Reflexology Self Treatment

Reflexology Self Treatment

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Book Specification

Item Code: NAO763
Author: Dr. S. K. Sharma
Language: English
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9788121702812
Pages: 254 (Throughout B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
Other Details 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
Weight 290 gm

Book Description


India is the land of Veda and is known for its cultural heritage. The Mother of every knowledge India have been the world mentor since the civilisation started on the earth. Every knowledge spread from India into world wide including the Science of Health. But unfortunately today the meaning of health is simply to remaining fit. But in India "Swasthya" means "Gifted with unshakeable mental equilibrium" or resoluted mind. This is the stage where man is free from physical, mental and social agony.

Reflexology and Accupressure are the Sciences of all ages which tells us the reasons of disease, explains the treatment, procedure and even teaches us how to remain healthy, happy and resoluted mind without the help of any Medicine. These great theories are supplements to each other. Simply one is the diagnosing therapy whereas other one is the treatment theory for the same.

Reflexology with the help of Accupressure has become a wonderful and complete treatment therapy of Holistic Healing. Here complete treatment means to free the human from physical, psychological, social and even mythological disturb-ances. After achieving this stage human converts themselves in the power of totality which means free from all impediments.

Here we are more concerned about the Health which can be easily achieved with the help of Reflexology. Some easy methods of maintaining and keeping health have been developed with the modem Accupressure Instruments easily available in the Market at the throw away prices of Modern Medicines. Thus investment of one time can work for a long time and even a common man can lead a Happy and Prosperous Life in his full capacity without spending any money for health checkups and medicines.

This Book have been designed according to the need of common man. Various methods of health maintenance have been devised to get instant and better results. All the complexity of Accupressure Theory have been solved with the help of Reflexology so that the mystery of Accupressure Point finding can be solved. The theory of Line have been taken from the great Science of Palmistry with a health point of view and all the findings have been reviewed with special reference to the Health. With this simplest concept Reflexology has become so easy that even an illiterate person can peep into his own and others health without any technical knowledge of the Physiology and other Medical Sciences.

With the completion of this book I can say that Health is not the field of only Doctor but every Individual is the greatest Doctor for himself. Where as the definition of Health have been widened with its original meaning, Health concept have been brought in the hands and feet of the human. Just see your hands feet, eyes, ears, tongue, nose, lips, chin and even the appearance of the body into a mirror and diagnose your Health Position on daily basis. You will be the Master of your Health and even more for others also. Do not tumble about the health on the doorstep of a Hospital, be your own Doctor. Save the money and save the Society from the dangerous clutches of poisonous, toxic, melancholy and despondency drugs in the name of Medicines.

All the knowledge have been dissipated with the Grace of that Almighty. Any good thing in the book is not mine but is from the Supreme Self. If any mistake, I shall be forgiven by the kind readers. The main purpose of this book is to teach you the basic skills of health with minimum efforts, time and expenditure. It is upto you how much you can digest from the arbour of knowledge bestowed upon me by my Reverend preceptors.


Preface vii
Chapter 1: History of Reflexology and Accupressure 1-23
Reflexology V/s Accupressure V/s Ornaments V/s Mudra Vigyan V/s Vedic Knowledge. Yoga Chakras and five Basic Elements of the body in the hands.
Chapter 2: Reflexology-a Scientific View 24-46
Anallgesic Effects, Orientation of Nerve Fibers, Muscular Repreentation, Effect on Neurons and Synepsis , Pain Reflection Theory, Energy Succession and Transmission, Gate Channel Theory of Refexolgy and Accupressure.
Chapter 3: Theories of Applying Reflexology 47-64
Human Body and Five Elements and families, energy Circulation, Energy Succession, Releasing and Stablishing Fuses and related ailments Clockwise. Antclockwise, Neuraliser and Eletromagnetic Accupressure Techniques.
Chapter 4: Modern Methods of Reflexology 65-97
Applying Accupressure with Thumb, Jimmy, Accupoint Pen, Nerve Vibrator., AccuRoller, Accu-Ball, Pyramid; Plate , Magic Massager, Bead Roller Spine Roller Elbow.
Chapter 5: Principles Theories of Reflexology-Body Reflection Theory 98-123
Reflection of body parts Over -Front portion, Back portion, Visceral organs, Joints, Spinal Cord, Medulla, Face, Ear, Tong.
Chapter 6: Principles Theories of Reflexology-Reflection Centre Theory 124-144
(1) Colour Reflections, (2) Line Reflections, (3) Shape Reflections, (4) Tatwa Reflections, (5) 100 Point Reflection.
Chapter 7: Self Diagnosing Techniques 145-166
History of the Patient, Body Examinatio Inspection,: Refleions of Diasease Reflexion of Shaps, Conclusions, Treatment Process, Self Treatmnet Procedures.
Chapter 8: Treatment points of Relexology and Accupressure 167-234
Treatmet of various diseases. History back-ground and symptoms of the Holistic remedies and their uses.
Appendix 235-242
Bibliography 243-246

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