Beyond Liberation (Based on The Timeless Teachings of India's Vedic Scriptures)

Beyond Liberation (Based on The Timeless Teachings of India's Vedic Scriptures)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAL206
Publisher: Gaudiya Vedanta Publications
Language: English
Edition: 2004
Pages: 22
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 6.0 inch X 4.0 inch
Weight 50 gm

Book Description


The Vedas are ancient Indian scriptures, containing all the varieties of wisdom ever known to mankind. Ultimately, all knowledge on every level can trace its origin back to this into the search for material happiness, the pursuit of salvation throughout liberation, as well as the path of self-realization through pure devotional service to God. The Vedas Describes God’s impersonal, as well as personal, qualities and His many different energies. Its origin in antiquity, this timeless literature has been passed down, unchanged and flawless, in its purest original condition, from God to teacher to student through an unbroken chain.

Conclusions concerning all possible circumstances are found within the Vedic scriptures; even our frustrated hankering for eternal happiness can ultimately be satisfied. Modern human society is suffering from pain and confusion, quarrelling and harsh relationship, material greed and hypocrisy. Many though, are endeavouring in their life’s struggle to see thing as they really are. We thirst for a higher truth, yet are constantly misguided by the dictates of our uncontrolled senses and deep ignorance.


The purpose of this booklet is to outline three distinct paths that people follow in order to achieve happiness in life. Most people seek pleasure from what is in front of them in the external world of object and from satisfaction of the body’s sensory demands for all kinds of pleasure. The proposition is to renounce the external material world completely and take shelter of the peace found within the soul. The third, much more rarely followed path, is one travelled by an wakened soul who seeks to know his eternal identity in relationship with God.

The Following simple story illustrates that the pursuit of any of these goals requires following a specific process, just as if we were to become a lawyer we must qualify by studying certain texts and going through the proper channels to achieve our qualification.


Preface I
Introduction III
Can You Show me God? 1
Where to Place Our Love and Trust 5
Can Material Gain Bring Real Happiness? 6
Material Gains are Note the ultimate Path 8
The Path of Liberation 9
Contemplating Time 11
Beyond Liberation 12
What is True Love? 14
The Path of Divine Love 15
Where to Find Strength 16
Love and Relationships 16
How to Meditate 17
Conclusion 20

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