Love is Not An Emotion (With CD Inside)

Love is Not An Emotion (With CD Inside)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAO853
Author: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Language: English
Edition: 2013
ISBN: 9789382146025
Pages: 166
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.0 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 230 gm

Book Description

About The Book

"Love is not an emotion, it is your very existence. When you love someone. You don't judge them. You always want them. Love is the phenomenon of total letting go.

Love is a path of joy; a path of singing and dancing. It is a valley of flowers. The peak of love is silence, contentment, a state of complete fulfillment and deep meditation.

Love is the strongest force in this universe. Love is the only thing that you cannot think about , if you think, it ceases to be love; when thinking stops, love begins. Love is beyond sight, touches, smell, taste, and sound.

In the book 'Love is not an Emotion', Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has given an completely different perpective on this phenonmenon known as –Love. His words have given Love a whole new meaning and depth. Love is not an emotion, not a feeling, not the sudden quickening of the heart on seeing the loved one, not something we fail in and out of, and yet it is all of this and much much more. The book explores Love like never before – right from its origins to its forms to our thirst for it, our response to it, and more.


We are made up of a substance called love. Just as the body is made up of amino acids, etc,the spirit is made up of love. Yet we have done very little to understand this. Everyone wants to love, and be loved, but we have not attended to the inner of core of love. The power of love is very deep. It can heal spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Our first experience was of pain.

A baby cries because of this pain. During the first few days, it makes funny faces and gesture. Because it did such a great job of coming out, into the world, it was like moving a mountain.

After undergoing the pain of birth, it looks at its mother's face, and sees tremendous love on her face. Then, it realizes that it itselfis love, and there is nothing but love.

But by the age of three it begans to forget all this. This is when the intellect begins to form. Then, it starts asking so many questions, in most of the time, it does not even listen to the answers.

Man always looks for foraway things. He seems to be completely unaware of that which is obvious, that which is close.

You are the closest to your Self and that is why you go on missing yourself. There is no way to take away from yourself. Wherever you may be, you cannot be separated from yourself. Hence, you cannot, say, "My beautiful being.."

You have to learn the art of entering into yourself. You will have to be more subjective than objective. Subjectively is the essence of mysticism. You will have to look inwards. That is meditation. It is looking inwards and reaching the point of your very life source. Once you have touched your very life source, there will be no boredom, and your life will be a constant celebration. Otherwise,boredam will be your destiny.


Contents Page No.
Introduction 1
What is Love 5
Origin of Love 13
Forms of Love 17
Thirst for Love 23
Response to Love 33
Hindrances to Love 39
Love and God 43
Divine Valentine 49
Divine Loves you Deeply 53
The Devotee 59
How to Invoke Love 63
Jesus and Love 67
Love and Sin 75
Love and Surrender 83
Love and Truth 87
Oh! Sugar is Sweet? 93
Armour for Love 101
Ancient Love 113
Love and Compassion 121
Question and Answer 127
Guruji's Quotes 151
Sample Pages

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