Srimad Bhagavatam the Wisdom of God

Srimad Bhagavatam the Wisdom of God

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Book Specification

Item Code: IDJ843
Author: Swami Prabhavananda
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras
Language: English
Edition: 2014
ISBN: 9788178233154
Pages: 320
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 5.9" X 3.8"
Weight 160 gm

Book Description


After the Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita, the Srimad Bhagavatam is the most authoritative of the Indian Scriptures. By means of stories from the lives of Avataras, sages, devotees, and kings, it popularizes the truths contained in the Vedas. At this moment more than two hundred million Hindus find in it their most cherished expressions of religious faith and their dearest exemplars. To study it is the best of all ways to become acquainted.

Its peculiar excellence is that it reconciles the heart with the head, devotion with learning. "It is fried in the butter of Knowledge," says Sri Ramakrisna, latest of Indian prophets, "and steeped in the huney of Love."

Only the more generally interesting portions of the more generally interesting portions of the work-amounting to somewhat less than half of the whole-are included in the present version. Of this version, again, about half is summary and paraphrase rather than translation; the remainder, however, consisting of the teachings of Sri Krisna to his disciple Uddhava (Book XI), has been rendered without omission and with approximate literalness. Everywhere the primary object has been to interpret in English the inner spirit of the Sanskrit text.

In no form hitherto, so far as I am aware, has the Bhagavatam been readily available to the English-speaking public.

In revising my translation for the press, I am happy to acknowledge, I have had the assistance of my friends Jane Manchester and Frederick Manchester.


Preface v
I Suta Comes to the Forest of Naimisha 1
II Vyasa and Narada 9
III King Pariksit Meets Kali 15
IV King Pariksit is Cursed 17
V King Pariksit Meets Suka 19
I Worship and Meditation 21
II The attainment of Freedom 24
III Suka's Prayer to the Lord 26
I Vidura and Maitreya 30
II The Story of Creation 35
III The Birth of Kapila 39
IV Kapila's Teachings Concerning Divine Love 41
V The Cause of Misery and the Way to Freedom 45
VI The Yoga of Meditation 48
I The Story of Dhruva 53
II Utkala, Son of Dhruva 65
III King Prithu 65
IV The City of Puranjana 74
V The Prachetas 83
I Priyavrata, Son of Manu 88
II The Royal Sage Rishabha 92
III Jadabharata 100
IV Truth is One: Sages Call It by Various Names 109
I The Story of Ajamila 119
II Daksha's Prayer to the Impersonal 125
III Narada Teaches the Ideal of Renunciation 128
IV The Story of Chitraketu 130
I The Story of Prahlada 138
II The Stages of Life 145
I A Prayer 154
II The Story of the Dwarf 154
I The Story of King Ambarisha 162
II The Story of Rantideva 166
I The Birth of Krisna 172
II Yasoda Sees the Universe within the Mouth of the Infant Krisna 176
III Krisna Allows Himself to be Bound 177
IV Krisna Manifests His Divinity to Brahma 178
V Krisna and the Shepherdesses 184
VI Krisna Restores Life to the Dead Son of His Teacher 187
VII Krisna Sends Uddhava to Gokula with a Message of Love 189
VIII Krisna by His Divine Touch Gives Knowledge and Freedom to Muchukunda 193
IX Krisna Gives Wealth to a Poor Brahmin 196
I The God's Prayer to Sri Krisna 200
II The Ideal of Renunciation 205
III Avadhuta Had Twenty-Four Teachers 210
IV Know Thyself 223
V Bondage and Freedom of the Soul 227
VI The Society of the Holy 233
VII Divine Song of Hamsa or the Swan 235
VIII Bhakti Yoga 240
IX Yoga Powers 245
X I Am the All 246
XI Castes and Orders of Life 250
XII I Am the Goal, I Am the Way 257
XIII The Yogas of Love. Knowledge, and Work 264
XIV Self-Control 269
XV Immortality of Soul 270
XVI The Song of the Mendicant 274
XVII The Yoga of Knowledge 282
XVIII The Working of the Gunas 285
XIX The Free Soul 291
XX Realization of God 293
XXI Uddhava Goes to Badarikasrama 301
I Suka Teaches Pariksit Divine Wisdom 307
II Epilogue 311
Glossary of Sanskrit Terms 313

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