Science of Divine Sound (A Latest Research on Self and God Realization with the Medium of Sound)

Science of Divine Sound (A Latest Research on Self and God Realization with the Medium of Sound)

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDJ448
Author: SriYogeshwaranand Paramhans
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9878192640006
Pages: 212 (8 Colour Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.4" X 5.3"
Weight 300 gm

Book Description

About the Book

His Holiness, Revered Swami Yogeshwaranand Ji Saraswati Maharaj has, for the benefit of the seekers of spiritual knowledge, written the present volume, "Science of Divine Sound" with much subtlety of intellect and depth. The aspirants hae been offered numerable techniques of self – and God realization by means of sound and mantra in the book.

In it have been described 108 types of sound and mantras for the realization of self and God in various elements as also the realization of causal prakriti. Brahman's relation of 'pervader and the pervaded' with the various transforming states of prakriti and the realization of these states have been explained.

Just as in our earlier book of 'Science of vital Force' and 'Science of Divine Light' respectively, in various object have been explained, even so, in this book of 'Science of Divine Sound' a variety of techniques for the realization of self, God and prakriti have been given in details, Readers will be able to grasp this knowledge without much difficulty.

The present volume was written by revered Swamiji during his month camp at Pahalgam (Kashmir). This ashram is situated in a very quiet and peaceful area. The area is surrounded by various types of trees such as, pine deodar as also the snowcapped mountains full of greenery. Hard by the ashram flows the river, Lider. Its water makes the murmuring sound by striking against the rocks. This sound drowns away other sounds. It is a very congenial place for the practice of meditation. Not only the present volume but the previous ones, viz. 'The Essential Colourlessness of the Absolute', 'Science of Vital Force' and 'Science of Divine Light' were also written here.

In the present volume sound has been considered as the chief object and many techniques of self – and God-realisation through sound and recitation of mantras of the nature of sound have been considered. These will enable the aspirants without the doubt or fallacy, to have these realizations. The experience of self and God through sound in 108 types of akashas in the body has been described. This knowledge has been made much simpler and easy to grasp with the help of six pictures which show the process so that seekers of even average intelligence are able to understand. The object of this book is to elucidate Brahma-realisation by sound and make it simple to understand and easy to grasp. The considerable importance of sound, and pranava (OM) and mantras has been explained. Attempt has been made to make difficult sections of the books easily comprehensible.

By means of Patanjali's eightfold yoga, Revered Maharaj ji has shown many techniques of self and Brahma-realisation in his books.

By studying his books and practising accordingly one can attain self-realisation in a single life and be liberated. By studying this book, the readers will feel that even by sound alone one can reach the stages of self – and Brahma-realisation.

By studying his books and practising accordingly one can attain self-realisation in a single life and be liberated. By studying this book, the readers will feel that even by sound alone one can reach the stages of self – and Brahma – realisation.

There are four chapters in this book. In the first chapter, the genesis o the universe and the manifestation of the first sound have been described. In the process of origination of the universe, the elements also came into being. The second chapter discusses the creation of the gross world and gross bodies, the manifestation of jivatma by the contact of Brahman with the chittas in the gross world for the causal body. The third chapter explains the creation of gross bodies, the production of sound in the ten types of akasha in the gross body, self – realisation by means of sound and Brahma-realisation by sound in the akashas of Brahmarandhra and the organ of audition. The topics of discussion in the fourth chapter are: Brahma – realisation by sound in thirty types of akasha in the subtle body, description of the individual and cosmic substances in the causal body and the existence of twelve cosmic substances in the macro-causal body in the form of Brahmic world. The pervasions of Brahman in all of them and the means of Brahma-realisation have been explained.

In the quiescent state of prakriti, sound and prana in the forms of knowledge and action continued to work and prakriti was acquiring a new vitality forsaking its decadence and agendence and agedness to be able to start afresh the process of creation. The quiescent state has been described at great length for Brahma-realisation. By the study and teaching as well as actual practice the seekers can acquire true knowledge, attain supreme dispassion and be liberated from the bondage of worldly fetters. The means of liberation has been described in the Atharvaveda as follows:

"The self-abiding in the inner instrument (psychic apparatus), senses and body is purified by yama, niyama, asana-pranayama, pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), concentration, contemplation and Samadhi, by restraint, control, indifference, forbearance, faith and contemplation or by Samadhi. I am explaining to you the removal of sins of self by the practice of yoga".

In this mantra, the eightfold path and the sixfold path of liberation from the bondage of rebirth and sins have been suggested. In the present book, both these paths of yoga have been described at great length. For the realisation of self, God, prakriti and its evolutes, we have described here divine sound of 108 types, 30 in the gross body, 30 in the subtle body, 12 in the causal body and 36 in the macro-causal body.

