Secrets of Shaktipat (Awakening of Kundalini by the Guru)

Secrets of Shaktipat (Awakening of Kundalini by the Guru)

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Book Specification

Item Code: UBB932
Author: Ravindra Kumar
Language: English
Edition: 2022
ISBN: 9789394201613
Pages: 239
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inch
Weight 290 gm

Book Description

About the Book
According to medical research, only 15 to 20 per cent of the brain centres are at work, the rest are asleep. The unactivated brain centres can be awakened and activated by the awakening of the spiritual energy Kundalini, which lies spiritually dormant under the base of the spine. Classical methods, such as Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga and others may take a whole lifetime for the awakening of Kundalini. The most direct though secret method for awakening Kundalini in a short time is through the passage of "spiritual energy" from Guru to disciple through Shaktipat Initiation, which is also known as "Maha Yoga", as it enables the initiate to experience all the symptoms of the different yogic methods. This book provides the most comprehensive knowledge of the Shaktipat method with all its intricacies and details-from finding a Guru to inner experiences and life in an ashram.

About the Author
RAVINDRA KUMAR has been having experiences with the inner Light and Sound-the twin pillars of God-since 1987, when his Kundalini awakened. A Ph.D. in he resigned his position as a professor in 1994, after thirty years of service in nine countries. He now holds workshops to share his knowledge of "Higher Realms" and the "Integral Path," which he claims to be the "Shortest Path to God." Ravindra is a trustee of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, U.S.A., and founder/president of the Academy of Kundalini-Yoga and Quantum Soul with Centers in New Delhi, Copenhagen, and Florida.

He has been experiencing death and out-of-body travels after the awakening of Kundalini. These experiences of life after death have been written by him in more than fifteen papers published in the academy journal. He has successfully initiated a good number of practitioners into Kundalini Yoga, who have been enjoying oneness with God Almighty.

Shaktipat is a secret path for the awakening of Kundalini Shakti in a disciple through the power of Guru, who is normally authorised to do so in the lineage. Only genuine seekers, who come to the Guru of their own, are qualified to receive the initiation. In the past the secret knowledge of Shaktipat has been passing as a word of mouth from Guru to disciple and never written in a book form. A seek- er has only to find the right Guru to get the benefit of this direct method of awakening the Shakti. Since the symp- toms of all self-effort methods, such as Bhaktiyoga, Jnan- ayoga, Karmayoga and Tantrayoga, etc, begin to appear automatically on the awakening and activisation of Shak- ti through Shaktipat, this method is known as Mahayo- ga or Great Yoga. The initiate experiences Shakti directly within him/herself and becomes conversant with it.

Shaktipat is the ancient method of being spiritually awakened by a Guru. The process awakens and activates the kundalini in the shortest time. This awakening has mini- mum or no risks or side effects, and in most cases is instant and effortless. Through the intuitive grace of the Guru one knows directly that there is no death, and as a result lives fully and awakes for the first time. Automatic movements in the body reverse the flow of vital fluids, which prepare the brain to receive enlightenment. Accumulated karma from several lives is thinned out and there is calmness, an inner contentment and a synchronicity with life. Living in two worlds becomes a reality.

Impressions or tendencies formed in chitta or psyche from the past impel a person to continue in the same direction without any will on their part. This helplessness becomes the cause of further unhappiness. According to sankhya philosophy sadhana or spiritual pursuits should be such that the three types of burnings (physical and mental, spir itual, and calamities sent by heavenly beings) should be totally eradicated so that there is no chance of them re- turning. Just as medication reduces fever to heal the body so the fever does not return, in the same way through spirituality we are healed so that unhappiness goes away and does not return. Yoga is the tried and tested permanent cure to unhappiness. Kriyas or automatic movements offer diagnosis, reason, treatment and elimination for the big disease. The big disease includes birth, old age, diseases and death. Avidya or ignorance is diagnosed as the reason, and Self-realisation is the treatment that eliminates the disease from its root.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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