Opening the Book of Lambspring by Christopher Bradford
Opening the Book of Lambspring
Christopher Bradford.
A Guide to the Underworld.
Published in November, 2011.
66 pages.
The Book of Lambspring is a series of emblematic images through which the processes of Hermetic Alchemy are alluded to; it has proven completely impenetrable to the un-initiated, which has been the case for all of the true Alchemical texts. In this small manuscript, Christopher Bradford takes each of the emblems from The Book of Lambspring and speaks with them to reveal their meaning. The Alchemical wisdom held within will shine from it and enlighten the aspiring Alchemist, while hopefully leading the practiced Alchemist down well-trodden paths of wisdom.
Christopher Bradford.
A Guide to the Underworld.
Published in November, 2011.
66 pages.
The Book of Lambspring is a series of emblematic images through which the processes of Hermetic Alchemy are alluded to; it has proven completely impenetrable to the un-initiated, which has been the case for all of the true Alchemical texts. In this small manuscript, Christopher Bradford takes each of the emblems from The Book of Lambspring and speaks with them to reveal their meaning. The Alchemical wisdom held within will shine from it and enlighten the aspiring Alchemist, while hopefully leading the practiced Alchemist down well-trodden paths of wisdom.