Uplift Yourself, Change the World (Your Growth is a Gift)

Uplift Yourself, Change the World (Your Growth is a Gift)

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAN380
Author: Martin Hausner
Publisher: Torchlight Publishing
Language: English
Edition: 2017
ISBN: 9781937731298
Pages: 204
Cover: Hardcover
Other Details 7.0 inch X 5.0 inch
Weight 200 gm

Book Description


It took me 47 years to write this book. Let me explain why.

It is said that "knowledge is power." It isn't. Knowledge is only information. It becomes power when reflected upon, realized and applied. This is called wisdom. And it is wisdom that changes us.

But wisdom takes time to ripen.

What I share in uplift Yourself, Change the World was known to my head long ago, but it took almost half a century to really be known to my heart. The journey from the head to the heart is said to be the longest distance in the universe, and this book is a result of that long journey. I wrote it with the hope of making your journey a lot shorter and your life a lot deeper.

Uplift Yourself, Change the World is primarily an inheritance of wisdom from the Eastern spiritual teachings and practices that I have incorporated into my daily life since I was 19, along with my study of various Western spiritual traditions and modern psychological disciplines. Uplift Yourself came about -and came alive - through the insights that matured as I applied these teachings to every challenge and aspect of my life, and then shared my realizations, insights and practical advice with thousands of others. I am happy that I can now share this ripe fruit with you.

It my hope that its sweet taste will help you grow closer to your brilliance, power and spirit, help you realize your highest self, and awaken you to a higher level of consciousness than you ever thought possible. What I mean by this is illustrated by the following story.

A poverty-stricken woman once found a precious jewel, a jewe so valuable it would end her financial problems for good. A needy man who saw what she found asked her for it, and she happily gave it to him without a second thought. The next day he returned the jewel and asked her for a more valuable gift, one he knew she definitely possessed. Bewildered by this request she said she had nothing more valuable than this. He said, "No, you do have something better." He then went on to ask her to give him what she had inside her heart that allowed her to give him that jewel.

When we come to a place inside ourselves where we act with this kind of uncommon consciousness, we up- lift the world. It is a fact of life that as you and I grow, the world gets better. It never happens any other way.

Uplift Yourself, Change the World is arranged as a collection of meditations divided into 29 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of life. From the influence of your deep-rooted beliefs to following your dharma (or calling), from releasing blame to becoming one with the healing power of compassion and forgiveness, from the feedback your life gives you to the dynamics behind relationships, Uplift Yourself will take you to a level of awareness few achieve. It is the essence of the wisdom that has most dramatically transformed my life and the lives of those I have shared it with.

The book is written in the form of sutras. "Sutra" is a Sanskrit word meaning 'code' and used in a genre of Indian literature that expresses truths through codes. Sutras are meant to be read often and meditated upon. As this is done, their meanings grow in the heart, mind and soul. Allow them to speak to you, to guide you and to inspire you.

I leave these sutras for you to unpack and relish. Should you want further explanations, they are available through my other writings.


Acknowledgements 17
Introduction 21
1 I Can't Change: The Big Lie. 25
Conditioning and Change
2 Where You Take Others, You End Up. 33
Criticism and Appreciation
3 You Need Your Space: Making Daily Time For Re-creating Yourself. 41
The Importance of Daily Spiritual Practice
4 You Just Want It, Or Are You Committed To It? 45
Your Relationship with Commitment
5 Control Your Life Or Life Will Control You. 49
Achieving Freedom through Restraint
6 Celebrate Yourself. 55
Connecting With Your Essence (Dharma)
7 Getting Off Center-Stage. 61
How to Subdue an Ego That Can Ruin You
8 It's Not My Fault! Arguing For Your Failure. 67
The Psychology of Blame
9 Releasing Yourself: Forgiveness Is The Only Door Out. 73
Letting Go of Resentment and Inviting Compassion
10 Sweet Surrender. 79
Your Divine Connection
11 I Want It All! 87
Simplicity, Satisfaction and Over-consumption
12 I'm So Stupid. 95
How Guilt Helps You and How It Harms You
13 Are We Having Fun Yet? 99
The Nature of Happiness
14 Don't Run From Yourself: Humility Means Reality. 105
The Power of Humility
15 Who's Driving Your Life? Grabbing On To The Steering Wheel. 111
Connecting With and Realizing Your Ideals
16 Life Gives Feedback: Results Don't Lie. 117
Free Will and Karma
17 What You Don't Know That You Don't Know. 123
What Knowledge Is - And Isn't
18 Who's Making Your Thoughts? Use Your Mind Or It Will Use You. 129
Harnessing the Power of Your Mind
19 Don't Stay Down: The Only Obstacle Is You. 135
What's Holding You Back
20 You Are The World: Nothing Changes Unless You Change. 141
Howa Peaceful Heart Creates a Peaceful World
21 Good Relationships Don't Just Happen. 145
Relationships That Work
22 Investing in Yourself Produces The Greatest Wealth. 151
Working on Yourself
23 You Live With Yourself - You Might As Well Love Yourself. 157
Self-Love, Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance
24 Gotta Serve Somebody 165
The Nature of Service
25 Finding Yourself: Existence Beyond The Body. 171
The Self and Deathlessness
26 Divine Principles At Work. 177
Relationships, Ethics, and God's Place in the Business World
27 Your Success Story. 183
What Success Is and How to Achieve It
28 It's Not What You Have, It's Who You Are: Bringing Virtues To Life. 189
The Relationship Between Success and Character
29 Your Life Is Your Message. 193
How Uplifting Yourself Uplifts the World
About Martin Hausner 199
Stay In Touch 201

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