We earnestly hope that the aspirants will be successful in achieving their goal of liberation by following the path shown by revered Maharaj ji.

Form the Jacket


In this book 108 types of the sound and mantras have been described for the realisation of self and God in various elements as also the realisation of casual prakriti. Brahma's relation of the pervader and the pervaded' with the various transforming states of prakriti and the realisation of these states have been explained. In the present volume sound has been considered as the chief object and many techniques of self and God-realisation through sound and recitation of mantras of the nature of sound have been considered. These will enable the aspirants without any doubt of fallacy, to have these realisations. The experience of self and God through sound in 108 types of akashas in the body has been described. This knowledge has been made much simpler and easy to grasp with the help of six pictures which show the process so that seekers of even average intelligence are able to understand. The object of this book is to elucidate Brahma-realisation by sound and make it simple to understand and easy to grasp. The considerable importance of sound pranava (OM) and mantras has been explained. Attempt has been made to make difficult section of the book easily comprehensible.

A treatise on higher yoga and individual manual for the advanced aspirants and those engaged in research and study of higher yoga, Maharaj ji has placed this subtlest of subtle science for above ay other branch of science. Some day, when the great scientists of the world pay to this science the attention it deserves his books will give all the basic material for their research and cause a stir in the world of science. At preset these books are helping keen aspirants of Yoga to achieve their ultimate goal of realising soul and God.

About the Author

Shri Yogeshwaranandji Parmahans formerly known as Brahmachari Vyas Devji, left his home at a tender age of fourteen in search of knowledge and self-realisation. The young Brahmachari spent the early years of his life in the study of Sanskrit and mastering the scriptural lore. He, then, followed the path of ancient rishis of the Himalayas and practised the most difficult tapasya and Yogic Sadhana while continuing the search of real Guru who could lead him to the final goal. He came across a number of ascetics about whom one reads only in the scriptures but his search came to an end only when he met Avadhoot Swami Atmanandji, who had then returned from Tibet.

By Constant and dedicated practice of meditation he experienced various types of Samadhis, some of them lasting for several weeks which culminated in his gaining knowledge of self-realisation, origin and dissolution of cosmos and the goal of human existence. The esoteric knowledge which used to pass from Guru to disciple through personal relationship and which sometimes required not only a whole lifetime but several lives, has now been set down, at the behest of his Guru, in his books.

He Joined the Brahma on April 23, 1985 at the age of ninty-nine.


