Gastro-Duodenal Diseases in Ayurveda and Modern Medicine

Gastro-Duodenal Diseases in Ayurveda and Modern Medicine

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Book Specification

Item Code: UAQ557
Author: Shri Kant Tiwari
Publisher: Aditya BOOK Centre, Varanasi
Language: English
Edition: 2005
Pages: 264
Other Details 9.00 X 6.00 inch
Weight 450 gm

Book Description


Ayurveda is a real science of life dealing with all its aspects It has wide scope and could not delimited into watertight compartments as in the western system The science of Ayurveda includes all that is essential to make a man not only healthy but also happy. It also includes the study of all Dharma (right conduct) which is necessary for the healthy growth of the human society. It also deals with the philosophical aspects of life, the knowledge of which contributes greatly to the comfort and happiness of human beings. Social, ethical religious and moral education of the human ecology has been nicely covered by the Science of Ayurveda Ayurveda is the only oldest scientific approach towards overall well being of human society and particularly of humanity. This aspect of knowledge of life is absent in the modern western medical approach.

This Book entitled Gastro-Duodenal Diseases in Ayurveda and Modern Medicine is a modest attempt to probe scientifically into the concept of Diseases and to develop the suitable Indicators. It is felt that a lot of scientific work remains to be done to understand the concept of duodenal diseases. It is hoped that the present work will provide a lead to the future studies in this field of fundamental importance.

If Books are to be highly regarded only because their authors are ancient sages, then why are Bhela and other authors not in vogue? Therefore one should prefer whatever is well propounded as shows the freedom and liberality of the man and if he as born in our own days, he would have been the first to take up the modern challenge of research and submit his science to the test of experimental verification.


The gastro-duodenal diseases are the commonest group of disorder of human gastrointestinal tract. The peptic ulcer is steadily increasing in this country with modernisation and urbanisation and is becoming a social problem due to its morbidity. In this regard, the comments of Walter Cannon that the move of large number of people from rural to urban life was likely to make a tremendous shift in the cause of disease and emotional disorders and their results were likely increased accordingly, still holds true. It really hazards the economics both of individual and nation due to chronic invalidism.

Ayurvedic classics like Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita mentioned Amlapitta and Parinama-shoola as a clinical entity in some form or the other and it was Madhavakara who described these diseases in separate chapters in his popular book-Madhava Nidana. He has described the clinical classics of Parnama-shoola and Amlapitta and recorded their causations. The clinical classics resembles closely with that of clinical features of gastro-duodenal mucosal disease and peptic ulcer of modern medicine. Hippocrates has also made earlier observations on this group of diseases.

The aetiopathogenesis of peptic ulcer has filled so many pages and inspite of a great deal of research, it remains a puzzle. The central equation of acid-pepsin secretion versus mucosal defense along with certain emotional, environmental, racial, inheritance and some other known and unknown factors are being considered.

Book's Contents and Sample Pages

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