The Truth About Modern Polity (In The Light of Sri Aurobindo)

The Truth About Modern Polity (In The Light of Sri Aurobindo)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAY472
Author: Chandra Prakash Khetan
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Trust, Jhunjhunu
Language: English
Edition: 2020
ISBN: 9788186510339
Pages: 198
Other Details 8.50 X 5.50 inch
Weight 280 gm

Book Description

Back of the Book
Hindu Nationalism

...we do not understand Hindu nationalism as a possibility under modern conditions. Hindu nationalism had a meaning in the times of Shivaji and Ramdas, when the object of national revival was to overthrow a Mahomedan domination which, once tending to Indian unity and toleration had become oppressive and disruptive. It was possible because India was then a world to itself and the existence of two geographical units entirely Hindu, Maharashtra and Rajputana, provided it with a basis. It was necessary because the misuse of their domination by the Mahomedan element was fatal to India's future and had to be punished and corrected by the resurgence and domination of the Hindu. And because it was possible and necessary, it came into being. But under modern conditions India can only exist as a whole. A nation depends for its existence on geographical separateness and geographical compactness, on having a distinct and separate country. The existence of this geographical separateness is sure in the end to bear down all differences of race, language, religion, history,. It has done so in Great Britain, in Switzerland, in Germany. It will do so in India.

All systems of human collective living are in crisis - whether they be political, economic, social or other. All so called leaders no longer have the dubious certainties of a system to implement - unlike the post Second World War period when the opposing philosophies of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, liberalism etc., etc. jostled for dominance. At present the only "guiding" ideas seem to be a blind pursuit of ever burgeoning physical wants and vital desires in the name of an elusive "progress", with a sprinkling of idealistic notions thrown in to make things seem more acceptable to the faint but persistent promptings of the higher self. Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's Vision of a future Gnostic community provides the only beacon and impetus for hope and aspiration.

The need for elucidation of this vision and the forces that have been leading and shaping human society through the ages towards the culmination of it, provided the stimulus for putting pen to paper and the result was this work which hopes to provide a concentrated yet comprehensive exposition of Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's revelation for the future of human communities. The writer would like to thank dear Shri Vijaybhai Poddar of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, who had urged the writer to share his critical comprehension of the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the collective political issues facing us - as he had done for collective economic issues in an earlier work entitled 'The Truth about Economic Development' - with a wider audience. We offer it at the lotus feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with a prayer that it may inspire all those who happen to be touched by their words to walk on the glorious Path laid down by Them.

**Contents and Sample Pages**

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