Homoeopathic (Home Prescriptions)

Homoeopathic (Home Prescriptions)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAL792
Author: Dr Kulbhshan Bharadwaj
Publisher: Parimal Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Language: English
Edition: 2021
ISBN: 8171101291
Pages: 207
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 9.0 inch x 6.0 inch
Weight 350 gm

Book Description


Homoeopathy is not unknown to India. Like the American plant Bou-gain-vil-lea it has access to every hearth and home, to a degree. Even the beauty parlours and sanative of varying description are patronizing Homoeopathy in a salvo. In the same spirit quite a few sagacious families have taken upon themselves to develop their initiative and skill to be of some help to their Kith and Kin, when the need arises, making use of this system of cure. It is not plain pastime. It is the concern for the health of their family and friends. What makes it easier for them to adopt this system directly to ill persons is their being in an advantageous position of possessing the physical, emotional and mental totalities just before them at hand. Other co-efficients are picked up quickly and the job is done, as a first step, anyway.

Yet, they would like to be pretty sure of the ‘perspicacity’ and for this many of my patients and friends have suggested to me that I bring out a compact collection of standard prescriptions of intrinsic worth to the family, neither too intensive nor too extensive, which may be a sort of ready help in times of need at home. There are books galore on the subject but I reflected if I did some good to the cause of Homoeopathy, I should not mind. Hence this publication. At any rate, the services of the physician cannot be replaced and his monitoring and motivation are equally important.

I am conscious that a mighty theme like Homeopathy should not be short- circuited. Actually this is not being done. What is being attempted is only to provide the house-holders an initiation through the ‘perspective’ and ‘ground rules’ of practicing i.e., picking up likely medicines for their ailments as a first step at home. Thereby, they will be getting involved into a more purposeful lobby full of authentic and authoritative reading to give them a sound base, greater breadth of vision and practical wisdom. While the brochure is being brought out in response to a specific demand, it needs to be stressed, as a basis of homoeopathic prescription, that the ‘product’ may not be mistaken for the ‘process of disease’. By changing the process the product will itself be changed. That is the principle the novice and the adept both have to follow (whether at home or in professional practice) to effect a cure.

In compiling the HOMOEOPATHIC HOME PRESCRIPTIONS I have leaned heavily on the standard works of Masters, Healers, Practitioners and so on. I owe my debt to them for utilizing these as my source-material. This gratefully acknowledged.

I do not have adequate words to thank Dr. S.C. Madan for having agreed to write a Foreword to this publication. Besides being an eminent surgeon he also finds Homoeopathy of inestimable value. We often exchange notes with advantage. I am equally beholder to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a reputed Cardiologist for writing the Proem to the publication.

I am also thankful to my publisher Shri K. L. Joshi, Proprietor of Parimal Publications who has been quite enthusiastic, cooperative and accommodating in bringing out the book with speed and efficiency.

If what is presented in this compendium does serve the end in view the auther will be more than rewarded.


1 Preface
2 Proem
3 Perspective 1
4 Paradigm of Perception 5
5 Life, Health, Disease and Treatment 11
6 On to the Prescriptions 12
7 Section[A] 13-59
Some Acute Conditions 13
Abdominal Upsets 14
Appetite 16
Alopecia 17
Adenoids 18
Anaemia 19
Alcoholism 20
Albuminaria 21
Appendicitis 21
Asthma 22
Acidity/Flatulence 26
Abscesses/Boils 27
Ankylosis 29
Abortion 30
Azoospermia 31
Angina Pectoris 32
Constitutional 35
Some Other Remedies 50
8 Section[B] 60
Bed- Wetting 60
Biliary Colic 61
Bronchitis/Pneumonia 61
Burns and Scalds 63
Brain- fag 63
Barber's Itch 64
Breast Tumour 64
Breathing Difficulty 65
Backache 66
Blood Pressure 68
Beauty Beans 71
Bites 75
9 Section [C]
Chicken- Pox 76
Colds and Chills 76
Coughs 78
Constipation 80
Chronic Nasal Catarrh 81
Cholera Infantum 81
Common Cholera 83
Collapse 83
Pain in Chest 84
Conception 85
Cataract 85
Car-Sickness 87
Colities 88
Cancer 88
10 Section [D]
Diabetes 91
Diarrhoea 92
Dysentery 94
Dyspepsia 95
Deafness 96
Drowsiness 97
Dandruff 98
Dreams 98
11 Section[E]
Epilepsy 101
Eyes 102
Ear 106
Eczema 109
Emaciation 110
12 Section [F]
Fever 111
Filariasis 114
Fatigue 115
Fracture 115
Felon 115
13 Section [G]
Gall- Bladder 116
Giddiness 117
Gumboil 118
Gout 119
Goitre 120
Gangrene 121
Grief 121
Gonorrhoea 121
14 Section [H]
Hair-fall 122
Grey Hair 123
Headache 124
Heart 126
Hysteria 127
Hernia 128
Hydrocele 130
Hydrophobia 131
Hydrocephalous 131
Hiccough 132
15 Section [I]
Influenza 133
Itching 133
Insomnia 135
Impotence 136
16 Section [J]
Jaundice 137
17 Section [L]
Liver 138
Liver Cirrhosis 139
Liver Cancer 139
Leucorrhoea 139
Leucoderma 141
Leprosy 142
Lice 143
18 Section [M]
Maladjustment (of children) 144
Measles 146
Mumps 147
Mind 147
Menstruation 150
Meningitis 153
Masturbation 153
Migraine 156
Mother's Milk 156
Muscular (weakness) 157
19 Section [N]
Nose-bleed 158
Nose- flow 159
Nymphomania 159
Nail-biting 160
20 Section [O]
Ovaritis 160
Obesity 161
Orchitis 162
Old Age 163
21 Section [P]
Piles 164
Prostate 164
Polypus 165
Parturition 165
Pulling Penis (by children) 166
Paralysis 167
Pigeon's chest 168
Psoriasis 168
22 Section [R]
Renal Colic 168
Ring-Worm 168
Rheumatism 169
23 Section [S]
Sclatica 170
Sinus 171
Snoring 172
Synovitis 172
Sun- stroke 173
Skin 173
Spondylitis 174
Spine 174
Spur 175
Spermatorrhoea 175
Sex 176
24 Section [T]
Tonsils 178
Tumour 180
Toothache 182
25 Section [U]
Uterine Polypus 184
Uterine Prolapsed 184
Ulceration 185
Urticaria 185
26 Section [V]
Vomiting 187
Voice Lost 188
Varicose Veins 189
Vaccination 190
27 Section [W]
Weakness 190
Weight (loss of) 190
Warts 191
Whitlow 192
Worms 193
Wry Neck 193
Writer's Cramp 194
28 Section [Y]
Yawning 194
Sample Pages

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