The Hidden Oracle of India: The Mystery of India's Naadi Palm Leaf Readers

The Hidden Oracle of India: The Mystery of India's Naadi Palm Leaf Readers

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAF414
Author: Andrew and Angela Donovan
Publisher: Orient Publishing
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9788122204773
Pages: 168
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 Inch x 5.5 Inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book

The authors stumbled across the Naadi palm-leafreaders o findia while visiting the cadountry to attend a wedding.

The Hidden Oracle describes their astonishment at being told the precise details of their past, present and predictions of their future, which had been recorded in Sanskrit on palm leaves millennia ago, passed down by initiates to await long-destined appointments with those who come to find them.

How does it feel to find out your soul’s true mission has been documented in detail on an ancient ‘leaf’ that relates to you alone, and then to learn your future? Angela Donovan found it a deeply uplifting experience. But for her husband,

Andrew, it was a life-changing moment that left him reeling, his lifelong scepticism challenged and destroyed.

The Hidden Oracle provides an inspiring look into one of the greatest mystical secrets of India, and shows you how to find it for yourself.

About the Book

When we first stumbled upon the story of the Naadi palm leaf readers of India, we were no trying to solve any great mystery. We were simply excited to experience the great beauty of that land. But what we fund there changed our lives forever.

In the pages that follow we set down, openly and honestly, the facts behind the mystery of the Naadi palm leaves just as we found them.

These leaves-‘case historie’-were woven into bundles and stored in ancient royal libraries until, they would be called for and individually identified by those aware and seeking the true purpose of their lives.

Suddenly we found ourselves asking big questions.

Is it possible that this life I’m living was chosen by me, and for me, thousands of years ago?

Is it possible to find out who we truly are, to learn the details of our whole life’s journey, in advance?

And, is it possible for all of these specific revelations about out lives to be covered on palm leaves written 3,000 years before we were born?

If any of these questions interest or intrigue you, then you won’t be disappointed. It’s an astounding adventure and available to you when you are ready to receive it.


As a great friend of Angela and Andrew, the authors of this book, I have found it a great comfort to know that I am not alone in my search for the meaning of my very existence in this troubled world.

The search for peace of mind and tranquillity in the shifting sands of our everyday lives can only be found within ourselves. What we call our conscience is in fact a higher self with a perfect morality that does no judge our actions but, because of its existence, something causes us to judge ourselves. If we do, and are not pleased with something we have done, it is a good sign – we are not lost.

Many people I know do feel lost, and wonder what their life here on earth is for. Does it have any meaning? The thing most of these people forget is that happiness and the contentment of just being lies within themselves and not with the acquisition of more material objects; to have sincere and understanding friends lasts far longer than a new car or the latest fashion.

My advice is to relax and listen to your inner voice. Yes, you do have one, you hear it every day, and if you believe this as I always have, talk back to it and ask for peace of mind and guidance not to plan ahead –Gate and Destiny might have something quite different planned for you, for your life has already been pre-determined.

Read this book and hopefully you will have some understanding. If you don’t, it won’t make any difference, for your future is already written. But don’t be surprised if it is more – or sometimes less-than you expect.


They say you cannot rewrite history. But you can add to it, filing in some of its gaping holes with truths when you find them. When we first stumbled upon the story of the Naadi palm leaf readers of India, we were not trying to solve any great mystery. We were simply visiting India to attend a wedding, excited to experience the great beauty of that land for the first time. But what we found there changed our lives forever.

The word ‘Naadi’ has at least seven different meanings. In the Tamil language ‘Naadi means ‘in pursuit of’ or ‘in search of…’ ‘Naadi’ also means ‘those who are destined to come on their own accord’.

Now, after several years of research, travel and inquiry, we are able to say with confidence that the story we present in the pages that follow fills one of the great historical gaps yet to be resolved, one which concerns free will, our own humanity and the course of our civilization.

When you come across something entirely fresh and new in your life – of the wholly ‘unknown’ variety – it will either interest you enough for you to want to know a very great deal more about it, or it will pass you by almost unnoticed, not resonating sufficiently at the time. You’re too busy, too stressed or you have too much else on your plate to think about an even bigger picture, so you let it pass.

But in this instance we found there was another way too. The mystery of the Naadis came right out of left field, like a flash flood. It hit, crated havoc, and afterwards nothing was ever the same again. Suddenly we found ourselves asking big questions. Is it possible to find out who we truly are, to learn the details of our whole life’s journey, in advance? Could it be that the struggles and difficulties that we face are a direct result of our actions in a previous life? Is it possible to find out who we truly are, to learn the details of our whole life’s is it possible that we were destined to seek answers to these questions at the exact time and date that we do? Finally, is it possible for all of these specific revelations about our lives to be covered on palm leaves written 3,000 years before we were born?

The answer we now believe is yes for we have seen and heard it with our own eyes. What was intended as a short and simple side-trip taking only an hour of our time was the start of an intensely spiritual journey, and became a demanding, frustrating historical research project with ramifications way beyond our expectations.