Chapter1 1
Manifestation of the Origination of Primal Sound 1
The Work of Subtle Sound and Prana in the State of Dissolution 2
Commencement of Brahmic Universe 5
Creation of World of Bodied Soul and the Individual Elements 9
Picture 1 10
Creation of the Ahankarika World 11
Creation of Subtle Bodies in the Realm of Ahankarika World 19
Chapter 2 25
Creation of Gross Bodies 25
The First Appearance of Sound in the World of Embodied Beings 31
The Appearance of Sound and Knowledge in the Realm of the Gross Elements and Gross World 38
Picture 2 38
Chapter 3 54
Realisation of Soul and Brahman by Means of Mantra 54
The Relation of Brahman and Akasha as one of Pervader and Pervaded 57
Picture 3 60
Brahma-Realisation by Means of Buddhi in Sattvika Akasha of Brahmarandhra 61
Characteristics of a Yogi or Man Possessed of Triple Gunas 63
Brahma-Realisation in the Rajasika Akasha of Brahmarandhra by Sound in the Sphere of Buddhi 63
Brahma-Realisation in the Tamasika Akasha of Brahmarandhra through the Medium of Sound and Buddhi 65
Realisation of Self and God by Means of Sound and Manas in the Rajasika Akasha of Brahmarandhra 70
Picture 4 70
Realisation of Brahman in the Tamasika Akasha of Brahmarandhra by Sound and Manas 71
Akasha of the Sense of Hearing in Brahmarandhra 73
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of Auditory Sense 76
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Rajasika Akasha of the Auditory Organ in Brahmarandhra 77
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Tamasika Akasha of the Auditory Organ 79
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of Throat - F ace-Nostrils 81
Brahma-Realisation Through Sound in the Sattvika Akasha of Throat-Face-Nostrils 82
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Rajasika Akasha of Throat-Face-Nostrils 84
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Tamasika Akasha of Throat-Face-Nostrils 88
Brahma-Realisation in the Akasha of Lungs 90
God-Realisation by Sound in the Sattvika Akasha of Lungs 90
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Rajasika Akasha of Lungs 92
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Tamasika Akasha of Lungs 92
God-Realisatioi by Sound in the Akasha of Heart 93
Self and God-Realisation by Sound in the Sattvika Akasha of the Heart 95
Self -Realisation in the Antahkarana of the Causal Body by Means of Divine Sound 101
Self- Realisation of Sattvika Sound 101
Self-Realisation by Rajasika Divine Sound or Divine Knowledge 103
Self-Realisation in Chitta by Means of Tamasika Divine Sound 104
Self -Realisation through Prana in the Chitta of the Antahkarana of the Causal Body 105
Self-Realisation in the Antahkarana of the Causal Body by Means of Rajasika Prana 108
Self and God-Realisation in the Chitta of the Causal Body by Means of Tamas-Dominated Divine Prana 112
Realisation in the Akasha of Prakriti by Sound 116
Self- Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of the Liver 116
Self- Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of Stomach 118
Self- Real isation by Sound in the Akasha of Duodenurn 120
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of the Hollow of the Openings of Small and Large Intestines 122
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of Navel 123
Chapter 4 125
Self-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of the Subtle Body 125
Self-and Brahma-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of the Auditory Organ of Subtle Body 130
Picture 5 130
Self-Realisation by Sound in the Akasha of Throat, Mouth, Nostrils, Digestive and Respiratory Systems 134
Self-Realisation by Sound or Mantra in the Akasha of the Heart and other Organs in the Subtle Body 137
Picture 6 140
Realisation of Self and God in the Chitta of the Causal Body 142
The Experience of the Pervasion of Brahman in the Tamasika Cosmic Buddhi 160
Brahma-Realisation in the Action and Activity of the Rajasika, Cosmic Buddhi 161
Brahma-Realisation in the Cosmic Sattvika Buddhi 161
Brahma-Realisation in the Cosmic Chitta in its Sattvika, Rajasika and Tamasika States 162
Brahma-Realisation by the Cosmic Tamasika Chitta 163
Brahma-Realisation in the Rajasika Cosmic Chitta by Sound or Mantra 165
The Sattvika Cosmic Chitta in its Cosmic Aspect 166
Yogi's Entry into the Sphere of Cosmic Mahat and Brahma-Realisation in all its Three States 167
The Pervasion of Brahman in the Rajasika Mahat 167
Rea1isation of the Pervasion of Brahman by Pranava in the Cosmic Sattvika Mahat 168
The Knowledge of Direction and Brahman in the Contact between Cosmic Direction and Brahman 169
The Influence of Tamasika Direction, Brahman's Pervasion in it and its Knowledge by Sound 175
Brahma-Realisation in the Cosmic, Rajasika Direction by Sound or Mantra 176
Brahma-Realisation in the Sattvika Direction in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects is by Means of Sound 179
The Pervasion of Brahman and Brahma- Realisation by Sound in the Cosmic Time 180
Brahma-Realisation by Sound or Mantra in the Tamasika Time in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects 180
Brahma-Realisation by Pranava in the Rajasika Time in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects 181
Realisation of Brahman that Pervades the Sattvika Time in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects 182
Brahma-Realisation in Akasha 184
Realisation of the Pervasion of Brahman by Sound or Mantra in the Tamasika Akasha in its- Individual and Cosmic Aspects 185
Realisation of Brahman's Pervasion by Pranava in the Rajasika Subtle, Cosmic Akasha 186
Brahma-Realisation by Sound in Force 189
Realisation of the Pervasion of Brahman by Sound or Mantra in the Tamasika Force or Equilibrium 190
The Realisation of Brahman's Pervasion in the Rajasika Force or Equilibrium by Sound 190
Realisation of Brahman's Pervasion in the Sattvika Force or Equilibrium in its Individual and Cosmic Aspects 191
Brahma-Knowledge by Sound in the Cosmic Prana 193
Knowledge of Brahman by Pranava in the Tamasika Prana in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects 194
Knowledge of Brahman by Mantra in the Rajasika Prana in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects 194
Realisation of Brahman which Pervades theSattvika Prana in its Cosmic and Individual Aspects 195
Brahman-Relation by Pranava in the Cosmic and Individual Sounds 196
The Relation of the Tamasika Cosmic Sound with Brahman is one of 'Pervader and the Pervaded'; Brahma-Realisation between these Two by the Pranava 197
Realisation by Sound of Cosmic Rajasika Sound and of Brahman Pervading it 198
Brahma-Knowledge by Sound in the Sattvika, Cosmic Sound and in its Relation with Brahman 200
Characteristics of a Yogi who has Known Everything Worth-Knowing and Liberated in the Embodied State 203
Epilogue 205
Sample Page

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