Unfolded Secrecies of Sushruta Samhita
Book Specification
Item Code: | NAK793 |
Author: | Dr. Mahesh Kumar N. Chaudhari |
Publisher: | CHAUKHAMBHA ORIENTALIA, Varanasi |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 2015 |
ISBN: | 9788176373470 |
Pages: | 78 |
Cover: | Paperback |
Other Details | 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch |
Weight | 100 gm |
Book Description
Vaidya Dr. Maheshkumar N. Chaudhari was born in Bhusaval, Maharashtra in 1976. He completed his M.S. (Shalya -Tantra) from Tilak Ayurved College, Pune & Ph.D. (Shalya-Tantra) from the very well known, University of Pune in the year 2008.
Presently he is working as a Associate Professor in Dept. of Shalya- Tantra in Hon. Shri Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical College, Ashta, Sangli. He has supervised many P.G. students in the subject of Shalya- Tantra.
He has well trained in all kinds of general surgeries as well as scopies like gastro, colono, cysto, lapro etc. for diagnostic & therapeutic purposes also. He is well known surgeon for painless expulsion of urinary calculi by Ayurvedic medications in his state.
He is actively participated as a Principal Investigator in many research projects with well reputed Kalash Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
We come across abundant literature of well- known critics & commentators on sushruta samhita. Well read Ayurveda scholars may not perhaps, make out why Vaidya Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari, wrote this book, when sufficient critical literature is available in the market? What inspired the author to write the book? I humbly think, when one reads the book, one knows every page of this book renders you satisfying answers & one's doubts & misunderstandings are certainly cleared up. The points illustrated & elucidated here in the book holds a great significance in the Sushruta Samhita.
Even though Sushruta is well- known in the world as a Father of Surgery, one can not perform successful surgical operations on the table due to lack of adequet anatomical literature, lack of anaesthesia, lack of emergency drugs & such other short- comings & draw- backs. It is true on the practical ground. On this ground, a class of scholars condemn & hate surgical information in Sushruta. Vaidya. Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari in this book, gives clarifications, which are satisfactory. Readers are earnestly requested to peep into the book & get satisfied and dispel off their prejudices.
Vaidya. Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari lays stress particularly on the point that- even if Sushruta Samhita is not a mere surgical volume, it comprises all the knowledge of other subjects concerned & connected with surgery. Yoga, Sankhya, Vaisheshik, embriology, Psychology, Pathology, Dravya-Guna Shastra, Naturopathy & all other sciences are related with "SHAREER" (Anatomy) in Sushruta Samhita, where, how & to what extent they are connected at we find in this book. Therefore, Sushruta Shareer seems short in comparison to modern anatomy. Most of these points are elucidated by the author & they have been neglected probably by modern commentators & the critics.
More-over, there is a chapter in the end of Sushruta Samhita, Tantra-Yukti Adhyaya by name. Vaidya Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari has not missed to go deep & fathoming it, found out the invaluable gems of knowledge regarding Sushruta Samhita.
Unless one gets comprehensive knowledge regarding terms & terminologies used in any science, one cannot touch the head & heart of that particular science. Otherwise word to word or mere literal meanings are meaningless. Modern critics have not taken the notice in this direction, Vaidya Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari seems to have taken notice of this point. Hence Vd. Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari's book carries weight.
The writer has particularly touched & elucidated those points which are missed by so many other scholars, critics & commentators.
If this book is not only read but digested properly the reader would get complete idea of Sushruta Samhita. All these highlighted points here, are not merely useful for the curious people but are advisable for those who are preparing for the master & Doctorate degree in Ayurveda. Hence, I recommend this book by heart, as a historic compliment to Ayurvedic literature, particularly for Sushruta Samhita.
Reading of this book will not dispel off the doubts & degradation regarding Sushruta, but it will certainly be a way of clearing the doubts & precious point for creating pride regarding Sushruta Samhita, I believe this book will become popular gradually & would be welcomed by the scholars as well as M.S. & Ph. D. students of Ayurveda.
The compendium of Sushruta Samhita is the comprehensive treatise on the entire medical discipline of ancient India emphasizing the glorious tradition of Shalya Tantra (Surgery), which is one of the foremost clinical branches of Ayurved. This treatise contains detailed descriptions of teachings and practice of Acharya Sushruta, the pioneer of Surgery and it has considerable surgical knowledge of relevance even jay. The treatise's insight, accuracy and details of surgical descriptions are most impressive. Sushruta considers surgery to be the first and foremost branch of treatment modalities as it has superior advantage of producing instantaneous and long-lasting results, The treatise has a total of 186 chapters. Some of its notable features being-description of 8 types of surgeries, 20 varieties of sharp surgical instruments (Shastra) and 101 types of blunt surgical instruments (Yantra), enumeration of approximately 1120 illnesses long with their effective diagnosis and management, pioneering description of Plastic Surgeries like Rhinoplasty and ear lobe construction, 14 types of bandaging, classification of burns into degrees and their management, description of military medicine, principles of fracture and wound management, systematic dissection cadavers to study the anatomy of human body, systematic classification and management of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Practice of mock operations on inanimate objects prior performing human surgeries and code of ethics for practitioners, teachers and disciples of surgery.
In his book titled- "Unfolded Secrecies Of Sushruta Samhita",
Dr. Maheshkumar N. Chaudhari, under the able guidance of Dr. Shrikar Jalukar has systematically' highlighted the clinically significant aspects of Sushruta Samhita for the combined benefit of practitioners, academicians, researchers and students of Ayurved. I congratulate him for his commendable efforts and hope that this book rekindles the interest of Ayurvedic fraternity in the study and practice of clinical fundamentals of Ayurved mentioned in Sushrut Samhita.
1 | Introduction to Shalya - Tantra | 1 |
2 | Vaidyake - to | 21 |
3 | Chikitsa-Sthanam | 23 |
4 | About the expiry of drugs | 30 |
5 | Marm | 32 |
6 | Agni-Karma | 34 |
7 | Kshar-Karma | 35 |
8 | Jalauka-Avacharn | 36 |
9 | Shat-Kriya Kaal | 38 |
10 | Concept of Agni in Sushruta Samhita | 39 |
11 | Bhoomi-Pravibhageeya | 41 |
12 | Concept of Creation of Rasa, Rakta, Rakta dhatu | 42 |
13 | Applicability of seasonal regimen in the non-monsoon countries | 43 |
14 | Salient features of Uttar Tantra in Sushruta Samhita | 45 |
15 | Epilogue | 58 |