Youth and Vitality

Youth and Vitality

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Book Specification

Item Code: NBZ751
Author: Purushottamanada
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama
Language: English
Pages: 88
weight of the book: 0.08 kg.
Weight 80 gm

Book Description

About the Book
Hunger is natural to all. But the way in which it is appeased differs from person to person. Those of sattvic nature satisfy their hunger in one way. Rajasik persons gratify their appetite in another way and Tamasik persons appease it in quite a different way. Apart from this classification, there is such a thing as a demoniac way of satiating the appetite and the ghoulish way is yet another! Similarly, sexual appetite is gratified by people according to their natures and tendencies. It is these tendencies that also determine the behaviour and manners of people in the world.

Everyone is burning with an uncontrollable passion to suck dry the sensual pleasures to the last drop. But to totally satisfy this desire, practice of strict Brahmacharya till one is 25 years of age is a must! How I wish to convey this truth to our youths!

Vivekananda Yuvaka Sangha' is one of the many activities of the Ramakrishna Math, Bangalore. Every Sunday morning, a short lecture is delivered on elevating themes to the young men of the Sangha. When I was in charge of the Sangha some years ago, I made a note of all the topics that I presented before the young audience. Later, I went back to these notes again and again and added some more lofty ideas in order to give the youth some definite knowledge and guidance on Brahmacharya.

Today, when TV, Internet and other mass media are provoking innocent youths to lead a life of indulgence, the elders of the society are recognizing the relevance of the ancient ideals of purity and chastity. Many youths too are hungering for guidance to lead a disciplined and chaste life. They are eager to imbibe sublime ideas and ideals into their personality. I am also aware that many parents wish to impart these noble values to their adolescent children, but are unable to do so for various reasons. This book is published to meet these needs of the society.

Here the emphasis is solely on the sublime ideal of Brahmacharya or continence. I am not sure how much of this ideal will be received by the modern youth. But what ought to be told has to be told. If properly presented, could not this noble ideal of Brahmacharya be a guiding light to those who wish to develop a radiant personality?

It is indeed very good if the ideals can be fully realized. But when this is not possible, it would still be a great achievement if even a part of the ideal is actualised in life. If a person committing hundred mistakes now commits only fifty, is it not a commendable progress? On the other hand, just because it is difficult to realise the ideal completely, if one altogether gives up the effort, he will remain a brute all through his life.

Back in those days when I was in high school, one of my teachers gave me a book called "Brahmacharya is Life". That book influenced me greatly. I very meticulously followed the instructions given therein for realizing the ideal of Brahmacharya and derived immense benefit from it. The efforts to imbibe such a sublime ideal not only enriched my personality, but also enhanced my academic performance! Indeed my class teacher had included my name in the list of boys who were doubtful of passing the public examination. But when the results were declared everyone was surprised. I had passed with first class marks! This may be a small thing, quite insignificant by itself. But what is important is that my sincere endeavours to imbibe the great ideal of Brahmacharya completely changed my life. It made my whole life adventurous and blessed.

If the younger generation should derive any benefit from this book, I shall consider my efforts worthwhile.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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