mr. Rama Murthy has spread no pains to make the translations true to the original and easily understandable by an average student of astrology, adding his own observations wherever necessary and illustrating them with examples. As far as my humble knowledge goes, the existing books in English on Hindu Horary Astology are not exhaustive. But the present work is so planned that it deals with the questions pertaining to each Bhava systematically, enableing one to attempt answer to questions bearing on different aspects of life.

I have no doubt that the book will be welcomed by the astrological world as an important addition to the existing literature on the subject and that it will have the demand it richly deserves. Horary Astrology, as a method of divination, has its own limitations and not for getting answer to each and sundry questions which can be dealt with by commonsense.

I commend the present the volume to every student of astrology and wish Mr. Rama Murthy every success in his laudable efforts in bringing to light such valuable ancient treaties.


What is Horary Astrology?

The word Hora is derived from Aho Ratri when the letters 'A' and Tri are omitted, Hora is left. Hora means as hour or 2 ½ Ghatis of time span. Horary Astrology as the term implies, depands on the hourly movements of planets. Just as planetary chart is drawn up for the moment of birth of an individual so also a chart of planetary positions is drawn for the moment of birth of such a problem. From the map of Heaven thus drawn up, is given the forecast; the kind, nature, progress and final success or failure. The gradeour of the subject of Hindu Horary Astrology and the scientific training it imparts to its exponent, lead both the ancient and modern authors to regard Horary Astrology as an art. Horary Astrology as also arts, needs formal rules. Successful instruction could be imparted by a wise teacher (Guru). Neither the rules nor the ability and the acumen of the 'Guru' (Precepter) can make a student successful unless his inborn gift to the essentials and rejention of the non-essentials. Horary Astrology is rather similar to art and music. Just as in music there are many ways of extemporization of a particular theme so also in Horary Chart. In either case with the musician or the Astrologer, the success of the artist depands largely on his capacity to seize instinctively that which is most appropriate to the listeners, so that his performance can be a matter of appreciation and with the applause of his listener.

This science too has a few limitation as in the case of any branch of learning.

1. The first pitfall to guard against is the attempt to forecast from a chart erected for frivolous query. The exponent and the querent have to heed the above. It is best the enquire is certain that he has a serious matter to raise a question.

2. (a) Both the exponent and the querent have to be contented in attempting a few selected questions. Never-the-less we have suggested methods for answering multiple questions from a sing Horary map on the reason that Varahamihira declares that a querent should not be restricted to a single query.

(b) The enquirer too must be precise, i,e., he should concentrate on his question and try to get more details on less number of questions. He ought not to multiply his queries on interviewing an Astrologer, Probably it is for this reson that our ancient wanted the querent, while approaching an Astrologer, to wash his feet, hands etc., with water, pray to God and raise his problems that require solution and, last but not least, worship the map of Heavens. I do not mean that every practioner has to take to this procedure; but if time and custom both suit, there is no reason why this sancity should not be obsereved. Never –the –less any Astrologer is at liberty to request without obligation, that consultant to think of his Ishtadevta –God who may be sacred to him/her.

(c) It is always a golden rule, specially to a beginner to restrict to one or two questions.

3. The habit of asking too many questions is to be deprecated on the following reasons:

(a). On moral grounds it leads one to become a sentimental weaking in as much as it deprives the independence and curbs self – reliance specially those who are not endowed with mature wisdom and are apt to follow these predictions as gospel truth.

(b) Secondly, Horary Astrological study and practice is to be taken as an aid to birth horoscope reading, if not the judgement is prone to be erroneous on two specific reasons: the birth horoscope gives the basic data and if it be strong as to ensure success on an errand and the Gochara (transits ) give the clues for uptodate changes, and if the Horary diagram shows signs of failure. Conversely if at birth nativity may be weak and the present may be under marlign planetary rulership, while the Horary Chart shows signs of success. In either of the two instances cited above, the judgement is likely to err. We are to assert that one should not forget that the birth horoscope is a perfect key to unlock all events of life.

There are a few special occasions when Horary Astrology will serve as an aid to prediction : when (a) a birth horoscope or data is not is missing or (d) when a friend or a relation lost cash or property and or (e) the possibility of recovering the lost goods.


