Global Awareness for Preservation of Cultural Property
Book Specification
Item Code: | UAN344 |
Author: | G. T. SHENDEY |
Publisher: | Agam Kala Prakashan, Delhi |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2008 |
ISBN: | 8173200769 |
Pages: | 150 (Throughout B/w Illustrations) |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 11.00 X 9.00 inch |
Weight | 720 gm |
Book Description
The Control over the illegal activities of art treasures in cultural properties should be tighten with International Conventions and national legislations on the International platform by UNESCO and inside the country by the concern nation for preserving the human art treasures and could pass on it to the future generals intact. The United Nations had proclaimed the period 1988-1997 as would decade of cultural development. Out of this, the global awareness concept for preserving the cultural properties has had come into existence in the mind of people of the world. Because the western world has constitutes a global industry for illicit trafficking in cultural objects.
Just to know the problem and solve it while dealing the antiquity and art treasure cases, the concept of this book has born in my mind, which has writely taken shape in form of book, which comprising an information. about UNESCO's various Conventions and the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act 1972 and their short coming under the caption of National Legislations Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 and its provisions has been dealt in this book. As a model study of some of the retrieved sculptures, as significant achievement by Archaeological Survey of India (India) has been considered in this book./p>
Dr. GT Shendey did his BA from Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar College. Deeksha Bhoomi, Nagpur and M.A. in Archaeology in 1976 from Nagpur University. He was also been U.G.C Fellow for Ph.D. research. He has obtained his Ph.D. Degree in 1999 from Nagpur University. He is the recipient of Gold Medal on Ph.D Degree. He has more than 40 Articles published at his credit. He has to publish two books on. topics (1) Vidarbha Sites and Sight (ii) Ancient Indian Ornaments (From 6 CBC to S CAD).
He has joined Central Government Service in Archaeological Survey of India as Curator, Archaeological Museum, Lal Qila, Delhi and Archaeological Museum Purana Qila, New Delhi. After appointment as Deputy Superintending Archaeologist, by UPSC. He has established the Guwahati Circle. While he was Superintending Archaeologist I/C of the then Central Circle (Now Bhopal Circle) he has conserved the most of the monuments, like Group of Monuments of Sanchi, Khajuraho, Mitawati Gwalior, Burhanpur, Gyarspur.
Vidisha, Mandu, Surwaya Garhri, Kadwaha etc. Moreover, four centrally protected monuments, which were going to disturb due to NVDA. Projects, these monuments were well treated under Salvage operation and hence, could saved. This time he was Superintending Archaeologist, Vadodara Circle, he hai jaken part in Dholavira Excavation and has surveyed 1 the area was affected due to Sardar Sarvoar in Gujarat (Distt. Vadodara).
He was also remains as Superintending Archaeologist, Lucknow Circle. During hist tenure to this Circle he was conserved a number of monuments at Lucknow (Bara and Chhota Imamwara) Jhansi, Lalitpur, Deograh. Stavasti, Allahabad, Kalinger, Banda etc. While he was Superintending Archaeologist Excavation Branch, Patna, he has excavated a major site at Sravasti in collaboration with the Kansai University Japan. While Superintending Archaeologist (Antiquity) at Headquarter office, New Delhi has settled down the issue of amendment to Antiquity and Art Treasures Act, 1972, which was approved by the Cabinet.
Presently he is Director (Archaeology) dealing with the antiquities and art treasures, manuscripts and UNESCO Conventions matter for restitution of stolen properties with other countries. He is also dealing with appeal, police, Central Bureau of Investigation and Customs, cases.
In spite of the above, he is Member Secretary of National Screening and Evaluation Committee for examination of objects to be sent to foreign country for exhibition. He has also made foreign tour to Mynmar (Burma) and Paris (France) for studying the monuments and museums.
While dealing with the cases of Antiquities and Art Treasures with in the country and outside the country on the International platform for retrieval of the illegal import and export of the cultural property. I strongly felt that one should globally make aware about the cultural property of his own country. For this, I have tried to put together certain very essential information, while dealing the cases of Antiuqities Nationally and Internationally. The Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 has broadly been explained in this book so that this can help to the dealers for while dealings the matter regarding Antiquities and Art Treasures in a proper way.
The UNESCO Conventions have also been explained broadly in this book which will help while dealing the cases of theft, vandalism and illicit trafficking of movable cultural property. The Archaeological Survey of India has restituted certain objects from various countries. This has been discussed as case study in fourth chapter of this book. Many times we have discussed the cases of Antiquities inside the country and also outside the country. The drawbacks in Antiquity and Art Treasures Act, 1972 has arrested and tried to remove those in the proposed amendment. During such, exercises, I have many times felt that such National as well as International Act and Conventions must be brought together. In this way, the said book has taken shape.
I hope this will help to one and all, while dealing the antiquities cases. Many persons like Shri R.C. Misra the then A.D.G., Archaeological Survey of India now A.S. and F.A. in the Ministery of I&B, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. Dr. S.S. Biswas, the former Director General of National Museum and Former Director General of Archaeological Survey of India Shri M.C. Joshi and my colleagues Dr. Amrendra Nath, have discussed the various matter has appeared in this book.
It is my pleasure to write a foreword note on 'Global Awareness for the Preservation of Cultural Property", written by Dr. G.T. Shendey.
An information comprising in the book is on UNESCO Conventions, national legislations and the model case study of certain retrieved antiquities to India has been placed a good example in this book. Two railing stone pillars, known as Amin Pillars, which were originally kept on the bank of Suraj Kund near Thakurji Temple at Amin near Thaneswar (Haryana), had smuggled out of this country to London in 1967. The true copies of these two pillars of 2nd century B.C. (Sunga period) were made and replaced. The original pillars were taken out of India, illicitly. These two pillars are inscribed ones and carved on the four sides, virtually terminal vertical standing at the torana entrance of a lofty railing of a stupa. The standing figures on them represent Yaksha-Yakshis'. Ultimately, these two pillars are restituted to India and presently exhibited in the National Museum, New Delhi in the Maurya, Sunga and Satvahana gallery. Interestingly the true copies or fakes of these Sunga pillars are presently retained with C.B.I., New Delhi.
Dr. Shendey has attempted to bring together all the UNESCO Conventions as well as national Acts, which can be of significant help while dealing with the Antiquities and Art Treasures cases, nationally as well as Internationally. This book will be useful for one and all.
The illegal trade, smuggling and other undesirable activities with reference to antiquities are a worldwide phenomenon and the elements involved in this illicit trade have a well-established network with national and international connections to facilitate their nefarious activities. India, having a very rich cultural and artistic heritage, is obviously the worst hit country in this regard. There are a number of legislative measures are available such as Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, Indian Treasure Trove Act, etc., which contain provisions to check the illegal activities in relation to art and antiquities and provide for punitive action against the offenders. However, viewed in the context of the growing magnitude of the illicit trade in this area, these legislative measures have proved ineffective and unequal to the demand of the situation. To deal with this problem in India, more teeth is being provided to the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972, by bringing in suitable amendments.
The high incidences of theft, vandalism and illicit trafficking of the cultural wealth led the UNESCO to adopt the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the illicit Export, Import and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property" at its Paris Convention held on 14th November, 1970. The UNESCO Convention urged each member country to protect its own cultural property as well as to join an international effort to carry out concrete measures including control of export, import and international trade in cultural wealth. Most of the developed countries have not yet ratified this Convention. India has ratified this Convention on 24th January, 1977. In pursuance of this Convention and the inadequacies experienced in the Antiquities (Export Control) Act paved the way for the promulgation of the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 which came into force with effect from 5th April, 1976.