Thuvaraka Rasayana and Psoriasis

Thuvaraka Rasayana and Psoriasis

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAH062
Author: Dr. Sherly Devanni
Publisher: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
Language: English
Edition: 2010
ISBN: 9788170803485
Pages: 192
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 210 gm

Book Description


During my Kayachikitsa P.G. at Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram, while discussing about our thesis topics, our department Head Dr. P. Sankarankutty suggested me to do a work on Thuvaraka rasayana in some obstinate skin disorder. I opted to do it in psoriasis vulgaris.

I was very happy to get such a wonderful guide like Dr. M.R. Vasudevan Namboodiri. The study had excellent results. The histopathology was done by Dr. M. Balaraman Nair, Retired Principal of Govt. Medical College, TVm. While assessing the results, he commented me that this drug shows wonderful results and you should publish it in some international journals. There was profound changes in histopathology showing the rasayana nature of Thuvaraka. I bow my head in front of our Acharyas who were able to know it without the microscope.

After joining in I.S.M. Department also, whenever I treated extreme psoriatic patients, I opted to give THuvaraka rasayana after Sodhana. I was very much Satisfied with the result. Many Ayurvedic doctors enquired me about the administration of Thuvaraka rasayana. As a result of demand from many doctors, I decided to publish my thesis work.

I extend my sincere gratitude to my respected guide Dr. M. R. Vasudevan Namboodiri M.D. (Ay.) for his valuable guidance and support. I am grateful to Dr. P. Sankaran kutty M.D. (Ay.) as this work is the outcome of the idea that budded in his mind. I am thankful to Dr. M. Balaraman Nair M.D., D.P.B., D.M.F., who helped me in histopathological evaluation and to all my patients who have voluntarily submitted themselves for this study.

I express my heartful thanks to my father Mr. A. T. Divanniassios who has done hard work in the collection and preparation of Thuvaraka seeds and oil, and to my husband Mr. Joseph. N. George for his constant support and encouragement.

I am extremely thankful to Dr. Manoj Sankara narayanan who has taken great effort and made it possible to get this book published.


Ancient India was the original birth place of many great sciences such as Ayurveda, which attracted the attention of the entire world and influenced considerably the science of medicine of other ancient nations as well. Ayurveda, is not merely a science of ‘diseases and drugs’ but has in its sphere every aspect of life.

In the frame-work of Indian culture with a definite out look on life, Ayurveda forms a basic science in the sense that all other objectives of life such as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, embodied in the formula of ‘Chaturvidha Purushartha’ are not possible without health and happiness. The man has therefore, eternally endeavoured to keep himself healthy and free from miseries.

Ayurveda or the science of life, really encompasses in its scope all old and new knowledge, that is useful to preserve health and happiness which lies in the equilibrium of the constituent ingredients such as doshas, dhatus, malas, agni, Athma, indriyas and manas. Ayurveda is the way of living according to the laws of nature inherent in all living things.

The important concepts presented by Ayurveda and the scientific view points propounded, need rational considerations. The ethical concepts as well as the important values of life presented in Ayurveda, need emphesis even now.

The occurance of Dermatological diseases in India was long back recognized. The ancient Ayurvedic books like Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita and Ashtanga hridaya described dermatological diseases under the heading Kushtam. The word Kushta in Ayurveda refers to a group of skin disorders which includes leprosy also.

Psoriasis is a common, genetically determined, inflammatory and proliferative disease of the skin, the most characteristic lesions consisting of chronic, sharply demarcated, dull-red scaly plaques, particularly on the extensor prominences and in the scalp. The most common type of psoriasis is psoriasis vulgaris. There are millions of men and women all over the world today, who suffer from psoriasis. Psoriasis is actually a complexity of the disease which does not kill, but is responsible for a great deal of unhappiness and depression.


List of tables vi
List of Figures ix
Abbreviations xi
Section I General Introduction vi
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Need and Significance 4
1.3 Statement of the problem 5
1.4 Objectives of the study 5
1.5 Assumptions 5
1.6 Hypothesis 5
1.7 Delimitations 5
1.8 Contents of the Thesis 5
Section –II Review of Literature vi
Chapter -1 Anatomy and Pysiology of skin 9
2.1.1 Introduction 9
2.1.2 Anatomy 9
2.1.3 Epidermis 10
2.1.4 Dermis 11
2.1.5 Skin Colour 12
2.1.6 Function of the skin 12
2.1.7 Ayurvedic View 14
2.1.8 Layers of skin 15
2.1.9 Functions of skin according to Ayurveda 17
Chapter -2 Psoriasis 19
2.2.1 Introduction 19
2.2.2 Definition 20
2.2.3 Aetiology of psoriasis 20
2.2.4 Pathogenesis 23
2.2.5 Histology 30
2.2.6 Clinical Features 32
2.2.7 Clinical Patterns 33
2.2.8 Signs and symptoms of psoriasis 40
2.2.9 Complications 42
2.2.10 Differential diagnosis 44
2.2.11 Skin biopsy 49
2.2.12 Prognosis 51
2.2.13 Management 52
Chapter -3 Kustam 54
2.3.1 Introduction 54
2.3.2 Nirukti 54
2.3.3 General nidana of kustha 55
2.3.4 Samprapthi 56
2.3.5 Poorvaroopam 56
2.3.6 Dhatu involvement of Kushta 58
2.3.7 Classification of kushtaroga 61
2.3.8 Roopa stage 62
2.3.9 Involvement of doshas in kustha 67
2.3.10 Sadhya-Asadhyata 68
2.3.11 Principles of classical management of kushtam 71
2.3.12 Pathya-Apathya 75
2.3.13 Commonly used medicines in kushtachikitsa 76
Chapter -4 Comparitive study of psoriasis and diseases in Ayurveda 78
2.4.1 Introduction 78
2.4.2 Comparison of signs and symptoms 78
2.4.3 Role of thridoshas in the manifestation of Psoriasis 82
Chapter -5 Thuvaraka rasayana 84
2.5.1 Rasayana 84
2.5.2 Types of rasayana 84
2.5.3 Importance of sodhana prior to rasayana chikitsa 85
2.5.4 Thuvaraka rasayana 86
Chapter -6 Review of Drugs 89
2.6.1 Trial drugs 89
2.6.2 Drugs of Thuvaraka rasayana 89
2.6.3 Drugs of AragwadhaMahathikthakaghrita 94
2.6.4 Drugs used for vamana 109
2.6.5 Drugs used for virechana 109
Section –III Methodology of Clinical Study
3.1 Introduction 113
3.2 Research approach 113
3.3 Research design 113
3.4 Setting for the study 114
3.5 Population 114
3.6 Sample 114
3.7 Inclusion criteria 115
3.8 Exclusion criteria 115
3.9 Duration of the study 115
3.10 Null hypothesis 115
3.11 Alternate hypothesis 115
3.12 Collection of data 115
3.13 Pilot study 116
3.14 Treatment schedule 116
3.15 Assessment of response 119
Section –IV Observation, Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Observation and analysis 123
4.1.1 Demographic data 123
4.1.2 Data related to psoriasis vulgaris 126
4.1.3 Data related to response to treatment 130
4.2.1 Interpretations of Demographic Data 150
4.2.2 Interpretations of data related to psoriasis vulgaris 150
4.2.3 Interpretations of data related to response to treatment 152
4.2.4 Probable mode of action of the treatment procedures 153
Section –V Summary And Conclusions
5.1 Summary of the study 157
5.2 Summary of the results 158
5.3 Conclusions 159
5.4 Limitations 160
5.5 Recommendations for further research 160
Bibliography 162
Appendix 164

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