Inland Water Transport in India (An Old and Rare Book)
Book Specification
Item Code: | UAK892 |
Author: | R. P. Misra |
Publisher: | University of Mysore, Mysore |
Language: | English |
Edition: | 1972 |
Pages: | 236 (Throughout B/W Illustrations) |
Cover: | HARDCOVER |
Other Details | 10.00 X 7.50 inch |
Weight | 520 gm |
Book Description
The purpose of this book is to discuss the role of inland navigation in the transportation system of India and to assess the prospects of its future development in the country. Within the framework of the above purpose, the book is designed to meet the following objectives:
1. retrospective study of the part played by inland navigation in the national economy and to identify the causes of its decline;
2. examination of the existing state of inland navigation in different parts of India; and 3. study of the development of inland water transport in India during the last two decades.
The book is based on the secondary data derived from various statistical publications and official reports. At places, these data are supplemented by field observations.. The book is written for the general reader and aims at arousing public interest in one of the most neglected modes of transportation in India.
Prosperity of a nation depends, to a large extent, upon the resources-material and human-it is endowed with. As these resources are not distributed evenly and equitably, the develop mental processes the world over, have not operated with the same. speed and intensity everywhere. The factor which minimizes the evil effects of these and which tends to distribute the bounties of nature and the fruits of social, economic and technological develop ments more evenly, is transportation-"the dominant economic fact of our age".
Transportation acts as a bridge between man the consumer and nature the supplier. It also "enables a given flow of resources to produce greater results" by removing the obstacles in the way of their physical union. Regional specialization in the production processes will be impossible without modern transportation. The cotton goods of Bombay or the jute goods of Calcutta are produced for markets which extend far beyond the immediate enviorns. Transportation is a decisive factor determining the size of market and hence also the price of commodities.
**Contents and Sample Pages**