The Way To Liberation (Moksha-Dharma Of Mahabharata)

The Way To Liberation (Moksha-Dharma Of Mahabharata)

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDL175
Author: Swami Jyotirmayananda
Language: English
Edition: 2008
ISBN: 8185883610
Pages: 270 (15 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.4" X 5.4"
Weight 360 gm

Book Description


The Mahabharata is the mother of the world’s most popular scripture - the Gita, which contains the teachings of Lord Krishna. It was composed by Sage Vyasa many centuries before Christ. This grand scripture consisting of eighteen volumes is an extraordinary religious epic.

His Holiness, Sri Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda, the author of over fifty books on Yoga philosophy and related subjects, has written this book steeped in profound knowledge of the Mahabharata for the aspirants of the East as well as the West. The writings of Sri Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda contain a unique blend of simplicity, literary beauty, mystic insight, and a light to guide you on the path to Self-realization.

Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda’s genius lies in writing his profound thoughts and making them alive, almost walking with a dynamic movement. Each one should give this book the fullest and most careful consideration. Consequently, you will feel rushing within a breeze blessed with blazing dispassion, that will dispel fear and doubts which have been restraining you upward movement to the Self-realization.

The Mahabharata is known as the fifth Veda because it deals with all the topics that concern the individual soul on its way to spiritual evolution. It details upon Dharma (ethical value), Artha (material value), Kama (vital value), and Moksha (the infinite spiritual value of life). There is a popular saying, ‘What is not found in the Mahabharata cannot be found in any other scripture. Whatever is there in other scriptures is definitely present in Mahabharata”

Moksha Dharma Parva of the Mahabharata contains the sublime teachings that enable an aspirant to understand the problems of his life in the light of the primary duty of his existence - the attainment of liberation or Self-realization. The teachings were given by Great Bhishma who was a mighty hero among the warriors of ancient India, and even a greater hero in the spiritual field of life. Though lying on the bed of arrows, this majestic personality continued to counsel King Yudhishthira, day after day, on all important subjects that enrich human life and enable the soul to move towards its final attainment - liberation.

The present book contains selected portions of Shanti Parva, the Volume dealing with Peace, retold by Sri Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda in a manner that will enable the reader to gain a deep insight into the beauteous writings of the Mahabharata. The very study of this book is considered highly auspicious. Pious men in India read this section of the Mahabharata to promote harmony and peace in the atmosphere, to remove obstacles and adversities, to acquire health, peace and prosperity, and to move on to the glorious summits of spiritual perfection. Actual chapter numbers are included to help serious students of the Mahabharata.

Stories and parables, illustrations and poetic images, pithy instructions and penetrating insights are blended in this book. Through the study of this book, along with the first volume, one can gain the storehouse of ancient wisdom which is so needed in the troubled times of the present world. May God bless you!


Publisher’s Note 3
Dedication 5
Introduction viii
How to Remove Grief 1
The Primary Duty of a Person in this Transient World 8
The Glory of Renunciation 12
The Song of a Brahmin Called Manki 14
Prahlad and Avadhuta on the Attitude of Detachment 18
A Dialogue Between Kashyapa Brahmana and Indra 23
Fruits of Karma 26
The Glory of Right Conduct and the Defect of Sinfulness 28
The Knowledge of Self 30
Yoga of Meditation 35
Glory of Japa (Repetition of Mantra) 37
He Who Falters in Japa Falls Into Hell 40
Even Heavenly Words Are Hell for a Japaka 41
Story of Japaka Brahmana and King Ikshwaku 43
Prajapati Manu and Sage Brihaspati 51
The Nature of Self and the Manner of Realizing It 55
The Eternal Nature of the Self 57
The Method of Attaining Self-realization 59
The Method of Attaining, Brahman, the Absolute 61
The Nature of the Supreme Self 64
Bhagavan Krishna: The Source of Creation 67
Story of Bhagavan Varaha 71
The Wheel of the World-process 82
Study of the Three Gunas 85
Detachment From Sensual Enjoyments 87
Practice of Brahmacharya And Vairagya for Liberation 89
Instructions for Attaining Brahman 92
Sage Panchashikha Expounds the Nature of the Self 99
Regarding the Nature of the Self 103
Story of Shwetaketu and Suvarchala 105
The Nature of Austerity 111
Spiritual Instructions by Sanat Kumara 112
Indra and Bali 119
Lakshmi Abandons Bali 124
Indra and Namuchi 127
Indra and Bali 130
Qualities That Please Goddess Lakshmi 132
The Nature of Time 136
Yuga Dharma 140
Description of Brahma Pralaya and Maha Pralaya 144
The Glory of Serving the Brahmanas 146
The Duties of a Brahmana and the Manner of Crossing the Stream of Time 148
Yoga of Meditation 151
The Predominance of Intellect 156
The Glory of Wisdom and the Means of Attaining It 159
God Is Realized Through Yoga 161
The Difference Between Action and Knowledge 164
The Conduct of a Sanyasi 167
The Method of Attaining god-realization 171
Description of the Evolutes of Nature 174
The Greatness of Intellect 176
Characteristics of a Wise Man 178
The Method of Crossing the River of the World-process 180
Characteristics of a Knower of Brahman 182
Functions of the Five Great Elements 185
Self Differentiated from the Three bodies 186
The Tree of Desire & the Manner of Eradicating It 187
More About the Five Elements, Mind & Intellect 189
Story of the Origin of Death 191
Death Practises Austerity,
And Is Ordained to Destroy Living Beings 193
An Insight Into Dharma and Adharma 199
The Story of the Ascetic Jajali 201
Tuladhara Explains the Nature of Dharma 203
Tuladhara Gives Spiritual Instructions 205
Jajali Receives Instructions from Birds 207
The Story of Gautama and Chirkari 210
Story of the Brahmana & Kundadhara Megha 217
Questions on Dharma, Adharma, Vairagya & Moksha 221
The Way to Self-realization 225
A Son Instructs his Father Regarding the Transitoriness of the World-process 229
Transitoriness of the World-process 229
The Method of Attaining Brahman 234
Vritrasura Receives Instructions from the Sanat Kumaras 236

Sample Pages

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