Srauta Sacrifices in Kerala

Srauta Sacrifices in Kerala

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDJ012
Author: Dr.V.Govindan Namboodiri
Publisher: Valsarajan P.V.,Publication Officer,University of Calicut
Language: English
Edition: 2006
ISBN: 9788177480467
Pages: 259
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.3" X 5.3"
Weight 240 gm

Book Description


It was late Sri Erkara Raman Namboodiri of Trissur District, Kerala, a distinguished traditional Vedic Scholar, who first drew attention to the Srauta Ritual tradition of Kerala in his two Malayalam works namely Ekahahinasatranna ! and Srautakarmavivekam. In 1975 an Atiratra was performed at Pannal, in Kerala under the auspices of Dr. Frits Staal. Dr. Staal made a study of the ritual and the result was his monumental work, Agni in two volumes, which attracted the attention of the scholarly world to the Ritual tradition of Kerala. This work induced the present writer to make a humble study of the Srauta Rituals of Kerala which is presented in this book. Here an attempt is made to study the Ritual Tradition of Kerala mainly based on the manuals of the ritualists in the background of the original ritual literature giving due importance to its social bearing.

I am thankful to Dr. N. V. P. Unithiri, professor and Head of the Department of Sanskrit, University of Calicut for suggesting this subject for research work and for the guidance given by him.

I express my gratitude to late Sri Vallabhan Somayaji and his son Sri Vasudevan Akkittiri for having introduced me to the Srauta Sutra explaining the procedure of Agnistoma. My thanks goes to Sri Taikkat Nilakanthan Namboodiri for allowing me to go through the paper manuscripts kept with him and for rendering help to understand the ritual procedure. There are other ritualists who have helped me to whom I express my thanks here.

I am grateful to the authorities of the University for including this book in the Calicut University Sanskrit Series.

V. Govindan Namboodiri

Publishers Note

The principal objective of the Publication Division of the University of Calicut is to publish textbooks and other research-oriented and socially relevant books at a reasonable price without compromising on quality of production. All the books brought out so far have been received by the reading public, comprising mainly students and teachers, with overwhelming enthusiasm.

This book Srauta Sacrifices in Kerala by Dr. V. Govindan Namboodiri is the thirteenth books in Calicut University Sanskrit Series.

The Publication Division acknowledges its profound gratitude to The Vice Chancellor, Members of the Syndicate, Publication Advisory Committee, Editorial Board and Dr. N. V. P. Unithiri, Head of the Department of Sanskrit, University of Calicut for their whole hearted co-operation in publishing this volume.

We are happy to express our sincere thanks to Sri. Omprakash. V, Sri. A. Hameed and to the Art and Photography Unit, University of Calicut for the help rendered.

Forword by Dr. N.V.P. Unithiri
Chapter I Vedic Ritualism - A review 13-56
Origin of Rituals- Divergent views about Vedas-concepts behind the Citis - Development of Mathematical ideas-Changes in views towards Vedic ritual in Yajurveda and Upanisads - Ritu als in Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Chapter II Inter-relationship among Namboodiri settlements having sacrificial
Priestly connections of Perincellur with Peravanam and Karikkat - Etakkat Upagrama - Alattiyur Grama - Originations of certain customs and Social Structure of Namboodiris
Chapter III Sacrificial Tradition of Kerala in the light of Sankarasmrti 69-81
Important rules regarding the performance of. Vedic rites-Rules to be abided by if Yajamana has two wives.
Chapter IV Some Notable Peculiarities of Kerala Sacrificial Tradition 82-95
Rituals performed - Only two Soma sacrifices are performed - Influence of Agamic worship Devataparigraha - Agrapuja-combining two Desas - Animal sacrifice.
Chapter V Expansion of Sacrificial Tradition Among non-Grama Namboodiris 96-104
Sacrificial tradition only in a limited circle- Later migration of Brahmins of Kerala - Sharing of Sacrificial tradition for elevation the status Ancudesis, Naludesis and Irupattonnudesis - Grant of Travancore Maharaja to Vaidikas.
Chapter VI Baudhayanasulbasutra in Kerala Sacrificial Tradition 105-144
Units of Measurements - Citis - Karikas of Yogiyar.
Chapter VII Two Traditions of Namboodiri Performance 145-160
Dvaidhasutra in Kerala Tradition - Irinnalankkuta and Peramanankara Traditions.
Chapter VIII Praisartha 161-174
Analysis of Praisartha of Agnistoma - Influence of Rudradatta's commentary on Apastambasutra.
Chapter IX Festivals of Vedic Recitation in Kerala 175-185
Brahmayajna -Trisandha- Three Paksas - Procedure of Trisandha - Katavallur Anyonyam Ottuttu.
Chapter X The Extant Sacrificial Tradition of Kerala 186-188
Living Somayajins and Agnicits - Brief biodata of living ritualists.
Chapter XI The Influence of Vedic and Sacrificial Tradition in Tantra 189-221
Manuals of Tantra - Temple Construction as a Yaga - Agnijanana - Application of Mantras - Folk deities in connection with Tantra -Tantrins of Perincellur other - point of influence.
Conclusion 222-223
Select Bibliography 224-230
Appendix 231-232
Some words connected with Sacrificial Tradition currently used in Malayalam.
Name Index 233-237
Subject Index 238-259

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