We were affected very differently by this journey. While one of us (Angela) initially found the whole experience greatly uplifting – to the extent of receiving confirmation concerning her life’s journey – it was not the same for the other (Andrew), who suffered the severest of shocks as his lifelong ‘dis-belief’ system was shattered completely in less than a single afternoon.

A few months later, having had time to digest the experience, we both found ourselves excited and greatly intrigued by what we had so unexpectedly come across though sheer synchronicity. We just had to get out there and solve the mystery for ourselves as best as we could.

In the pages that follow we try to set down, openly and honestly, the facts behind the mystery of the Naadi palm leaves just as we found them. We base our findings not only on our own experiences but on those of a handful of others who have also visited the Naadis. Two have been willing to share their experiences of what took place and how it led them to make great shifts in their own lives. Each of us has a story to tell, with differing personal reactions and conclusions, and neither is commonplace or ordinary. For what people discover upon hearing the Naadis is far too personal, powerful and intimate for that.

India is a sleeping giant with a seemingly eternal way of life. She is a country of contradictions, rushing to take her place in the 21st century yet not forgetting her storied past. In her busy-ness there is stillness too. The cities are hectic, teeming with people, hooting traffic, decrepit overloaded buses and tik-tik taxis powered by natural gas – everything is a rainbow of colour, smell and a cacophony of noise. To westerners like us it was a complete culture shock, venturing there for the first time. Cows wander across busy main roads as if they owned them – which they do – or sit chewing the cued in the central reservation between lanes f roaring traffic, while hordes of curious, opportunistic monkeys commander the quieter Delhi roads in the early mornings. But the hustle and bustle is only a sensory shock. If one sits in a calm space for a period of time it is possible to feel the intensity of ‘being’ that exists amongst the population. There is a wonderful blend of acceptance and affirmation, a peaceful yet dynamic sense of ‘now’ that has been all but lost in the consumer- led credit-bound western world. And away from the much slower pace of agrarian life allows for simple, uncomplicated pleasures. The people continue to respect the profound and lasting philosophy of the ancient Seers and the innumerable, magnificent temples that serve them.

It is perhaps only in such a contradictory setting tat the Naadi palm leaf readers can thrive while somehow remaining almost unknown to most of India’s general population and the outside world… and at the same time reveal, with utter conviction, secret words first transcribed three millennia ago onto ancient palm leaves that have patiently awaited their rendezvous with those they speak of centuries late. In our case this was in a third-floor room in a busy back street suburb of New Delhi… a well-hidden oracle, whose time it now is to come to light.

The tradition of the Naadi readers is as ancient as it is obscure. It is said that between three and five thousand years ago Lord Shiva accessed the ‘Akashic records’ – a term used by the ancient Hindus to mean the records that exist holding all information on the past, present and future of the entire Universe – which he did in order to document the lives of every being that had lived, who lives now and would ever live on Earth. He then relayed them to his seven chosen Seers, or disciples, for their physical inscription onto palm leaves.

These leaves – ‘case histories’ for want of a better phrase – were woven into bundles and stored in ancient royal libraries until they would be called for and individually identified by those aware of this knowledge and seeking the true purpose of their lives – something that can seemingly only be done at the time appointed by each leaf to do so, no sooner and no later.

We write more on all of this later; suffice it to say here that we can only thank the stillness of India for keeping her secrets all this time and for providing a safe haven for the fragile, dusty leaves on which the hidden truths of our lives were written.

So what is happening in the world today that requires us to know such truths? What is new that needs airing? Can strange writings on antiquated palm leaves really make a difference to the world we live in today?

For us it has, so our quest here is to share our experiences of the ‘oracle’ we discovered with people who wish to know more about it. Although it is becoming more and more obvious that the world today is heading for some major upheavals, we have come to believe we will all be better prepared to deal with whatever takes place in the coming years if we know our destined role within it. Such ‘true’ knowing’, understanding the destiny that has been written for us, can surely help to remove the fears and anxieties that otherwise could overcome us and rule.

To some skeptics, our conclusions about the mystery of the Naadi palm leaves will be incomprehensible or unacceptable, taking it all just a step too far. To others it may well be a truth they have been waiting to hear. We can only suggest that having read this book you decide for yourself. Those whose destiny is written may very well follow the same journey we did, to cross the oceans and enter the world of the Naadis to seek and find their individual leaf. If our experience is anything to go by, those that do so will never be the same again. Their leaf will be waiting for them if the time appointed is right.

In essence there are only to questions you now need to ask.

The first is:

‘Is it possible that this life I’m living was chosen by me, and for me, thousands of years ago?’

And the second:

Am I ready to know my truth, and the truth of the world, in advance of time?’

If either or both of these questions interests or intrigues you, then you won’t be disappointed. It’s an astounding adventure. Everything you want to know is out there waiting for you, will be available to you when you are ready to receive it.


1 A Journey into the Unknown 17
2 A Date with Destiny 26
3 Knowing and Believing 51
4 Correcting the Past 62
5 History Revealed 70
6 It's All Written in Your Stars 87
7 Friends' Revelations 101
8 Temple Architecture 123
9 Revelations of the Global Records 136
10 A Spiritual Awakening 142
11 Taking Stock 154
12 Naadi Readers: Planning Your Visit 163

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