Chapters I: Prasnatantra of Neelkanta 1-7
(a) The System of Horary Astrology
(b) Horary Astrology: (Definition, Limitation and Applications)
( c) Kinds of Planetary Movement (Dasa Bedhas)
(d) Answering Multiple Quaries out of a single chart
(e) Deepthadyavathas - The Result of Planets in Deepthadyavasthas
(f) The Planetary Effects and Significations
(g) Delinations of and from Bhavas
(h) Principles understand judgement from Horary Chart
(i) Other Authorities
(j) Karyasthana Explained
Chapter II: Bhava Prasana Adhyaya 8-26
Special treatment of queries related to the Twelve Bhavas in particular
(a) Queries connected with the Lagna Bhava
(b) Dhana Bhava : Queries relating to Second Bhava (prospect of gains, no gains, success in respect of I, II and III Bhavas)
( c) Prasna Deepika for immediate monetary gains
(d) Bhratru Bhava : Queries relating to the Third Bhava (Brother unwell fear of danger to querent, judgement of results of father, mother etc.)
(e) Matru Bhava : Queries connected with IV Bhava (access to lands - and not cultivation - progress and failure in crops - leasing out lands - production - tendency results good and bad)
(f) Putra Bhava : Queries relating to V Bhava (childbirth - at a letter date if Nakta Yoga - Male birth condition for - female birth - sex determination -pregnancy- child in womb : life and death - time of occurrence of delivery and month covered by pregnancy - delivery time - prediction rules)
(g) Satru Bhava : Queries relating to VI Bhava (sickness - treatment - prognosis - time of duration)
(h) Master vs Servant and cattle queries relating thereto
(i) Kalatra Bhava : Queries relating to VII Bhava (Marriage - Matrimony )
(j) Friendship with a women -wife getting angry
(k) Spinster : Examined from a Query Chart
(l) Delivery : (relating to self or others). Prasava Gnanam
(m) Chastity and its Examination (conception as a result of - union with husband or others)
(n) Ayurbhava : Queries relating to VIII Bhava Invasion, conquests, etc. 1 to 5, (result of war - good and bad effects - treaties - events- conclusion)
(o) Dharma Bhava : Queries relating to IX Bhava (going on journey - travel- comfortable or difficult - advantages - quarrels enmity- resulting out of-)
(p) Rajya Bhava : Queries relating to X Bhava Access to throne and government jobs ( access to throne - rulership - office - freindship with ministers-subjects - government etc.)
(q) Labha Bhava: Queries relating to Labha Bhava (honour from a king- maturing of select plans)
( r) Vyaya Bhava : Queries relating to Vyaya Bhava (war - law suit - victory - defeat - compromise)
Chapter III: Interesting and Peculiar Quaries 27-48
(a) On return of one from exile (time - missing persons - details - illustration- example query with answer - return of person or not - details)
(b) Time Return
( c) Fugitive - Living or Dead ?
(d) Shatpanchasika sets forth thus advent of army
(e) Conquest of Territories
(f) Treaty : Prasna Chintamani on Entry into Forts
(g) Ragina : The Sick : Sickness : Prognosis : Good or Bad
(h) Knowledge of Deva Dosha ( Divine curses) etc.
(i) Master vs Servant - the same or change of
(j) Access to Hidden Weath or Regarding (Lost Property or Wealth - money fallen unawares - scene of - described - direction - regaining of - the theif - offence - abutter - investigation - clues thereon repossesssion or failure - nature- of theif - sex - age - whereabouts : (a) theft,(b)stolen wealth -scene of offence - is one of the theif -one communication before or not - model illustration - a theft of a gold article digram and answer given)
(k) Offspring and queries relating thereto 'Prasna Chintamani sets forth on "Children and their Prospects"
(l) Kinds of food -classified - Quaries - food (planetary rulership of tastes - kind of food taken - dinner - invitation - attendance - absence - how enjoyed -danger in attending dinners respect due to rank)
(m) Dreams and Quaries relating thereto
(n) Shikaris and hunting
(o) Quarrel (Tangle) or a law Suit
(p) Fugitive release from bondage (escape - let off - auspicious- time- living or dead- returning home or not -time of return
(q) Ships, Merchandise, etc.: Queries relating thereto (safe return or not sea - voyage - happy - successful encounter difficulties, cargo lost in gain or loss.)
( r) Public Opinion and queries relating thereto (reputation, slander, truth,coming in light,time of)
(s) Purchase and sale : Queries relating thereto (Purchase,profit or loss, sale profit or loss.)
(t) Ratio of Crops : Direction of large production, famine (governing factors)
Chapter IV: Miscellaneous Aspects in Questions 49-60
(a) "Bhuvana Deepika" - valuable principle for accurate predictions
(b) The judgement of Bhavas generally
( c) Time of Fruitation (Utpala's method, illustration) To Time an Event
(d) Quaries realting to arrival
(e) Minerals and Metals (ores, bases, elements, alloys and compounds)
(f) The Query under Consideration
(g) Meeting a Women
(h) Coitus: Queries realting therto
(i) Bullish or Bearish trends in Market (Mandi and Teji)
(j) Solar Ingress into Aries : Results (Ravi Meshra Prasvesa)(annual result : for the nation and individuals)
(k) The Tajik Yogas
The Deepthamsas of planets : Means
Aspects of Planets
(l) Idhthasala Yoga - Full
Example 1. Results
Example 2 to 7
(m) Aesarpha Yoga
(n) Nakta Yoga
(o) Yama yoga : formation, example, illustration and results
(p) Kambola Yoga : Gairikadi Yogas
Examples 1 to 6
Appendix I Precepts, Examples and Illustrations 61-73
Appendix II The Horary Map 74-75
Appendix III Glossary 76-80
Appendix IV Model Questions - listed 81-84
List of questions in Appendix I 85-86
Worked out Example 87-91
Tables of Planets and Kala Horas 92-96
Sample Pages

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